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I went into Tops today in Teuk Com Sri Racha and the booze had disappeared. I enquired and discovered that they no longer sell booze as they are close to a school. I am aware of this law and the supposed reasons behind it. However, since the school in question, St Paul's Convent, and Teuk Com, Sri Racha have happily co-existed for many years, I find the application of this law in this case utterly ridiculous. I am drawn to the conclusion that Tops is being punished by someone for something or someone in authority just wants to chuck his weight around.


It's been law for a long time and often ignored. A few months ago someone announced a clamp-down and presumably this is the result.


Personally it doesnt bother me either way whether shops near schools sell beer, but if you are going to have a law then it should be enforced. Otherwise it should be abrogated.

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