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DPM Prawit orders drugs eradication


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57 minutes ago, nervona81732 said:

You are spot on about that. Just look at USA and the same has happened. Where did the precursers come from? Guess who!!! China. Any country that would put antifreeze in colgate tooth paste and sell it to dollar stores in america , you have to wonder. Chop the head of the snake off you eliminate the problem till the next opprotunist comes along. Then cut the head off that too.


Yes, the precursors are made in China, they are legitimate pharmaceuticals that will not be banned, it your local corruption that allows them to be imported, so clean your own house up.

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2 hours ago, madmitch said:

Prawit is suddenly becoming quite vocal. Someone must have awoken him from his well-publicised slumbers.


Any coincidence that this is happening around the time that the political in-fighting for cabinet positions is about to begin? Though why, with 500 elected and party list MPs, should anyone consider an unelected watch borrower for such a position. We'll see.

Prawit becoming vocal could mean him to be new PM and all the poor getting free watches !!????

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7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Shipments have also been intercepted directly from China to Thailand ,NZ and Australia. So their hands are not clean by any means


If they get the LONO then they will export, who signs the LONO, the representative of government of the recieving country, its corruption at the recieving end, and so is not China's fault.

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