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How To Find Your Own Website..


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I have a website I wish the world to see. I've registered it on Google and yahoo!

However, when i type general words in a search that I would hope come up with my website (at least on the first 3 pages) there is nothing to be found.

Only typing the exact name of the website brings it up (the website includes some '-' between words).

How can I get it to be found by those who I'd like to find it?



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try this:


In yahoo or Altavista it will return all pages in that domain that are in the index

for Google type the url in the search box (without http://www)

It doesn't give you as clean a result as the Yahoo method but it's a start.

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I have a website I wish the world to see. I've registered it on Google and yahoo!

However, when i type general words in a search that I would hope come up with my website (at least on the first 3 pages) there is nothing to be found.

You have a website and it doesn’t show up in the top 50 results of search engines when searching with words that you have on your webpages.

Is your website new? It takes some time, even weeks, for search engines to index new sites.

Have you programmed your web pages, particularly the home page, with the right keywords?

You did right in not putting the URL of your website into your post, because this is frowned upon. However, you can put it in your profile and then knowledgeable members here can look at it and may have some suggestions. At the top of the screen, click on “My Controls”, then in the left frame, under “Personal Profile”, click on “Edit Profile Information”. Now, on the line “Your website url” type the URL of your website.

Creating a website in such a way that it shows up towards the top of a search list is a science in itself, but there are some simple guidelines that can help a little.



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Hi there,

thanks very much for your replies.

Without the '-', my website appears 5th In Yahoo! but still not in the first 5 pages on Google. I have to type in my exact url (with '-') in the search box for it to appear, which of course, no one will do.

Cheers for any help about how to get a URL to the top of a search engine. I have now included my URL on my personal options.


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Yahoo adds to its index much faster. Your ranking is quite complicated and there's no simple solution as it depends on so many variables.

I'd recommend joining the webmaster forums on Google Groups.

You'll find tons of info there.

Whatever you do, don't pay one of these jokers who promise you #1 rank on Google and Yahoo. They're all scams. Some of their methods will get you de-listed.

Doing link exchanges with other sites is generally a good start.

Edited by cdnvic
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I have a website I wish the world to see. I've registered it on Google and yahoo!

However, when i type general words in a search that I would hope come up with my website (at least on the first 3 pages) there is nothing to be found.

You have a website and it doesn’t show up in the top 50 results of search engines when searching with words that you have on your webpages.

Is your website new? It takes some time, even weeks, for search engines to index new sites.

Have you programmed your web pages, particularly the home page, with the right keywords?

You did right in not putting the URL of your website into your post, because this is frowned upon. However, you can put it in your profile and then knowledgeable members here can look at it and may have some suggestions. At the top of the screen, click on “My Controls”, then in the left frame, under “Personal Profile”, click on “Edit Profile Information”. Now, on the line “Your website url” type the URL of your website.

Creating a website in such a way that it shows up towards the top of a search list is a science in itself, but there are some simple guidelines that can help a little.



I made a website & submitted it to google but it wasn't until about 8 weeks later that it appeared on the first search page. After research, I discovered that I had to get my sight seen on many other 'community' sites before google would recognise it. It helps to get a link to your site from other 'safe' sites as google will recognise this.

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Hi there,

thanks very much for your replies.

Without the '-', my website appears 5th In Yahoo! but still not in the first 5 pages on Google. I have to type in my exact url (with '-') in the search box for it to appear, which of course, no one will do.

Cheers for any help about how to get a URL to the top of a search engine. I have now included my URL on my personal options.


One hand clapping in a forest of websites. Yahoo is insignificant. It is Google's attention that you want.

You are likely sandboxed by Google if your website is new. Finding your website by putting in your website name is a slam dunk.

Customers finding your website by searching for your product or service is yet another.

I know of what I speak, I am an SEO professional.


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Yahoo adds to its index much faster. Your ranking is quite complicated and there's no simple solution as it depends on so many variables.

I'd recommend joining the webmaster forums on Google Groups.

You'll find tons of info there.

Whatever you do, don't pay one of these jokers who promise you #1 rank on Google and Yahoo. They're all scams. Some of their methods will get you de-listed.

Doing link exchanges with other sites is generally a good start.

I am one of those "jokers" you write about. However, I would never promise anyone a certain ranking because one cannot make any promises in SEO. But while you can sit behind your screen and cast barbs at SEO professionals mainly because they require payment I suspect, you are proving yourself fully capable of dispensing bad advice. Most people who are too cheap to pay a professional usually know everything about the business.

Pay attention:

Link exchanges are not only frowned up by Google, but their bots will figure it out and cancel it out. Links from websites with little or no pagerank will drag a higher pageranked site down in Google's eyes.

Have another beer, belly up to the keyboard and regale us with your knowledge of medicine, or piloting or both! With 8000 posts, you must be an expert on damnn near everything.


Edited by jeffrosner
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I am one of those "jokers" you write about. However, I would never promise anyone a certain ranking because one cannot make any promises in SEO. But while you can sit behind your screen and cast barbs at SEO professionals mainly because they require payment I suspect, you are proving yourself fully capable of dispensing bad advice. Most people who are too cheap to pay a professional usually know everything about the business.

If you aren't one of the ones who promise people #1 page rank then you aren't the jokers I'm talking about are you?

Links from websites with little or no pagerank will drag a higher pageranked site down in Google's eyes.

...and if they deliver traffic to your site then who cares? 60% of my business comes from people following links from equal or lower ranked sites. Google accounts for another 25% (and alot of that I pay for). Yahoo still delivers 30% of my search engine traffic so the hour a month I spend on Yahoo makes more sense than forgetting about a sizable piece of revenue.

I think too many webmasters make the mistake of writing to Google and not their customers. I have some low volume sites with a high page rank, and then you look at the Thaivisa forum which is extremely busy with a PR of 2.

Make your site interesting and useable for your visitors. A thousand hits a day from Google that take one look and leave are of no use to you.

Have another beer, belly up to the keyboard and regale us with your knowledge of medicine, or piloting or both! With 8000 posts, you must be an expert on ###### near everything.

You sir, need to relax. I think you saw an insult directed at you where there was none. :o

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Totally agree as usual on web matters cdnvic, make the site for the customers, don't spend your time chasing every google algorithm, checking the PR ranking of every site you link to and working out the percentages of keywords one one page. Make a quality site aimed at the people who will use it, and you will get rewarded for it in the search engines.

Personally I think it's essential to have some knowledge of SEO yourself even if you do hire an SEO professional, there's a lot of bullshit and outdated advice out there and it's easy to get led astray. More SEO experts than teachers in Bangkok these days. :o

Jeff, cdnvic wasn't calling you a joker because you don't make promises like the jokers do.

We could always do with some hint and tips though so if you have any let us know.

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I looked at your website. The text doesn't really contain any of the keywords and key phrases that I would expect people to use when searching for the kind of services that you provide. If you don't want to bloat the main page with a lot of text (it need to be incorporated in actual text, not just a list of keywords) then add more pages to your site that describes what you do using as many keywords and key phrases as possible.

Next, having context links to high ranked, reputable websites will give you a better ranking. In other words, if your site mentions "Khao Yai National Forest" then turning that into a link pointing to the appropriate dnp.go.th page will help your ranking. If it mentions Korat or Nakhon Pathom then you turn that into a link to the wikitravel.org page about the provinces etc etc. If you do all of those inline links as "target _blank" (new browser) links then you won't shoot visitors off your website but you will help your search engine ranking and at the same time provide more information to visitors who have no idea what/where Khao Yai is.

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I've just found the link in your profile too and Lingling is right it needs keywords, h1 tags, the filenames need to be changed. The site has not been very well designed with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind which is going to make it impossible for you to rank highly in competitive market like real estate and property in Thailand.

There's a lot of money involved if you can get highly ranked in Google for these terms and there are people out there working hard for company websites everyday to make sure they stay there.

It could be a long time before you start getting ranked well for the terms you need to rank for, I'd learn SEO and get some work done on the website as soon as possible if I was you or it's just going to sink out of sight.

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If you want to do this as a business you'll need to advertise at least initially to get things going. Search engine traffic alone in a niche market like this will not be enough. You need to find places to advertise that target the readers you want to draw into the site. Before you do this you'll need to add much more depth to the site as it's a bit lean on content.

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If you want to do this as a business you'll need to advertise at least initially to get things going. Search engine traffic alone in a niche market like this will not be enough. You need to find places to advertise that target the readers you want to draw into the site. Before you do this you'll need to add much more depth to the site as it's a bit lean on content.

pay per click is a wonderfull tool to help you appear higher up the rankings when your web site is new

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pay per click is a wonderfull tool to help you appear higher up the rankings when your web site is new

Another advantage is that Google won't run an ad before they spider the site to check for content. I had a new site appear in the index within an hour of giving them my CC number. :o

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Thanks for all your advice guys, really appreciated.

The office is just getting off the ground and we are running around getting land/properties to 'add some meat' to the website, just as was suggested. Of course, we don't want to advertise just yet as we have bugger all to advertise! But without some advertising, we'll find it hard to get listings worth advertising...

Will research SEO and think of some useful links that will help.

many thanks,


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I think google actually indexes all of Thai Visa forum.

I am a poor speller, especially of Thai names, places, streets, cities, regions .. but consistent in in my incorrect spelling.

in the past i have mis spelled sukhumvit & Hat Yai in posts on this forum .. then later .. when searching for hotels on sukhumvit & in hat yai using my incorrect spelling my post to this forum came up at the top of google's listings

.. no one else was so stupid as to spell my way.

that google indexes all of this forum is amazing!

google must lub the info posted here tu mutt.


use of the key word you deem relevant in your content (over & over & over) is useful for google indexing

meta tags also are useful to google


the "dish satellite's" 'research channel' has had a 1 hour google key word program running occasionally for the past several months .. a google exec giving a class room talk on google advertising & key words.

I've tivoed it & watched several times.. very interesting to see how the dominate force on the Internet works it's magic.

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Actually, if you want page ranking a forum is a terrible way to go about it. You'll notice the main thaivisa.com site has a PR of 6 while the main forum page has a rank of 2. It's like this for any site with a forum attached to it. Good static content always ranks higher than forum content. That's mainly because of all the crap and chit chat diluting the info. The upside is that it puts out millions of pages for search engines to index so that you come up in such a wide variety of searches.

So it's a bit of a double edged sword having a forum.

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the main thaivisa.com site has a PR of 6 while the main forum page has a rank of 2.

I have not a clue to what the above means.

.. I just found it amazing that google indexes all posts to THIS forum & since my inventive spelling is unique .. when i searched for hotels using my special spelling google pulled it up ..

I used the same spelling on other forums & it was not google-alized

i find google to be amazing.. & indexing all the posts on a forum, including an idiots bad spelling.. is awesome.

but then the entire internet is amazing to me .. .. things more complex than shallow water are generally over my head ..

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the main thaivisa.com site has a PR of 6 while the main forum page has a rank of 2.

OK, so that may explain how my personal web site got so well indexed on Google. I created a web page back just before the October 1 visa changes about how to get a retirement visa within Thailand with just a 30-day visa waiver stamp and posted the URL in a thread on the main ThaiVisa forum. I have many links on that page to other pages on my site (downloadable forms, mainly).

Now that you mention ThaiVisa.com's high Google rating, I can see why my site got indexed.

I registered my domain and built a simple personal site just for the amusement of friends and relatives. But after I posted the link on ThaiVisa.com, I started getting *thousands* of hits per month.

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Hi there,

thanks very much for your replies.

Without the '-', my website appears 5th In Yahoo! but still not in the first 5 pages on Google. I have to type in my exact url (with '-') in the search box for it to appear, which of course, no one will do.

Cheers for any help about how to get a URL to the top of a search engine. I have now included my URL on my personal options.


There's a reason that people get paid to optimize websites for searches :o

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But there''s not much need to pay for it when you can often learn the basics yourself. You have to know the basics so ou are not getting ripped off when hiring someone to do it for you. Also finding a SEO expert in Thailand is a minefield, so many 'experts' out there. :o

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Not to mention that SEO can make you lose sight of the goal. In the end, if you have happy users then you will be successful. If you have amazing Google rankings but you have the site buttoned down so tight out of fear of losing pagerank, then you'll have a highly ranked site that collects dust.

Going back to the advice given a few posts ago to "forget Yahoo".... What kind of expert in search engine optimization advises a client to ignore a search engine with over 30% of the search market?

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