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Time to scrap school uniforms, says Democrat


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Its really a shame, that parents have to line up, outside pawn shops to sell their gold collection! I really feel sorry for them. Just like the poor people, that cant afford a 200 baht motorcycle helmet, but somehow have money for beer!

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Years ago, in some countries, primary and secondary schoolboys and schoolgirls were wearing a kind of blouse as soon as they get in school (some wearing it on the way to school), sometimes with a different color for boys and girls. Cheap and protecting the clothes from stains (ink) and wear (mainly at the elbows).

1968 rené gosse.png


Edited by Zyxel
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For Thailand, school uniforms are absolutely necessary! 


Yes, that statement is quite ironic, considering that I'm an American and have always hated the concept of school uniforms.  So what changed my mind? After living with a Thai gf with 3 kids for 10 years and also having taught all grade levels here a few years ago I absolutely changed my mind. 


Thai students are distracted enough without allowing them to get even further distracted by showing the big face sporting outrageous expensive attire.  Each classroom typically has students from a wide range of economic backgrounds.  The school uniforms help minimize that vast 'lose face' chasm of rich vs dirt poor, especially here in Isaan.  Now what the school system could do to help is to stop forcing students to become 'Scouts' and wear those pseudo-military style uniforms 1 day per week.  That would indeed remove some financial hardship from the cash strapped farmers and rural poor families.


And if you haven't guessed it yet folks, Thai society is all about uniformed authority figures in every facet of their lives.  Whether right or wrong, it is what it is.



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Stick with the uniforms 1 style for every schools day. Have the government subsidize for low Income families or contract with

manufactures for set low price. 


The problem with wearing clothes they have at home. Without Uniforms less fortunate children will most likely be picked on.


i went to school in East LA and we wore clothes from home. We

wete OK but some kids family couldn’t afford even basic clothing 

theyd buy from second hand stores. Trying to learn and being picked at probably causes a lot to drop out of school.


With no dress code you could see people with durags in there back pocket. 


Bloods - Red 

Crips - Blood

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

The government should scrap the rule requiring students to wear uniforms to school......

The government might as well scrap the rule requiring students to go to school for all the good it does them!  They can learn about phones and computer games at home.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

The uniforms are a good idea, but why five different uniforms a week? That's the expensive part.


I don't see anything about five different uniforms in the OP.


One "uniform" might be gym clothes, but these could be simple shorts & t-shirt.




It doesn't get much cheaper than that.


The argument that uniforms blind students to each other's social status is ridiculous.  Students know each other outside of school, and there are lots of other clues to wealth and status besides clothing.


And just because we get rid of uniforms does not mean there will be absolutely no dress code at all.  Just keep it simple.  No flashy jewelry, heavy perfumes or high heels.

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There are pros and cons to school uniforms.  Pro:  It keeps kids from lower incomes from being embarrassed or ashamed when they go to school dressed poorly and higher income kids tease them.  A con is  parents have to pay for school uniforms.  I think back to how we dressed in school in the 60s and 70s.  Nobody in my neighborhood had any money, at least nobody I hung out with.  In retrospect I do recall remembering that some of the kids around me wore some odd looking clothes.  There always will be social pressures.  Sad that can't be changed, even in a supposed buddhist society.

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4 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I don't see anything about five different uniforms in the OP.


One "uniform" might be gym clothes, but these could be simple shorts & t-shirt.




It doesn't get much cheaper than that.


The argument that uniforms blind students to each other's social status is ridiculous.  Students know each other outside of school, and there are lots of other clues to wealth and status besides clothing.


And just because we get rid of uniforms does not mean there will be absolutely no dress code at all.  Just keep it simple.  No flashy jewelry, heavy perfumes or high heels.

I tend to agree with you.  Growing up we all had some idea of where the others lived.  I walked to school up until 6th grade, and we walked by everybody's house and knew where everybody lived and who they hung out with.  Looking back at the pictures from my childhood (born in 57) man we dressed like ragamuffins.  We had no bucks or color matching.  Heck we dressed our selves and who knows how that may have worked some mornings!

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Oh no! The sight of 18-22 year old university girls wearing their school uniforms was one of the pleasures of being here..... Phwoar!


The way they wear em too tight..... makes my sap rise! I never figured out if it was because they were wearing hand me downs or had to make do with old clothes that no longer fit? Or were they just teasing the boys?


Ah the joys of being a teacher...... Sigh, it will never be the same.


As usual, they have not thought this through. School uniforms are relatively cheap. Plus the poorer kids will lose face, unable to afford the latest fashion like some of their rich friends.

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Maybe she should get into the new world of social media, selfies etc., the reason for uniform, is that every student doesn't have to worry about peer pressure, when it comes to their clothes.

Subsidising uniforms for poorer families would be a far better idea.

In the civilized world students don’t need to wear school uniforms.


there will always be some pressure about about how you look, what you wear and how nice phone etc you have, it’s time to raise children to be strong and not weak, todays children especially in the western world suffer from psychological problems because their parents are raising them wrong..


in the 70-80-90s children spent more time outside, had more accidents, learned from there mistakes the hard way, and was more rough, todays cotton-children are weak... 

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5 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Unfortunately I think it still is.

   You will always have parents who like to "show off" how much money they have by trying to make their little darling the best dressed child in the class.

Nothing wrong with that, that’s the truth, some are rich some are poor, that’s life, why be so sensitive and political correct,oh yeah people these days are weak, brainwashed by the media, told everyone to look the, eat the  same and be the same... when everyone are different that’s the way to live. I don’t lose sleep on that my neighbor have a much nicer car then med or he’s clothes are more expensive then mine...

only socialist,radical leftist, communists want everyone to look the same, reading through TVF comments daily it’s easy to see that Thailand attract many of them, unfortunately.



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19 hours ago, plachon said:

I'm not so sure about your last point - as far as I can discern their uniforms are their gang "colours". How many times have the media reported Tech school A having a massive fight with Tech school B students, and all of them are in uniform - it helps distinguish "the enemy" when one gets on a bus, so they know who to stab/shoot/bash is not one of their own. Going incognito out of uniform might help reduce the problem of recognition. Added to which, it is rather ridiculous that tertiary education students are wearing uniforms at their age - it adds to the problem of infantilisation in Thailand, which prevents these young adults from ever properly growing up. ????

Apple's and oranges... uniforms are brilliant and there's a reason why all private schools have them.... do I have to spell it out for the simplest of minds????......

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6 hours ago, Hayduke said:


That’s funny…the Generals don’t even subsidize the uniforms of their personal servants. Young men who are forcibly conscripted into the Thai army have to pay for their own uniforms.



As in all branches of the military , there are no free rides

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9 hours ago, mania said:


Boy they sure have that backwards...no surprise ????


But truthfully a couple cheap uniforms are way cheaper for parents than the latest fashion etc

A uniform may be washed & re-worn many days in a row...street clothes? not so much

You're right on that.  In this highly stratified society where clothes, apparel, and bling defined which rung in the social ladder you belong in, kids will be demanding that their parent buy them clothes that don't make them the Low-So stand-outs.  
Uniforms are, well, uniform.  Mass produced and as such relatively inexpensive, and no one get to play the "I am higher than you" game.  

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3 minutes ago, ocddave said:

If its a requirement, just make the Government pay the price for the clothes, its got to be cheaper than Submarines and Tanks.

Prawit's dead friend's watches could probably buy the entire population of public school kid uniforms for a year.

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7 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

I really do hope they keep the Thai school uniforms:



I think this photo is so old she's probably a granny by now. Seen it for a decade at least. These days they have pins like sumo wrestlers, junk food has arrived to Thailand.

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The woman has no concept of the advantages of School Uniforms.

as others have pointed out, it is far less expensive to buy the School Uniform than keep up with Peer Group Pressure and outfit the kids in 



On top of that it instills School Pride. I was delighted that my daughter’s school also encouraged the Teachers to wear  “The School Colours.”

I’m even more delighted that now at University, my daughter and fellow students have both a Regular and Formal Uniform.


All of this inspires Respect for the School/Uni, Respect for Elders, 

Respect for Each Other and....SELF RESPECT.

 DITCHING the Uniforms in Thailand would be a massively retrograde step. 




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Although I rebelled against my school uniform in the 60 s I Realize  now its’ importance. It is a great social leveller. You cannot be judged on what your parents can afford. There is also the identity issue. It is important to be part of a school of which you are proud. I still have my school tie even though I frequently ‘lost’ my school cap which was , then, compulsory. 

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I think that they should maintain the school uniforms as they are much harder wearing than regular clothes. It also sets Thai school kids apart from school kids in the say the US. It also helps to present a common appearance of the kids that they carry as a flag representing the school. Without the common uniforms there will be a more apparent difference between the haves and the have nots.  

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2 hours ago, attrayant said:


I don't see anything about five different uniforms in the OP.


One "uniform" might be gym clothes, but these could be simple shorts & t-shirt.




It doesn't get much cheaper than that.


The argument that uniforms blind students to each other's social status is ridiculous.  Students know each other outside of school, and there are lots of other clues to wealth and status besides clothing.


And just because we get rid of uniforms does not mean there will be absolutely no dress code at all.  Just keep it simple.  No flashy jewelry, heavy perfumes or high heels.

My kids have a different uniform for every day of the week, but none of them are gym clothes.


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