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Prostatitis doctor in bangkok?


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I would be interested to hear what the doctor/specialist says about your condition as I suffered from prostatitis for decades.


Another poster has suggested Flomax, and although it may help somewhat with prostatitis, it really is a medicine for BPH in the main.


So a report back after your visit would be most appreciated, if that's okay with you?


Good luck.

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I would be interested to hear what the doctor/specialist says about your condition as I suffered from prostatitis for decades.
Another poster has suggested Flomax, and although it may help somewhat with prostatitis, it really is a medicine for BPH in the main.
So a report back after your visit would be most appreciated, if that's okay with you?
Good luck.
Correct. Flomax is for BPH not prostatitis.

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Enlarged prostate is a weird thing.  There can be an indeteriminable cause (the most common), it can be from bacteria, it can come from cancer.  I seem to be in the indeterminable side of things.  I seem to have what is known as Chronic Prostatitis/ Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS), which again, is the most common, and very difficult to treat.  I've been struggling with this for awhile, and I'm ready to change doctors.  I already take a drug called alfusozin (which is similar to flomax, but works better, at least in my case).  There seem to be many procedures available when medication isn't a cure-all, I'll let you know how this thing goes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A visit to bumrungrad and 14000 baht later and now I am waiting on lab results.


I am essentially a urological mess.  I had hip operations done five years ago.  That messed up my pelvic floor muscles and things really haven't been the same since.  If you look up pelvic floor dysfunction, which is a horribly debilitating, crippling disease, usually caused my pelvic trauma, and then add prostatitis to that, thats pretty much where I'm at with this.  Sometimes I just think I'm done in life, just in general.


If this doctor does not have answers we are going to head to Delhi and if they are unable to help me there, then back to the USA when she has her visa, and to the Cleveland clinic.  I spend most of every day in bed and I am really miserable.  I mean I wasn't doing well as it was.  But the last hop back over to thailand, I guess it was sitting on the plane for 24 hours, really did me in.


What a situation to be in when you're just about to get married.  I wouldn't wish my health problems on my worst enemies.  A spinal condition and pelvic floor dysfunction and prostatitis to add to all that- pain in the 8s to 10s on a daily basis.  Life is not good.

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I'm in an even worse condition , complete blockage for nearly 3 weeks now.

About a weeks warning of things going wrong, then complete disaster.

No pain, no incontinence, no weeing a lot at night, no previous problems.

Went straight from no problems to one week hard to go to can't go at all.


Currently taking daily , Doxazosin 3mg, Firide Finasteride 5mg, Vocin 500mg Levofloxacin, Saw Palmetto 450mg x3.

In the hopes one of them will clear the problem (doctor at the hospital only provided the doxazosin).


Good luck with your search for relief/cure SenorJorge.


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There's good and bad news about your situation.


The good news is that it seems to have come on acutely and is therefor usually very treatable if it's an acute prostate infection.  Finish ALL of your prescribed antibiotics even if you start feeling better.  This is essential to prevent a second flareup.


The bad news is really two things.  If this fails to resolve, it could end up as chronic prostatitis, which is often very difficult or impossible to treat.  That is the boat I'm in now.  Also, you could have a stricture.  This means that an organism could have potentially narrowed your urethra.  You may want to ask for a test to check for this, for safety sake.


I am not a doctor but I have a medical background and I have been dealing with this issue for a long time.  Good luck.


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Just want to say thank you for posting this, as sometimes it feels like I’m alone in suffering with pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic discomfort/pain. I posted about my issues long ago on this forum and a lot of people think it’s all in my head. 


Im 27, for me it’s pelvic trauma related. Life was good, then had a bicycle accident on holiday, a nasty one, but didn’t break any bones or anything, bad impact right on my left pelvic area. Forward 6 months later I was having a night of sex in Thailand and one day later bam my ‘prostatitis’ symptoms started. Done semen culture, urine tests, blood tests, prostate exams, all normal. Been to chiropractors, Osteopaths, no help, saw a neurologist, misdiagnosed me, saw a physio therapist last year who actually helped slightly but my symptoms are still bad enough to make me miserable. I have a urologist appointment this month but doubt anything will come from it. 


I also have urination symptoms sometimes like frequent and painful urination so that’s why I have to see a urologist. 


Last year I quit my job and left England to Thailand with the intention of ending my life because of this, it really does mess with your head, I ended up losing my wallet and I decided to go back home. 


Anyway, good luck, hope you find a cure or treatment that helps, message me if you need a chat about anything. 

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8 hours ago, SenorJorge said:

It sounds like you have flares.  It's typical for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome sufferers to have these.  You're stressed out and your body releases toxins which aggravates your prostate which may or may not have bacteria in it. 


Sometimes patients have had bacteria in their prostate for so long that it actually develops stones or "prostatic calculi".  These leave the prostate permanently larger and inflamed.  This can happen in conjunction with benign prostatic hyperplasia which only aggravates a "normally" occuring issue. 


I've actually had a ct scan done on my prostate which revealed that it is 5 x 3.7 x 3.  That .7 may not sound like much, but it is enough to press on my urethra and cause me to strain every time I urinate.  This is to the point where I've developed bilateral inguinal hernias.


Air travel for some reason causes flares in me which normally end about two days or so after I arrive in Thailand.  This time this flare is just staying put.  I had a uti caused by urinary retention about two months ago and I think it set my already inflamed prostate into overload.  I was on doxycyline for a month and it's still so troublesome that I am unable to walk.


Heres what I am doing right now, and what I would recommend to you;


First thing;  find a urologist who is willing to do a culture of your prostate fluid.  Without doing this, just some generic antibiotic (like the one I was on, doxy) probably won't do you much good.  After doxy I was on a month of Bactrim which also isn't helping.  I'm hoping that this recent prostate fluid test will show exactly what I'm infected with, but I'm not sure.  Dr Viroj in Bangkok is doing a prostate fluid culture on me.  Aside from that, it seems that I don't have much option with him but antibiotics.  However antibiotics, the right antibiotics, cures about 60 percent of chronic prostatitis sufferers.  However, you may be discouraged to discover that your CPPS symptoms may remain.  That is because after the prostate infection is gone, you need to retrain the muscles.  They're sore and pissed off from years of straining and pain.


One very highly recommended urology guy is Dr Daniel Shoskes out of the Cleveland clinic in Ohio.  Basically you want to go to anyone who will start with a culture of your prostate fluid.  Anyone else won't be able to do much because they're swinging a baseball bat at a ball they can't even see, effectively.




Second thing;  get into physical therapy.  Find a male pelvic floor specialist who uses a tool called a therawand to apply gentle pressure on the trigger points in your pelvic floor.  This will release them and give you deep lasting relief and lasting comfort.  Also try biofeedback.  These two have been clinically studied with proven positive results.




These guys are probably the best in the world and I am headed there later this year myself.


Last thing, you need to get your head straight.  Find a psychologist who deals with chronic pain patients who is equipped to deal with your issues, help you relax and cope with your pain.


As far as medications go, the only thing that has helped me with this is marijuana (not available in thailand yet) and temazepam.  Without temazepam, I have to get up to urinate about 20 times a night.  With it, maybe three.  Some people believe in putting valium or baclofen in their bums but for me this just made it more difficult to urinate.  Alpha blockers like Flomax and alfuzosin also help some people, but we're of no effect to me.


I hope all of this helps you.  I'm not a doctor, I'm just an old mortician, and a patient.  I've gained all of this knowledge from years of torment.  I hope someone else can learn from it.



Thanks for the tips but I’ve read about all that stuff before, as I mentioned, I believe mine is caused by pelvic trauma, not an infection, even though my symptoms did start one day after a night of sex, it was protected sex. I’ve had the finger up the bum a few times and never felt any pain when the doctor felt my prostate and doctor never said my prostate felt Enlarged. 


I do indeed have flares, for me, exercise, certain physical activity, edging when masturbating, having sex 3 times or more in one day, riding a bicycle with the seat high up, all these can flare me up. 


Basically my pelvic structure is messed up, maybe I have a twisted pelvis or something, and my pubic bones are not right, physio therapist diagnosed me with mechanical issues with my pelvis. This was all caused by that bicycle fall. Pelvic floor release stretches can help a little bit. There isn’t a pelvic floor PT anywhere near me where I live unfortunately. 


Mental health is bad, I’m quiet, don’t talk much anymore, find it hard to fit in at work and be social, suicidal thoughts, can’t really get a girlfriend with this pelvic problem, I’ll probably be alone forever, can’t exercise, not really happy, future isn’t looking good. Not sure what will happen. 


Been living with this for almost 3 years. Sounds like yours is worse than mine, I’m not taking any medication, I can ride a bicycle to work providing the saddle is the lowest it can be, I can work, I only get up to pee at night around 2 to 3 times per night. Some days are worse than others, I’m not bed ridden, but my symptoms just suck, it makes life suck, I miss being a normal healthy human. 

Edited by Bonobojt
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NeoTract Announces Independent Analysis in UK Confirming Cost Effectiveness of UroLift® System Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

About the UroLift System

The FDA-cleared UroLift System is a proven, minimally invasive technology for treating lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The UroLift permanent implants, delivered during a minimally invasive transurethral outpatient procedure, relieve prostate obstruction and open the urethra directly without cutting, heating, or removing prostate tissue. Clinical data from a pivotal 206-patient randomized controlled study showed that patients with enlarged prostate receiving UroLift implants reported rapid and durable symptomatic and urinary flow rate improvement without compromising sexual function. Patients also experienced a significant improvement in quality of life. Nearly 60,000 men have been treated with the UroLift System in the U.S. Most common adverse events reported include hematuria, dysuria, micturition urgency, pelvic pain, and urge incontinence. Most symptoms were mild to moderate in severity and resolved within two to four weeks after the procedure. The UroLift System is available in the U.S., Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico and South Korea. Learn more at www.UroLift.com.

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6 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

Thanks for the tips but I’ve read about all that stuff before, as I mentioned, I believe mine is caused by pelvic trauma, not an infection, even though my symptoms did start one day after a night of sex, it was protected sex. I’ve had the finger up the bum a few times and never felt any pain when the doctor felt my prostate and doctor never said my prostate felt Enlarged. 


I do indeed have flares, for me, exercise, certain physical activity, edging when masturbating, having sex 3 times or more in one day, riding a bicycle with the seat high up, all these can flare me up. 


Basically my pelvic structure is messed up, maybe I have a twisted pelvis or something, and my pubic bones are not right, physio therapist diagnosed me with mechanical issues with my pelvis. This was all caused by that bicycle fall. Pelvic floor release stretches can help a little bit. There isn’t a pelvic floor PT anywhere near me where I live unfortunately. 


Mental health is bad, I’m quiet, don’t talk much anymore, find it hard to fit in at work and be social, suicidal thoughts, can’t really get a girlfriend with this pelvic problem, I’ll probably be alone forever, can’t exercise, not really happy, future isn’t looking good. Not sure what will happen. 


Been living with this for almost 3 years. Sounds like yours is worse than mine, I’m not taking any medication, I can ride a bicycle to work providing the saddle is the lowest it can be, I can work, I only get up to pee at night around 2 to 3 times per night. Some days are worse than others, I’m not bed ridden, but my symptoms just suck, it makes life suck, I miss being a normal healthy human. 

I would scale back or even forgo the bicycling.  Cycling is probably the worse exercise you can do with chronic pelvic pain syndrome.  Consider powerwalking  or calisthenics as an alternative modality of exercise.


Due to my severe spinal condition, polyathralgia, and cp/cpps, I am an invalid.  I spend most of every day in bed.  I am not in a nursing home because I can't afford it.  It's cheaper to have a thai lady to look after my needs.


Pt in California with the link I provided would only take six days.  They give you everything you need to start the exercises at home.  


A year ago I was urinating anywhere between 40-50 times daily.  Now I am urinating between 100-120 times daily.  My pelvic pain has gone from 5-6 on most days to. 9-10.  I don't live for myself anymore.  I live for others.  What would my parents and my wife do without me?


If I were you, I would do what I am doing, and invest in the weis-anderson protocol.  Good luck.

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1 hour ago, SenorJorge said:



Unfortunately, urolift is an approved procedure for benign prostatic hyperplasia, but not chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.  They're not the same animal.  

After reading many medical papers, I'm not convinced (many?) doctors can tell the difference between BPH and Prostatitis. My doctor certainly didn't do any tests before pronouncing BPH as my affliction.


And many papers suggest taking a course of antibiotics with or without bacteria in the urine.


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44 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

After reading many medical papers, I'm not convinced (many?) doctors can tell the difference between BPH and Prostatitis. My doctor certainly didn't do any tests before pronouncing BPH as my affliction.


And many papers suggest taking a course of antibiotics with or without bacteria in the urine.


The problem with putting a device that holds the urethra up and away from the prostate if it's caused by an infection is you will have continued pain and muscle dysfunction with voiding.  Bph is usually painless and just big.  If the bladder is painful its just because you aren't voiding the way that you should.  The only approved procedures for prostatitis are transurethral resection of the prostate (turp) and prostatectomy.  If you look at the side effect profiles of these procedures you can plainly see why you'd want to exhaust all other options first.  


If there's no bacteria in the urine that doesn't necessarily mean there's no bacteria in the prostate.  You need to massage the prostate and collect a prostatic fluid sample to get a culture of that bacteria, if any.  Some medications like Bactrim have a natural anti-inflammatory effect and if there's no infection some people say it still makes them feel better.  This hasn't been my experience.  Taking antibiotics for long periods of time can really mess up your gut health.  If you're going to be on antibiotics for a month or even three, as I have been, you really should be taking a daily probiotic.

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Pill taking is a waste of time,the prostate is a huge blood flowing  organ,think about 5 feeds.  All you can do is surgery,try laser,turps bit crude,  guess around 10 million here in Thailand,under 1000USD elsewhere   yes side effects but they vanish over time. You may have stenosis,now that is painful,put you on your knees in pain if shut down of flow too quickly,few 00  baht govt hosp put that right


Week or so after surgery ran out of the anti bacteria pills prescribed,penicillin or the others no good,only govt,hospital had them   Told to do a pee test before prescription,told the doc there would be blood in urine,so there was,never seen a Thai doctor move so fast  on drip in hospital for upwards of an hour,it does take a while for the scabs to fall off prostate after surgery,hence bleeding

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37 minutes ago, oxysong said:

Pill taking is a waste of time,the prostate is a huge blood flowing  organ,think about 5 feeds.  All you can do is surgery,try laser,turps bit crude,  guess around 10 million here in Thailand,under 1000USD elsewhere   yes side effects but they vanish over time. You may have stenosis,now that is painful,put you on your knees in pain if shut down of flow too quickly,few 00  baht govt hosp put that right


Week or so after surgery ran out of the anti bacteria pills prescribed,penicillin or the others no good,only govt,hospital had them   Told to do a pee test before prescription,told the doc there would be blood in urine,so there was,never seen a Thai doctor move so fast  on drip in hospital for upwards of an hour,it does take a while for the scabs to fall off prostate after surgery,hence bleeding

While prostatectomy will provide immediate relief of flow symptoms in patients with a true obstruction of their urethra by the prostate, I would be suspicious of any doctor who would commence a surgical procedue before first going though other treatment modalities, including antibiotics, alpha blockers, physical therapy, and natural remedies to the chronic prostatitis problem.  There's far too many surgeons out there trying to make a quick buck.  And I've regretted three surgeries I've had already.

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5 minutes ago, SenorJorge said:

While prostatectomy will provide immediate relief of flow symptoms in patients with a true obstruction of their urethra by the prostate, I would be suspicious of any doctor who would commence a surgical procedue before first going though other treatment modalities, including antibiotics, alpha blockers, physical therapy, and natural remedies to the chronic prostatitis problem.  There's far too many surgeons out there trying to make a quick buck.  And I've regretted three surgeries I've had already.

Have to agree if Thailand,they would hack away at anything,eventually arriving at your wallet.  Sent you PM ,try it.

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1 hour ago, SenorJorge said:

If there's no bacteria in the urine that doesn't necessarily mean there's no bacteria in the prostate.  You need to massage the prostate and collect a prostatic fluid sample to get a culture of that bacteria, if any.  Some medications like Bactrim have a natural anti-inflammatory effect and if there's no infection some people say it still makes them feel better.  This hasn't been my experience.  Taking antibiotics for long periods of time can really mess up your gut health.  If you're going to be on antibiotics for a month or even three, as I have been, you really should be taking a daily probiotic.

Various papers suggest Levofloxacin 500mg daily for 1 month, which is what I'm trying.

I usually have yogurt with live bacteria every day  along with Ginger tea lime and honey.

Zero gut problems 7 days in.


Actually the gut problems I've previously had have disappeared since the yogurt and ginger tea so no matter what other outcomes, I'll keep taking them.

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Various papers suggest Levofloxacin 500mg daily for 1 month, which is what I'm trying.

I usually have yogurt with live bacteria every day  along with Ginger tea lime and honey.

Zero gut problems 7 days in.


Actually the gut problems I've previously had have disappeared since the yogurt and ginger tea so no matter what other outcomes, I'll keep taking them.

I hope this is on the advice of a doctor.  Regardless, be careful with flouroquinalones.  If you notice any sudden joint pain, especially in your feet, ankles, or Achilles tendon areas, stop taking the drug immediately and seek medical attention.  I cannot take flouroquinalones because I had a reaction in my feet.  They're the main class of antibiotics used for prostatitis thesedays outside of penicillins and macrolides.  So it really puts a lot of people with preexisting joint issues in a pickel.  Good luck and seek good medical attention.  You don't want to end up like me in the long term.

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22 minutes ago, SenorJorge said:

I hope this is on the advice of a doctor.  Regardless, be careful with flouroquinalones.  If you notice any sudden joint pain, especially in your feet, ankles, or Achilles tendon areas, stop taking the drug immediately and seek medical attention.  I cannot take flouroquinalones because I had a reaction in my feet.  They're the main class of antibiotics used for prostatitis thesedays outside of penicillins and macrolides.  So it really puts a lot of people with preexisting joint issues in a pickel.  Good luck and seek good medical attention.  You don't want to end up like me in the long term.

I've had cipro a few times with no torn tendons.

6 days into Levo and no negatives so far.


Doctor only advised Doxazosin, not convinced he was entirely competent as he prescribed immediately with no tests at all. 

I'm now taking the full range a western doctor treating the condition would give.

No prescription required, just bought at the local pharmacy.


No point on hanging back, I'd rather be dead that live like this, so cure or die.

If it doesn't work in a month, it'll fly home or fly from an upper balcony.

I have absolutely no intention as living as a sick old man.

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I usually have yogurt with live bacteria every day  along with Ginger tea lime and honey.

Zero gut problems 7 days in.


My comment is not directly-related to the topic of this thread, but I drink ginger tea and live kefir yogurt every day, simply as part of a healthy diet for my gut.  Never have any gut problems ????

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On 5/10/2019 at 10:40 AM, oxysong said:

Have to agree if Thailand,they would hack away at anything,eventually arriving at your wallet.  Sent you PM ,try it.

Yeah I got your pm and right now I am in an emergency situation with this.  I'm trying to work out a visa to the us because it's really not a good idea for either of us to be alone.  I had a complete physical collapse on the last flight and the house was burglarised last week.  India is our second line option.  I really want the docs at the Cleveland clinic to handle this.

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33 minutes ago, SenorJorge said:

Yeah I got your pm and right now I am in an emergency situation with this.  I'm trying to work out a visa to the us because it's really not a good idea for either of us to be alone.  I had a complete physical collapse on the last flight and the house was burglarised last week.  India is our second line option.  I really want the docs at the Cleveland clinic to handle this.

Sorry to hear that, you're not having much luck lately.

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If you cannot empty the bladder properly,urine backs up,creating bacteria.  you did a size test on the prostate,no idea,usually they do a weight test by ultrasound ...mine according to surgeons was a near world record 140 grammes (to them it was) never operated on anything so big,did a delay in operation while every surgeon from miles around gathered,yes,dozens of them looking through the wired camera, had big problems

    You can take all the pills,drink all the tea in China,not going to do a damned bit of good,you need surgery,no big deal,cheap enough,can recommend a place, but if you have insurance  OK,go back to USA

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3 minutes ago, oxysong said:

You can take all the pills,drink all the tea in China,not going to do a damned bit of good,you need surgery,no big deal,cheap enough,can recommend a place, 

Where and what, and how much?

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