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I Love Thai


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Love Thai!!!!

Learning how to converse in Thai now.

Planning to go BKK on Oct.

Planning to find alternatives to learn Thai characters (and I found here)

Meeting thai lovers here...

Good on you for learning Thai - I sincerely believe that being able to communicate is the single greatest thing you can do to happily live here. I cannot and never will understand why over 95% of the farung population who LIVE here cannot speak more than a few words (very badly) in Thai.

I first came in 1978 and have been back and forth many times and this last set have lived here for three years. I sometimes get frustrated and sometimes get exasperated but I have never hated living here unlike a large number of other posters on TV. I love being in Thailand and have absolutely no intention or desire to go back.

Good luck in your venture, I hope it is at least as good as you hope

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Well done for trying. I'd offer more encouragement, but I know from personal experience the best encouragement will come from the Thais who really will appreciate your effort in learning their language.

You'll find from the moment you start speaking Thai, doors will be opened. as you learn more Thai you'll gain a unique window on Thailand, its language, culture and the concerns, hopes, wishes and emotions of the Thais you meet.

Learning Thai is the only way to gain a deep and broad understanding of these things - Keep it up, the rewards are enormous.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Icygirl seems ur from Singapore. im going to singapore next month care to teach me about your native language and country ? Would like to know lots about SGP

I read your blog seems you like racing car. Would u love to rinde on my evolution ? lol

Edited by tytus
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Love Thai!!!!

Learning how to converse in Thai now.

Planning to go BKK on Oct.

Planning to find alternatives to learn Thai characters (and I found here)

Meeting thai lovers here...

Yep, Thailand is a great place to be. People, food, culture, lifestyle... for those things and a whole lot more, Land of Smiles is hard to beat.

There are some folks who moved here and then found out they couldn't adapt. It's not for everyone... you need to be comfortable living in a slightly chaotic environment. If you are flexible and enjoy a little less structured style of dealing with everyday life you can be very happy in Thailand.

I'm a Thai lover too! :o

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I think that little bit of chaos is what a lot of people like here :o

For sure... personally I thrive on it, and all the people I know who are happy here are able to function well in an unstructured environment. By the same token, almost all the gripes I see from folks who look at Thailand in a negative light are related to the lack of fixed, predictable, Western-style rules.

If you're happy operating in an environment where the rules are... shall we say, flexible... then chances are you'll love this place.

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I think that little bit of chaos is what a lot of people like here :o

For sure... personally I thrive on it, and all the people I know who are happy here are able to function well in an unstructured environment. By the same token, almost all the gripes I see from folks who look at Thailand in a negative light are related to the lack of fixed, predictable, Western-style rules.

If you're happy operating in an environment where the rules are... shall we say, flexible... then chances are you'll love this place.

Well put.

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I just prefer the language more... Would love to visit thai soon but gonna brush up my 'ka' first... :o

Hoping to drive or ride there... Will be a good experience... Most imptly is to SHOP!!!! kekeke...

Edited by icygal
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