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Filthy dirty Pattaya beach - tourists blamed for the mess


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5 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

So, can I take that to mean, Pattaya is not really a world class, international family resort as spruiked by TAT? They would seem a little dishonest then!

Haha, I did laugh at that, I just love sarcastic humour .   

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The tide line in particular is strewn with plastic bags, beer bottles, spirit bottles, discarded tins of cooling powder foam containers and everything else you can think of. 

Inventory every fishing boat that enters Thai waters and you will find all of those items. Maybe boats should be inspected before they go out and when they come back. If there is no garbage on board, you can guess where it went.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

She said that people who eat and drink on the beach just don't clean up after themselves.

Yes.  Thais aren't fond of cleaning up after themselves in national parks/camping areas either.


An older Thai couple feeds the resident pack of soi dogs near my moo baan, think it's a buddhist/merit thing.   Awww, it's so lovely, innit?  I've been riding by numerous times, they dump out the rice and scraps, and then flick the plastic bags/styrofoam containers right there along side the road with all the other rubbish. 


2 days ago, riding my bike back home, little Thai kid outside a small Mom&Pop shop finished sucking the last bit out of a plastic drink container, then threw it in the middle of the paved road.  What looked like his grandmother stood there watching, didn't say a word.  And so the next generation of open mouth breathing idiot litter bugs, is confirmed.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

And I am sure this good citizen who works apparently on the beach, spends a good part of the day cleaning up as best she can, right? LOL. Perhaps if she did, her squawking might be more acceptable.

Much of that appears to have come in with the tide, and is a consequence of all the garbage dropped by locals that end up in the rivers and streams which of course go straight out to sea. The blame lies much closer to home than Ms. Limkum believes.

I also note that as someone who makes her money from tourism, she has a pretty piss poor view of her customers.

Ms Limkun is typical of most Thai Business people these days.

All they want is the Tourist Dollar and dont want to do sod all for it.

Instead of beating her gums about the Tourists leaving trash on the beach ( whether they do or do not ) her time would be better used as a " Business Person " in cleaning up her own patch of beach, and educating her fellow Business Associates about the detrimental effect the trash has upon their takings.

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And the fly tripping you see everywhere is all the foreigners fault too. Nothing to do with Thai's dumping sh*t instead of taking it to the tip and paying a fee.
Where is" the tip" and what is the fee ?
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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The water is black and horrible. 


The garbage left on the beach makes the water "black"????


Or perhaps it's instead the untreated sewage from local businesses that regularly is allowed to flow into the bay waters, and the local authorities do nothing effective to stop it.


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This is a lie told by a woman with a 3rd grade education and an IQ in the low 70s. Not exactly a reliable source.

Anyone who has been to Dongtan Beach in Jomtien has seen the huge mess left by every thai family who visits. Or watch the guys fishing at the shore who throw cigarette busts into the gUlf.

Shame on them, but then again, Thais have no shame.

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14 minutes ago, soistalker said:

This is a lie told by a woman with a 3rd grade education and an IQ in the low 70s. Not exactly a reliable source.

Anyone who has been to Dongtan Beach in Jomtien has seen the huge mess left by every thai family who visits. Or watch the guys fishing at the shore who throw cigarette busts into the gUlf.

Shame on them, but then again, Thais have no shame.


To be fair, the woman did not state that it was foreigners. Only tourists. There is domestic tourism and also other nationals other than western tourists.


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42 minutes ago, KMartinHandyman said:

How many blue barrels do you see on or near the beaches ?

On Pattaya Beach Road there are 2 bins every 50 Metres, so nobody is more than 25 Metres from one. All tables will get a bucket for rubbish. I don't see anywhere where the lady said farangs were responsible for littering. She said "tourists" and during all the recent holidays most, by far, have been Thai. Some people on here like to play the hard done to victim. Cheer up.


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1 minute ago, champers said:

On Pattaya Beach Road there are 2 bins every 50 Metres, so nobody is more than 25 Metres from one. All tables will get a bucket for rubbish. I don't see anywhere where the lady said farangs were responsible for littering. She said "tourists" and during all the recent holidays most, by far, have been Thai. Some people on here like to play the hard done to victim. Cheer up.

I've noticed a sharp increase in playing the racism and xenophobia cards lately.  So much so that it's lost all meaning.

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5 hours ago, Mackstask said:

Tourists generate billions of baht, if the Thais weren't so greedy part of those billions should go to keeping those beaches in pristine condition. Who do you see collecting rubbish on the beaches? Westerners (Tourists). Thais should get their own house in order before blaming others.


Five foreign tourists have spent their holidays collecting rubbish along Laem Pong Beach in Krabi




Why do they do this?  I don't understand.  Sure traveling to a country that needs some sort of humanitarian help and donating your time is noble.  But I don't think traveling to Thailand and collecting garbage that it's own countrymen ignore is at all noble. Is this another consequence of the 'rose tinted glasses' phenomenon that is also responsible for separating many a retiree from their lives savings?

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33 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


To be fair, the woman did not state that it was foreigners. Only tourists. There is domestic tourism and also other nationals other than western tourists.


only the word white was missing

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It is tourists.....Thai tourists. I used to jog along Bam Amphur beach daily and on the weekends and holidays it was just masses of Thai tourists sat under trees cooking and throwing their rubbish everywhere. All the bins were overflowing, but there was no thought of taking their plastic back home with them. The few farang were sat under the organised beach umbrellas or laying on the loungers provided. Not a spec of rubbish in that area. Also, a lot of that rubbish in the photo comes in with the tide from the passing boats. Mostly Thai I should think.

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11 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Why do they do this?  I don't understand.  Sure traveling to a country that needs some sort of humanitarian help and donating your time is noble.  But I don't think traveling to Thailand and collecting garbage that it's own countrymen ignore is at all noble. Is this another consequence of the 'rose tinted glasses' phenomenon that is also responsible for separating many a retiree from their lives savings?


No, it doesn't have to be 'their country' for them to want to make a difference.

Did you not tidy up your rented apartment from time to time?


They did not want to live in squalor, so they cleaned the place up. Hopefully the locals will take note.

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I have walked the beach many times and seen plenty of litter strewn along all parts and washed up at the waters edge......mainly seems to consist of plastic water bottles, plastic food bags and those damn annoying rubber bands that they tie the food bags with...…….now who uses those the most, farang tourists or locals???

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

She said that people who eat and drink on the beach just don't clean up after themselves

Yes you right but it is not tourists but Thai people 

1/5 I sit on jomtien beach with my wife and family next to us was Thai people just leaving their garbish I stop them and said clean up but they just look of me and said No why government can do that 

My father in law said in thai

They have to do that themselves not government 

that help 

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AS usual they forgot to mention the No Brainer solution used in high density usage beaches around the world.   


Beach cleaning machines only cost 2.5 million baht and pickup all debris and sand about 9" deep.   2 hours clean Pattaya beach daily and job done, nothing to yap about.

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