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reporting after staying at a hotel in another province???

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You've already stated that the lease isn't in your name so no problem breaking it. If the landlord refuses to transfer the lease to your name and co operate in completing a TM28/TM30, which would solve all your problems, just find somewhere else.


Some landlords appear not to like having anything to do with immigration as the assume that the information may be disseminated to other government departments and they will be prosecuted for tax evasion as many/most don't pay tax on their rental incomes.

What the hell are you smoking?


My lease is in my name, you are mixing me up with another guy in here.


Move somewhere and lose yout security deposit, yeah right.... I can pay that fine a hundred times from that money alone.


Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk




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29 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:

What the hell are you smoking?


My lease is in my name, you are mixing me up with another guy in here.


Move somewhere and lose yout security deposit, yeah right.... I can pay that fine a hundred times from that money alone.


Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk




Yes. Must've got you confused with someone else. Whether you stick to the tenet of your lease or not, you always have problems getting your deposit returned. TiT.

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