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Amway have a "retail" outlet in the basement of Zeer Rangsit (?). Distributors can go and checkout the latest and dearest, and, pick them up if they want too. It was the first time I saw this setup.

I would not touch anything but their base line laundry and kitchen chemicals. It is so hard to find someone that actually wants to sell the stuff to you, they are all off on a different cloud "building the business" :o

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Amways products are very good, but also very expensive. I use Amway whenever I can actually afford it.

However, their methods of product sale and distribution are indeed a pyramid scheme. Unless you have a gift for selling and a real passion for it, don't waste your time. You'll have to work way to hard to earn enough money to make the effort worth it.

the true test of a pyramid scheme is it plays out quickly. Amway like many other MLM marketing schemes has passed the test of time for even the most critical eye. They are an American based company and where i do not subscribe to their products I do believe that they offer the average person who desires more earnings the real opportunity to become wealthy. Many people who can not sell will call this type of selling a scam but lets not belittle hard work because it is only those few who truley work hard that succeeed.

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Amways products are very good, but also very expensive. I use Amway whenever I can actually afford it.

However, their methods of product sale and distribution are indeed a pyramid scheme. Unless you have a gift for selling and a real passion for it, don't waste your time. You'll have to work way to hard to earn enough money to make the effort worth it.

the true test of a pyramid scheme is it plays out quickly. Amway like many other MLM marketing schemes has passed the test of time for even the most critical eye. They are an American based company and where i do not subscribe to their products I do believe that they offer the average person who desires more earnings the real opportunity to become wealthy. Many people who can not sell will call this type of selling a scam but lets not belittle hard work because it is only those few who truley work hard that succeeed.

sorry m,ate but you are spouting rubbish. I worked fro a MLM as the IT mnger (the word is banned here) and I specced the system. Its <deleted> - hard work - all these guys have never done a days work in their lives. Salesmen 555555555

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Amways products are very good, but also very expensive. I use Amway whenever I can actually afford it.

However, their methods of product sale and distribution are indeed a pyramid scheme. Unless you have a gift for selling and a real passion for it, don't waste your time. You'll have to work way to hard to earn enough money to make the effort worth it.

the true test of a pyramid scheme is it plays out quickly. Amway like many other MLM marketing schemes has passed the test of time for even the most critical eye. They are an American based company and where i do not subscribe to their products I do believe that they offer the average person who desires more earnings the real opportunity to become wealthy. Many people who can not sell will call this type of selling a scam but lets not belittle hard work because it is only those few who truley work hard that succeeed.

sorry m,ate but you are spouting rubbish. I worked fro a MLM as the IT mnger (the word is banned here) and I specced the system. Its <deleted> - hard work - all these guys have never done a days work in their lives. Salesmen 555555555

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I would not touch anything but their base line laundry and kitchen chemicals. It is so hard to find someone that actually wants to sell the stuff to you, they are all off on a different cloud "building the business"
Same as it ever was, in 1967 and in 1973. Amway only made one product we had any use for, a car cleaning liquid. When someone told me they were in Amway, I'd reply, "Good, bring two bottles of XX car wash liquid to my house tonight, and I'll pay you." Nobody ever wanted to sell me anything

And, you should see the tax return claims made by Amway distributors! I finally asked one of them, during my audit of their tax return, "Sir, you and your wife both have master's degrees in other fields, and you're telling me that you each spent 14 hours per week all year, so that you could lose $19,000? I don't think you're that stupid." :D

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I do believe that they offer the average person who desires more earnings the real opportunity to become wealthy. Many people who can not sell will call this type of selling a scam but lets not belittle hard work because it is only those few who truley work hard that succeeed.

Have you been vaccinated with Amway serum? There will always be people who earn money in all types of sales. 85% of sales commissions is earned by 5% of the sales force that means that 95% are running round for the remaining 15%. "Two years ago, I was living in a trailer park in Podunk, Iowa - just look at me now! I now own a 45 room mansion, a Lexus, a Porsche and I have just ordered a private jet - so if I, Billy Joe Bob from Podunk, Iowa, can do it then so can you." So you give Amway your joining fee (searched the 'net but cannot find how much it is), spend hours perfecting your spiel, getting friends and family to buy and waiting for that 'big' commission cheque - meanwhile in Podunk, Iowa, what is Billy Joe Bob doing? Do you think he is driving around Podunk in his Lexus with his sales kit in the boot?

There are a few who will make money from Amway and similar schemes and that is with a combination of work and luck. Not having much success with Amway and want to leave? "You're going through a bad patch, Billy Joe Bob is in your town, next week. I'll get him to come round and talk to you."

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I worked evenings at the NCO club with famous Charlie, an airman who became a double deluxe diamond dippity-doo-daa Amway distributor, complete with mansions. Joe, who sponsored him, another bartender, sponsored me. Charlie was like Billy Joe Bob (you never would have guessed it, though). Joe and I were left with our govt. pensions, and Charlie offered to bribe the squadron commander to get out early.

99.9% of the people in the world (and most who are in Amway) are not famous Charlies. And they don't sell soap. C'mon, who goes door to door selling soap - illegal Burmese hill tribe workers?

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my favourite bit is always the pitch...it goes pretty much like:

' don't you wish you worked for yourself and had financial independence'


'but 95% of businesses started by individuals go bankrupt...'


'what we have is a system that will make you rich, if you just follow the system'


'we have doctors and lawyers'

so it must be good. No risk, proven, and you get independence. Brilliant. Gee Bill Gates, those google morons and the idiot that invented Youtube need their heads read. <deleted> bozos, they could have been hanging out with doctors and lawyers.....

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Another option is doing the same thing and calling it something else.... like Herba Life, NuSkin, or Giffarine. Best spot on a pyramid is right at the top.


Giffarine seems to be flavour of the month and spreading fast in my area.

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Weren't Amway made illegal in the UK...something to do with their pyramidal selling techniques and the toxic nature of their products....I once bought a metal cleaner off them that was basically just acid in a paste. I would be highly suspicioyus of the company that has had poor business reutation in the west and now turns up in unsupecting, unregulated Thailand. THey have a depot between Bang Saen and Chonburi if anyone wants to go and picket the place!

their recruitment methods and organisation a quite spooky verging on those used by weird religious cults

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It's a bit like selling life insurance, once you've roped in all your friends and relatives it's hard. I joined after a lot of drinks to help an old friend get started but refused to buy the "start" package costing nearly 400€. Can't say I regret it, I've never canvassed or bought or sold any of their stuff and aside from answering phone queries from new joiners now and then and signing people up I have nothing to do with Amway. Their prices are right off the wall. But my friend seems to be doing okay and I get a little commission every month so somebody is out there running their tails off making commission for us. The rules are supposedly very tight and you're forbidden to sell other than through the company channels but I notice on the German ebay many people are auctioning off their cellar full of "start" packages that they'll never need.

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Amyway - forget it - stay away from it -far away from it. I read all of the post on this thread and I am experienced with Amyway. I can only say to you again - forget it - stay away from it - far away from it...

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