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I run two companies in Thailand, not because I need the income, rather because it gives me something to do with my time.

Both my companies are making money, which is great, a bonus, but that’s not the reason for my input, I simply get bored sat at home playing games on the PC, I need something to do during the day. Don't get me wrong I love travelling, but have already spent three years touring Thailand (and want to do some thing constructive) so I thought I should do something other than driving for the sake of driving.

I don't speak Thai, the only reason is because I'm lazy, All I can do is order a beer, whisky, food and as many women as I can handle in Thai, but the fact is I'm married, so women don't matter to me........ well, at least not at this point.

However, I do find it so frustrating to organise our contracts, because I don't speak Thai, I can't go out in to the field and gee it up so to speak, so I have to rely on my staff, and they do speak English, so when I ask them to organise and prepare I always get the same answer, "the main contractor won't commit because the contract can't be done, even though, "X" amount has been committed to the job (normally a government contract). So of course the money has gone under the table, which is great if your the one receiving, but as a Sub-contractor trying to do the job properly so it lasts for at least fifty years it become some what of a problem.

The question is who else is confronted with this and how do you cope with corruption?

As an example, I was in a meeting with a official regarding a contract to rebuild fourteen bridges, twenty Km of road and a dam, not so long ago, in the meeting I was told, to be awarded the contract I would need to pay the sum of ten million Baht, which after a bottle of whisky and feeling a bit under the weather we got the sum down to one million baht, great I thought game on, then all the rest of the officials came out of the wood work and started quoting their percentage, so of course I ask all the other company’s involved about percentages and they are telling me this one is good, we don’t have to loose too much money to corruption……….??????????????????????????

So next time you wonder about flooding because a dam has broke, or you need to take another road because the bridge is out, wonder why…….

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Come on vic, this is not a joke, as a contracter with morals, I want to do a good job, not just take the bloody money and run like most of the companys I deal with, and need I ad, I don't need the money.

But I do want a good job done, I for one am fed up with cheap work because the white collers have creamed the top off of it.


Negative consequences seem to have little effect on Thais, or asians in general. As you've probably noticed with staff, making someone lose face is never a good thing, but if you can make someone look good it pays off many times.

Borrowing loosely from that, would it be better for you to find someone skilled at working around such monkey business and pay them handsomely for it? By the sounds of it, it's the principal of it all that's bothering you. If it costs you money still but you're now into a position that is easier on your sense of ethics, is it worth it to you?

Getting back to my last reply, it's not all tongue in cheek. The paying of rewards to speed things along goes back into the mists of time in Asia, and you'll never be able to avoid it altogether. If you can accept that it's just part of doing business here, and can reward someone else for keeping it from being abused then you may have a compromise that works. It allows you to at least say you are getting the job done and at the same time fighting back against something you see as wrong by paying someone for a positive thing, rather than giving in to a perceived negative.


Ok vic, I understand what you are saying, and indeed, palming it off so to speak is not so alien to me, hence my early age of retirement, however I do understand the system in Asia as a whole and Thailand in particular, but what totally does my mind is that after all the greasing of the works so to speak, the original fund ends up not being sufficient to complete the job adequately, hence we always end up with jobs (airport for one) that are sub standard, and as a Farang perfectionist it does (want to use three simple words) extract the urine...... I know for a fact that my company will always be busy, simply because we will be rebuilding the sub standard job other companies completed last year after flood damage, until corruption ends, my company for one will always be busy.


Ya know, if I were a Farang living in Thailand who did not speak any Thai and who did not need the money, I most certainly would not be operating a construction company that was taking away road contracts from a Thai owned construction company. You have been most fortunate if your only concern so far is paying out a little tea money.

Ya know, if I were a Farang living in Thailand who did not speak any Thai and who did not need the money, I most certainly would not be operating a construction company that was taking away road contracts from a Thai owned construction company. You have been most fortunate if your only concern so far is paying out a little tea money.

I think your a little bit paranoid, I'm not, my interest are with my family, and they sure aren’t the type that would F you over, Thailand is a big country, don't think that all the storeys you hear are true for the whole country :o

And why do you think I am such a target, just because I'm not fluent? Do you think I don't have high powered friend that are Thai and speak English??


I fully understand where you are coming from, but I fear there is little you can do about it. Thais are not well known for looking to the future and how this will affect them, let alone other people. It is one of the reasons why thailand will always be a third world country

and indeed, palming it off so to speak is not so alien to me, hence my early age of retirement,

then you really can not complain when YOU are asked for a backhander.

whats good for the goose .........

I run two companies in Thailand, not because I need the income, rather because it gives me something to do with my time.

Both my companies are making money, which is great, a bonus, but that’s not the reason for my input, I simply get bored sat at home playing games on the PC, I need something to do during the day. Don't get me wrong I love travelling, but have already spent three years touring Thailand (and want to do some thing constructive) so I thought I should do something other than driving for the sake of driving.

I don't speak Thai, the only reason is because I'm lazy, All I can do is order a beer, whisky, food and as many women as I can handle in Thai, but the fact is I'm married, so women don't matter to me........ well, at least not at this point.

However, I do find it so frustrating to organise our contracts, because I don't speak Thai, I can't go out in to the field and gee it up so to speak, so I have to rely on my staff, and they do speak English, so when I ask them to organise and prepare I always get the same answer, "the main contractor won't commit because the contract can't be done, even though, "X" amount has been committed to the job (normally a government contract). So of course the money has gone under the table, which is great if your the one receiving, but as a Sub-contractor trying to do the job properly so it lasts for at least fifty years it become some what of a problem.

The question is who else is confronted with this and how do you cope with corruption?

As an example, I was in a meeting with a official regarding a contract to rebuild fourteen bridges, twenty Km of road and a dam, not so long ago, in the meeting I was told, to be awarded the contract I would need to pay the sum of ten million Baht, which after a bottle of whisky and feeling a bit under the weather we got the sum down to one million baht, great I thought game on, then all the rest of the officials came out of the wood work and started quoting their percentage, so of course I ask all the other company’s involved about percentages and they are telling me this one is good, we don’t have to loose too much money to corruption……….??????????????????????????

So next time you wonder about flooding because a dam has broke, or you need to take another road because the bridge is out, wonder why…….

I am a brit who has been here for 20 years and a fluent Thai speaker if you are looking for a reliable person to emloy

PM Me if so

Ya know, if I were a Farang living in Thailand who did not speak any Thai and who did not need the money, I most certainly would not be operating a construction company that was taking away road contracts from a Thai owned construction company. You have been most fortunate if your only concern so far is paying out a little tea money.

I think your a little bit paranoid, I'm not, my interest are with my family, and they sure aren’t the type that would F you over, Thailand is a big country, don't think that all the storeys you hear are true for the whole country :D

And why do you think I am such a target, just because I'm not fluent? Do you think I don't have high powered friend that are Thai and speak English??

Good on you Solent01 !

I have a lot of respect for people who are trying to do or set up -a- business in another country, even when they don't speak the language, whereever and whenever.

I did it myself, in the Far East -Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea and China, Far West -Canada, Florida and California-and my 'own' Europe in some dozen countries with it's many languages.

I'm in the middle of doing it again, in and with China...

Don't you let other people tell you otherwise.

One important thing: get yourself a 'trusted' individual who speaks both languages fluently; if you don't have one hire someone young and brilliant, and in this case better a lady than a male... :o

LaoPo :D

I fully understand where you are coming from, but I fear there is little you can do about it. Thais are not well known for looking to the future and how this will affect them, let alone other people. It is one of the reasons why thailand will always be a third world country

Yes, there's little that can be done. The rot set in a long time ago. Sub-standard work because there is not an endless supply of money is symptomatic of people who are incapable of planning.

Thailand was the third country in the world to get a Scout movement but the then king changed the motto from"Be Prepared" to "It's better to die than to lie".

Scouting is compulsory in Thai schools and "Be prepared" requires planning. So nobody here is prepared for anything and this is very ably assisted by year after year of abysmal Education Ministries.


LaoPo, thanks for your input, unlike some of the posters here you are like myself, to get on in life and make the most of what you have got, you have to take some chances, good on you, I hope it all works out.


You can't speak Thai because you are too lazy to learn and you are frustrated because you can't speak Thai. Sounds like you are in for a lifetime of frustration....unless you leave Thailand which seems like the only alternative.


One important thing: get yourself a 'trusted' individual who speaks both languages fluently; if you don't have one hire someone young and brilliant, and in this case better a lady than a male... :o

This is what I have done and I have few problems with corruption or officials.

Also, when it comes to negociating or renting a new location or anything important, I let one of my managers deal with other Thais and they do much better than a gruff, loud-mouth, rude, American could do on his own. :D

I run two companies in Thailand, not because I need the income, rather because it gives me something to do with my time.

Both my companies are making money, which is great, a bonus, but that's not the reason for my input, I simply get bored sat at home playing games on the PC, I need something to do during the day. Don't get me wrong I love travelling, but have already spent three years touring Thailand (and want to do some thing constructive) so I thought I should do something other than driving for the sake of driving.

I don't speak Thai, the only reason is because I'm lazy, All I can do is order a beer, whisky, food and as many women as I can handle in Thai, but the fact is I'm married, so women don't matter to me........ well, at least not at this point.

However, I do find it so frustrating to organise our contracts, because I don't speak Thai, I can't go out in to the field and gee it up so to speak, so I have to rely on my staff, and they do speak English, so when I ask them to organise and prepare I always get the same answer, "the main contractor won't commit because the contract can't be done, even though, "X" amount has been committed to the job (normally a government contract). So of course the money has gone under the table, which is great if your the one receiving, but as a Sub-contractor trying to do the job properly so it lasts for at least fifty years it become some what of a problem.

The question is who else is confronted with this and how do you cope with corruption?

As an example, I was in a meeting with a official regarding a contract to rebuild fourteen bridges, twenty Km of road and a dam, not so long ago, in the meeting I was told, to be awarded the contract I would need to pay the sum of ten million Baht, which after a bottle of whisky and feeling a bit under the weather we got the sum down to one million baht, great I thought game on, then all the rest of the officials came out of the wood work and started quoting their percentage, so of course I ask all the other company's involved about percentages and they are telling me this one is good, we don't have to loose too much money to corruption……….??????????????????????????

So next time you wonder about flooding because a dam has broke, or you need to take another road because the bridge is out, wonder why…….

I am sorry, but I must say after reading this post that you are commenting from a third person perspective.

If you were actually involved in the bidding on government civil work countracts at 'or bo tor" level, thesaban level or jungwat level, you would allready know all the percentages, politics & so-forth for the whole scenario. You would know the exact percentages paid to the appropriate departments depending on factors such as how much the price has been discounted from the original contract value. Whether it be standard bidding or internet bidding.

These percentages & payoffs are very standard accross the whole country.

If you want have a much more accurate picture of actual process, PM me. It really would not be appropriate to list details & actual occurences on a public board.



You can't speak Thai because you are too lazy to learn and you are frustrated because you can't speak Thai. Sounds like you are in for a lifetime of frustration....unless you leave Thailand which seems like the only alternative.


No not really, I can get by, until it becomes the technicalities on confirming the contract, terms and conditions, and I'm sure even your Thai is not that good, so I would kindly ask that you keep your anal responses to yourself, I'm guessing your upset with my success? Or maybe you are the one that is frustrated and needs to leave?, as I already posted, I don't need to run a company, but through choice I do so, please think before posting my friend.

I run two companies in Thailand, not because I need the income, rather because it gives me something to do with my time.

Both my companies are making money, which is great, a bonus, but that's not the reason for my input, I simply get bored sat at home playing games on the PC, I need something to do during the day. Don't get me wrong I love travelling, but have already spent three years touring Thailand (and want to do some thing constructive) so I thought I should do something other than driving for the sake of driving.

I don't speak Thai, the only reason is because I'm lazy, All I can do is order a beer, whisky, food and as many women as I can handle in Thai, but the fact is I'm married, so women don't matter to me........ well, at least not at this point.

However, I do find it so frustrating to organise our contracts, because I don't speak Thai, I can't go out in to the field and gee it up so to speak, so I have to rely on my staff, and they do speak English, so when I ask them to organise and prepare I always get the same answer, "the main contractor won't commit because the contract can't be done, even though, "X" amount has been committed to the job (normally a government contract). So of course the money has gone under the table, which is great if your the one receiving, but as a Sub-contractor trying to do the job properly so it lasts for at least fifty years it become some what of a problem.

The question is who else is confronted with this and how do you cope with corruption?

As an example, I was in a meeting with a official regarding a contract to rebuild fourteen bridges, twenty Km of road and a dam, not so long ago, in the meeting I was told, to be awarded the contract I would need to pay the sum of ten million Baht, which after a bottle of whisky and feeling a bit under the weather we got the sum down to one million baht, great I thought game on, then all the rest of the officials came out of the wood work and started quoting their percentage, so of course I ask all the other company's involved about percentages and they are telling me this one is good, we don't have to loose too much money to corruption……….??????????????????????????

So next time you wonder about flooding because a dam has broke, or you need to take another road because the bridge is out, wonder why…….

I am sorry, but I must say after reading this post that you are commenting from a third person perspective.

If you were actually involved in the bidding on government civil work countracts at 'or bo tor" level, thesaban level or jungwat level, you would allready know all the percentages, politics & so-forth for the whole scenario. You would know the exact percentages paid to the appropriate departments depending on factors such as how much the price has been discounted from the original contract value. Whether it be standard bidding or internet bidding.

These percentages & payoffs are very standard accross the whole country.

If you want have a much more accurate picture of actual process, PM me. It really would not be appropriate to list details & actual occurences on a public board.



Well Soundman, what can I say, obviously you are just the person for the job, as it seems you know all about the % all across the nation, but have you not thought about the fact, before posting such a stupid statement, that there is no fixed %, come on, for a person that has so many posts behind their tags, I would have thought you of all people would understand that................... OK, how does 3,500baht a month grab ya…….seeing ass you don’t really have a clue about what we are talking about.


And before more flames come this way, we are talking about trying to complete a contract, without spending all the money thats has been awarded from the government on pay offs...................


I run an office consisting of 10-15 Thais with daily (or even hourly) frustrations, but I have quickly learnt you cannot tell the Thai what to do, you can ASK, and depending on whether they like you or not depends on whether your instruction (or polite request) will be executed.


Also I consider learning some practical Thai is a must to get by, not just in the workplace.

One important thing: get yourself a 'trusted' individual who speaks both languages fluently; if you don't have one hire someone young and brilliant, and in this case better a lady than a male... :o

This is what I have done and I have few problems with corruption or officials.

Also, when it comes to negociating or renting a new location or anything important, I let one of my managers deal with other Thais and they do much better than a gruff, loud-mouth, rude, American could do on his own. :D

Understand completely, however, to get the contract in question the MD had to be present (I felt like a fish out of water believe me) but after the facts, I turned it down.

If I have to go, I just force myself to be polite and keep grinning like an idiot while I let my my staff do the talking. :o

This is something that i am particularly good at too UG. :D

If I have to go, I just force myself to be polite and keep grinning like an idiot while I let my my staff do the talking. :D

Feels awful UG, but your right, this was the third time, but the only one I turned down. Mind you the Coffee is always good, and I love the barta, starts way high, my staff whisper in my ear, then I laugh out loud...... all ways get looks......... :o

I don't speak Thai, the only reason is because I'm lazy, All I can do is order a beer, whisky, food and as many women as I can handle in Thai, but the fact is I'm married, so women don't matter to me........ well, at least not at this point.

However, I do find it so frustrating to organise our contracts, because I don't speak Thai, I can't go out in to the field and gee it up so to speak, so I have to rely on my staff,

This is what you posted.....you are frustrated because you don't speak Thai and you are too lazy to learn.....these are your words not mine!!!! So don't get all in a huff about my anal tendencies.


P.S. This is the first time I have ever heard of a farang owned Thai construction company so it is very interesting to hear about it....especially since its a Thai construction company doing big contracts with Thai gov't entities and owned by a farang who can't speak Thai!!!!!.....and a faranag who doesn't seem to know about the way biribes are handled!!!! I wonder how this all came about because maybe I could do the same thing because I don't speak Thai and I don't know how the bribe system works....sounds like I'm a natural for this kind of work!!!


I run two companies in Thailand, not because I need the income, rather because it gives me something to do with my time.

Both my companies are making money, which is great, a bonus, but that's not the reason for my input, I simply get bored sat at home playing games on the PC, I need something to do during the day. Don't get me wrong I love travelling, but have already spent three years touring Thailand (and want to do some thing constructive) so I thought I should do something other than driving for the sake of driving.

I don't speak Thai, the only reason is because I'm lazy, All I can do is order a beer, whisky, food and as many women as I can handle in Thai, but the fact is I'm married, so women don't matter to me........ well, at least not at this point.

However, I do find it so frustrating to organise our contracts, because I don't speak Thai, I can't go out in to the field and gee it up so to speak, so I have to rely on my staff, and they do speak English, so when I ask them to organise and prepare I always get the same answer, "the main contractor won't commit because the contract can't be done, even though, "X" amount has been committed to the job (normally a government contract). So of course the money has gone under the table, which is great if your the one receiving, but as a Sub-contractor trying to do the job properly so it lasts for at least fifty years it become some what of a problem.

The question is who else is confronted with this and how do you cope with corruption?

As an example, I was in a meeting with a official regarding a contract to rebuild fourteen bridges, twenty Km of road and a dam, not so long ago, in the meeting I was told, to be awarded the contract I would need to pay the sum of ten million Baht, which after a bottle of whisky and feeling a bit under the weather we got the sum down to one million baht, great I thought game on, then all the rest of the officials came out of the wood work and started quoting their percentage, so of course I ask all the other company's involved about percentages and they are telling me this one is good, we don't have to loose too much money to corruption……….??????????????????????????

So next time you wonder about flooding because a dam has broke, or you need to take another road because the bridge is out, wonder why…….

I am sorry, but I must say after reading this post that you are commenting from a third person perspective.

If you were actually involved in the bidding on government civil work countracts at 'or bo tor" level, thesaban level or jungwat level, you would allready know all the percentages, politics & so-forth for the whole scenario. You would know the exact percentages paid to the appropriate departments depending on factors such as how much the price has been discounted from the original contract value. Whether it be standard bidding or internet bidding.

These percentages & payoffs are very standard accross the whole country.

If you want have a much more accurate picture of actual process, PM me. It really would not be appropriate to list details & actual occurences on a public board.



Well Soundman, what can I say, obviously you are just the person for the job, as it seems you know all about the % all across the nation, but have you not thought about the fact, before posting such a stupid statement, that there is no fixed %, come on, for a person that has so many posts behind their tags, I would have thought you of all people would understand that................... OK, how does 3,500baht a month grab ya…….seeing ass you don't really have a clue about what we are talking about.

Once again a poster who has absolutley no idea. Doesn't come to the forum to learn, only to invent, brag, and berate. Because - he allready knows it all...

Good luck with your big contract for twenty bridges or whatever you dream up next.

Good day sir....


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