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Sore Throat


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my throat hurts a lot, what does not bother me during the day, but cause me to not sleep in the night.

I have that very rarely (the last time must be years ago) and normally it gets good on itself.

This time I have also some infections on my skin, they are all on the way to get good and react well on a antibiotic cream. At the moment every little scratch like to get infected. I know I got some bacteria on my skin.

But all these things are getting better at the moment.

Just the last 2 nights I didn't sleep much due to the pain in my throat. The only solution from the pharmacy and most probably from the doctor as well are strong antibiotics + tablets for removing the mucus (my lung is in perfect condition, as well my nose).

What is used here to gurgle (gargle? not sure for the correct english word) to help a little bit?

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I have always used salt water, a teaspoon of salt to a half glass of warm water, to gargle with when I have a sore throat. Every hour or so. It really works well. The salt draws out the inflamation and whatever is irritating the throat. Warmth of the water relaxes the tension and should work right away.

Yes it is superficial in effect so if you have a deep seated infection subcutaneously, antibiotics are needed.

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Honey and lemon (or lime) would soothe your throat, but obviously not treat the underlying problem. I think you should go to the doctor and get sorted out properly, it sounds as if you are (to use a phrase my mother loved) run down.

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I have always used salt water, a teaspoon of salt to a half glass of warm water, to gargle with when I have a sore throat. Every hour or so. It really works well. The salt draws out the inflamation and whatever is irritating the throat. Warmth of the water relaxes the tension and should work right away.

Yes it is superficial in effect so if you have a deep seated infection subcutaneously, antibiotics are needed.

Will try that....

Actually everything started with a contact with a small frog (I posted that in the joke board). I had an open wound on my foot, most probably an insect sat there and than a small frog ate it and thouch with its tong my open wound (at least I think it happend that way, I just felt the pain and a frog jumping away.

a few days later I thought my small toe (which had also a small wound) is fouling away. But it reacted well on antibiotic creme. than more and more spots on my skin got infected. A small scratch and I got a big problem. Now almost every problem is getting smaller just the throat is a new thing, either also caused by that or because my defense is a bit weak.

will try your salt water and hope I can avoid using antibiotics.

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For sore throat try to drink lots of warm fluids (e.g. tea, herbal tea). It helps to relive pain in the throat and clear up the infection.

than more and more spots on my skin got infected. A small scratch and I got a big problem.

If the new scratches continue to get infected you may need the treatment with systemic antibiotic.

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Zinc throat lozenges work wonders on sore throats but I have not seen them in Thailand. I brought mine from the US.

You can, however, get zinc tablets in Thailand. Try taking one and then either gargling with one that was crushed and dissolved in water or, if you can stand the taste, suck it like a lozenge. The idea is to get it into direct contact with the inflamed throat membranes. Systemic zinc supplmentation (taking it as a pill) helps some but not as much as direct application of zinc to the throat.

If there is also fever and swollen lymph nodes (glands) them antibiotic is indicated.

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Zinc throat lozenges work wonders on sore throats but I have not seen them in Thailand. I brought mine from the US.

You can, however, get zinc tablets in Thailand. Try taking one and then either gargling with one that was crushed and dissolved in water or, if you can stand the taste, suck it like a lozenge. The idea is to get it into direct contact with the inflamed throat membranes. Systemic zinc supplmentation (taking it as a pill) helps some but not as much as direct application of zinc to the throat.

If there is also fever and swollen lymph nodes (glands) them antibiotic is indicated.

never heared of that.

that salt water idea helped a lot. Actually always when I pass the fridge I drank a bit coke., and than gargle with salt water, say ever 30-60 min.

Now it much better, even slept a few hours without problems.

Actually I have swollen lymph nodes, they also hurt a little bit and yesterday I spit some blood. But as I tell now it is much better and if it continues getting better like that I am good in a few days.

karenben "If the new scratches continue to get infected you may need the treatment with systemic antibiotic."

Had something simillar when I was a child and they put me in the bath with KMnO4, but neither I have a place where I can put my complete body in, nor I could find that chemical in the pharmacy yet.

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I've often gotten sore throat after a few days in Chiang Mai. The old town / night market area air quality is terrible. Street dust + tuk tuk /motorcycle exhaust mix and stagnate. Now with the government issuing pollution alerts for that area, I see its not just me. Apparently the surrounding mountains trap the bad air simliar to what happens in Los Angeles, CA.

I'm planning to move to Bangkok from the US soon. Hope I'm not too bothered there.

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actually, if your spitting blood then you should definitely get to see the doc soon, maybe you can ask dr Pat pong for his advice on the matter? good luck and get well soon mate.

regards KD :o

well the blood came from the throat not from the lung.

that gargle with salt did help a lot and I think I slept from yesterday 9 pm to today 8 am.

Actually the doc would give me antibiotics. For that I don't need to see one, I can buy myself.

anyway today a lot better.....

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I've often gotten sore throat after a few days in Chiang Mai. The old town / night market area air quality is terrible. Street dust + tuk tuk /motorcycle exhaust mix and stagnate. Now with the government issuing pollution alerts for that area, I see its not just me. Apparently the surrounding mountains trap the bad air simliar to what happens in Los Angeles, CA.

I'm planning to move to Bangkok from the US soon. Hope I'm not too bothered there.

Both my father and my wife always get small problems in Bangkok.....

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Just go to the hospital and get a swab taken. Couple of days to wait for the result of MC+S and you'll have the correct ones. If you jsut go and buy some ab's over the counter you could be giving yourself the wrong ones.

Go on, you know you're worth it!

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Just go to the hospital and get a swab taken. Couple of days to wait for the result of MC+S and you'll have the correct ones. If you jsut go and buy some ab's over the counter you could be giving yourself the wrong ones.

Go on, you know you're worth it!

you don't honestly think anyone is making that. Every doc/hospital just gives you the most common antibiotics. If it does not help they give you a different one. Noone is checking is making a antibioticgram (not sure correct word in english), also not in europe. To much hasle.

Take the antibiotics, if not working different ones, as long as it isn't a very serious case.

I recall when I was in the hospital because I am allergic to so something (problem with my nose). They just gave me 3 different kind of tablets (mostly antihistamin) and when I told that I would like to know I am allergic to what, they told me that to test that is pointless as the tablets help in any case and it was one of the most expensive hospital in BKK.

In Austria my mother got antibiotic tablets which only work in the throat, they don't go into the body, you just keep them all the time in the mouth like sweets. But couldn't recall the name. Anyway it is getting better now and I think in 3-4 days it is good without any antibiotics.

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Actually I have swollen lymph nodes, they also hurt a little bit and yesterday I spit some blood. But as I tell now it is much better and if it continues getting better like that I am good in a few days.

These symptoms suggest that there is a bacterial infection present. I am not sure what your reason for wanting to avoid antibiotics is but you should be aware that if it is a streptococcal throat infection, which it may well be, even though the sore throat will resolve you can develop chronic heart or kidney problems as a result (same is true of streptococcal skin infections). These are very serious conditions and you would do well to go ahead and take antibiotics. A single injection of a long acting penicillin (if you are not allergic) by a doctor will protect against the heart and kidney complications. Otherwise if you are set against seeing a doctor, and have no known allergies to antibiotics, then take amoxicillin 500 mg three times a day for a week. I understand your point about most doctors just giving antibiotics without a culture and it is true, but leaving a bacterial throat infection to resolve on its own could result in a lifetime of chronic health problems (glomerulonephritis, damage to heart valves etc) which home remedies will not help.... and you'll wind up seeing a hel_l of a lot of doctors and modern medicine which could have been avoided. Take care.

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1. Go to the doctor

2. DEMAND a throat culture- before receiving ANY antibiotics (if you take the antibiotics first, it may interfere with a proper culture).

3. Go on an antibiotic then and wait for throat culture results.

4. If the throat culture indicates another antibiotic then take that one.

Maybe it's just me, but blood coming out of my throat would be a big red "go to the doctor" sign.

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