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Why Are Most Of You Afraid Of Telling You Age,sex And Other Things?


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Thanks for your feedback, NOW TELL me about your drug use? :bah: There is a clown,sorry kayo, that is asking this and he will keep it under wraps.....huuummm, you can talk with him on the Samui sub-forum!!! :D

ASS for this thread, its :o for :D

Is okay, if it were me, then clown should be spelt with a K. ;)

I dont care. My info is there and also my picture. Since i have met many from TV then they know what i look like anyway. So need to hide.

Out of curiosity,

I wonder how many people looked at your profile after reading the above ???? :bah:

By the way, Nice Striped top you are wearing in you picture :D



555. Nice Shades man! I dig them deeply! :D

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im not afraid to tell you mr gens so let me fire this one your way,

im a 39 year old :o , english gentleman of the cloth. ( a reverend to be precise :D ).

i like shandies , towers of parish wine, alter bread, pie floaters, and respect soi dogs.

my parish is located in rambuttri street, i have many dedicated followers and the flock is growing at an amazing rate.

i also have a dedicated assistant named " DAVID J TAYLER" who has some very talented friends called the "katoey ten" who draw many followers to my church. :D

anyway MR jens, we have a special on this week where the believers will receive pizza instead of alter bread, so you are welcome to attend.

apparently the worshippers are getting very hungary after indulging in the towers of alter wine. :bah::D

Do they sell waders or hip boots and shovels in thailand

thank you very much. :D

the good reverend terence.

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im not afraid to tell you mr gens so let me fire this one your way,

im a 39 year old :o , english gentleman of the cloth. ( a reverend to be precise :D ).

i like shandies , towers of parish wine, alter bread, pie floaters, and respect soi dogs.

my parish is located in rambuttri street, i have many dedicated followers and the flock is growing at an amazing rate.

i also have a dedicated assistant named " DAVID J TAYLER" who has some very talented friends called the "katoey ten" who draw many followers to my church. :D

anyway MR jens, we have a special on this week where the believers will receive pizza instead of alter bread, so you are welcome to attend.

apparently the worshippers are getting very hungary after indulging in the towers of alter wine. :bah::D

Do they sell waders or hip boots and shovels in thailand

thank you very much. :D

the good reverend terence.

'rken, what is your point???????....

Edited by SamuiJens
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I'd never considered giving details in a profile. This is the internet after all. But, for those who care, I'm 42, male, English (although also have an NZ passport), and I sometimes allow my desire to make a smartarse quip get the better of me.

I feel very ashamed about that.

So, for the esteemed member who has sent me PMs threatening to beat me up for highlighting his ignorance to the world when he would have preferred to keep it hidden, I can be found in Silom during the day and in Sukhumvit at night.

For a Leeds fan, you're quality. :o

I dont care. My info is there and also my picture. Since i have met many from TV then they know what i look like anyway. So need to hide.

Yes mate, agreed.... :D


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  • 2 months later...
I notice that the 30+( which I'm part of) don't fill out a word about themselves. Are you so afraid you neigbor wil think, crikities, it's my neigbor! Please fill at least your sex your age and where you're from and whatever else you feel like. NO one will know who you are unless you tell them. It's so irretating reading a good post and checking the guys profile, you discover there is none. I wonder WHY? :o:D:D:D :ph34r:it's like never knowing anything about the Beatles or somthing like that.

I agree with your comment...Cheer up!!

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I notice that the 30+( which I'm part of) don't fill out a word about themselves. Are you so afraid you neigbor wil think, crikities, it's my neigbor! Please fill at least your sex your age and where you're from and whatever else you feel like. NO one will know who you are unless you tell them. It's so irretating reading a good post and checking the guys profile, you discover there is none. I wonder WHY? :D:D:D:D :ph34r:it's like never knowing anything about the Beatles or somthing like that.

I agree with your comment...Cheer up!!

Why not just send a PM, sainarm? The profiles are pretty scanty anyway. :o

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I notice that the 30+( which I'm part of) don't fill out a word about themselves. Are you so afraid you neigbor wil think, crikities, it's my neigbor! Please fill at least your sex your age and where you're from and whatever else you feel like. NO one will know who you are unless you tell them. It's so irretating reading a good post and checking the guys profile, you discover there is none. I wonder WHY? :o:D :D :D :ph34r:it's like never knowing anything about the Beatles or somthing like that.

I guess that's the key phrase.

Can I have some of what he's smoking?

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I am pretty confused in this stuff...apparently I am 54

I my mind I feel fresh like a lettuce of the Emporium's market.....in my soul I am the same romantic I was when 19 years old.....

When I am with a youngest white person I notice that my canella skin look quite much youngest than them….so I feel as young as them

When I am with a young girl I feel far younger than I really are, until I cross over a mirror, then I feel quite old.

When we disagree with my children, they tell me that I am an old fart, and when we agree, they say to me……

No!, actually they say nothing about my age….

When I loose weight I gain a couple of hours, and when I am shaved and dress nicely I look 2-3 days youngest...

So I am confused…no other reason to hide my age

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I'm undersized, bald, old and ugly and chronically potless. Now who on earth would be interested in my details? Even I'm not interested.

Your quite right...now I understand why thai girls never ask my age! :o:D:D

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I think a lot of people don't want you to realise who they really are, for various reasons. Do you really want to know how many 14-15 year olds are posting here (pretending to be much older) ? While most people are (generally) honest, there are a lot that wouldn't post true information anyways.

I saw a pic that was sent through the email a couple of days ago. Large (overweight) guy, straggly long hair, glasses, ect.

His t-shirt read: "I'm the 15 year old girl you were chatting online with last night"

These places are too anonymous to be giving out too much personal information. Save that for the face-to-face meetings at the various events (Piss-Ups) ! :o

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I think a lot of people don't want you to realise who they really are, for various reasons. Do you really want to know how many 14-15 year olds are posting here (pretending to be much older) ? While most people are (generally) honest, there are a lot that wouldn't post true information anyways.

I saw a pic that was sent through the email a couple of days ago. Large (overweight) guy, straggly long hair, glasses, ect.

His t-shirt read: "I'm the 15 year old girl you were chatting online with last night"

These places are too anonymous to be giving out too much personal information. Save that for the face-to-face meetings at the various events (Piss-Ups) ! :D

Hey KD, wonderful idea. I can picture it now.

TV New Years masked ball. Small voice from the region of your navel.

"Hi babe, wanna boogie?"

"Oh, hallo little ugly old man with acne and a lisp, you must be qwertz"

"No hon, I'm Rambo, and your luck just changed for the better. Word of warning, you're in for the trip of your life but no fees either way, okay? "

"But where's that super intelligent qwertz I've been dying to meet?"

"Qwertz? Oh, that's the big good looking guy over there quoting Shakespeare and drinking buttermilk, you wouldn't like him though, he'll offer to pay you and treat you like a lady" :o

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im not afraid to tell you mr gens so let me fire this one your way,

im a 39 year old :o , english gentleman of the cloth. ( a reverend to be precise :D ).

i like shandies , towers of parish wine, alter bread, pie floaters, and respect soi dogs.

my parish is located in rambuttri street, i have many dedicated followers and the flock is growing at an amazing rate.

i also have a dedicated assistant named " DAVID J TAYLER" who has some very talented friends called the "katoey ten" who draw many followers to my church. :D

anyway MR jens, we have a special on this week where the believers will receive pizza instead of alter bread, so you are welcome to attend.

apparently the worshippers are getting very hungary after indulging in the towers of alter wine. :bah::D

Do they sell waders or hip boots and shovels in thailand

thank you very much. :D

the good reverend terence.

'rken, what is your point???????....

I think his point is - Who could care less?

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32 years old

singapore citizen

chinese female

divorced with no kids

eldest in the family of 5 plus 2 stepfamily in thailand

rides motorcycles, did ipsc a bit, reads trashy novels & magazines, decently understood in 3 languages, drinks vsop, beer, wine & eats anything that is edible.

short fat ugly with terrible hair to boot.

dead broke, seriously looking to die young fast and furious (that last bit still need a lot more work.)

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Why some of us don't post our age, sex, and other things.....


For all we know, this could be the real BAMBINA!! (sorry Bambina). :D

Well ,toptuan, we now know what you look like, and to be honest, wish you had not shared so freely.

Thought this thread died a long time ago! :o

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I dont care. My info is there and also my picture. Since i have met many from TV then they know what i look like anyway. So need to hide.

Yep, its hard for a man who wanders around in a skirt to be anonymous Jock.

Hope your working on your ozzy drawl mate. :o

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I notice that the 30+( which I'm part of) don't fill out a word about themselves. Are you so afraid you neigbor wil think, crikities, it's my neigbor! Please fill at least your sex your age and where you're from and whatever else you feel like. NO one will know who you are unless you tell them. It's so irretating reading a good post and checking the guys profile, you discover there is none. I wonder WHY? :o:D :D :D :ph34r:it's like never knowing anything about the Beatles or somthing like that.

good post. as for me i was just too lazy,however i will update my profile now you have prompted,maybe next week.

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If the OP hasn't checked mine, my posts were obviously not to his liking.

C'est la vie.

All/most ppl's posts at one time or another will hit someone out there and you wonder if this a dude/chick and there general age and the country they come from, qwertz, and I wasn't referring to ALL ppl, just the one's that don't have these 3 main elements. And if some add or not other things, I understand. It's a jungle out there and I usually hang on the Samui sub-topic and when I have time I check other topics.

That was my meaning with this thread, but I understand many ppl's posts on unamitie ! Wasn't meant to tell you address or sh't like that, just the basics!

Hope you understand me? If not C'est la vie.

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I understand. I have nothing to hide, unlike all the others. :o

Well, you're one of a kind, if there really is nothing you have to hide. I have things I don't really want some ppl to know, I feel we all do, at least things you might have forgotten. If not you should work in the banks, government and other such places, that need ppl with a clean record! :D And good for you!

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I do interpreting work for all of them at one time or another.

I have to be cleared for handling classified and protected data, up to and including witness protection programmes.

The Germans are very thorough, I even had to give them permission to run a background check with the UK police before I was allowed to teach here.

So my biography is colourful but clean, apart from a couple of minor teenage misdemeanours.

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