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Snarling orange 'Trump baby' blimp to mock U.S. president in Britain, protesters say


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Quite appropriate to have an inflatable given this ghastly fool's inflated opinion of himself. 


The protests will make the state visit worthwhile. 


I wonder if he is going up to Scotland where he is particularly loathed after his bullying actions in golf course "development". 


However, when all is said and done he looks set to last much longer than his host Mrs May.



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32 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

I'm an Englishman so therefore a Briton and it's my choice and my right to consider the shorten term for my people to also be disrespectful and politically incorrect. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander. I do hope that's OK with you.



I think it's just you.  I've never heard anyone raise such a fuss about this.  If Brits can say Yanks, then Yanks should be able to say Brits.  And since Brits themselves are using the term, it sounds like you're just fishing for something - anything to be offended about.



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34 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

What absolute nonsense. If you are going to argue anything to support your Islamophobia then at least get your facts straight.

Although violent crime in London (as a percentage of the population ) was at it's highest for a decade in 2018, it had been steadily falling from it's peak in the 80's to an all time low in 2014 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_London). You also don't have more murders in London than New York, Chicago and Detroit combined; this has been debunked as fake news perpetuated by the likes of Katie Hopkins and other erstwhile right wing nutters. I won't even use Chicago and Detroit (don't need them) but for a very small time period (two months) in 2018 murders in London outpaced New York but this was only for 2 months in 2018. In the whole of 2017 there were 116 murders in London which was fewer than half New York’s total of 290.  In 2016 there were 334 murders in New York compared to 102 in London. In 2015 New York had 352 murders compared to London's 109. The situation for January to March 2019 shows an even starker difference with New York having 53 murders against London's 16.  I could go on (and will again emphasise I haven't even had to use Chicago's and Detroit's figures) but I think you get the point (by the way a 5 minute Google search gets you all these stats, but then that would not be adding to your echo chamber would it).

Also - I lived in London for 25 years, in places such as Croydon, East Ham, Brixton, and Whitechapel (I still have a flat there) so don't try and tell me I 'don't know what I'm talking about' when it comes to London and it's mayor. You're just trying desperately to prove what can clearly be seen as right wing views with ill thought out rhetoric and cherry picked news.

And if by 'liberal' you mean someone who looks ahead rather than behind, someone who cares about the welfare of others and is not just all about themselves, someone who understands that fanatics don't represent a race or a religion and someone who believes in equality (sexual, economic, LGBT) and someone who doesn't blame everyone else for their own self inflicted problems, then I'm proud to call myself a liberal.

I did not write 'murders'.


I wrote 'fatal stabbings'.


Bear in mind it's very difficult to get guns in London, police are not routinely armed and there is no death penalty in the UK. 


Just imagine what they could achieve if they could lay their hands on guns!


I have not just lived in London for 25 years I've lived there all my life. So far.



Edited by yogi100
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14 hours ago, yogi100 said:

It's the same the whole world over. Very few UK politicians have ever been in the forces let alone seen active service. After the lessons of the Great War few sons of the privileged elite were placed in danger if it could possibly be avoided.


The overwhelming majority of casualties are always suffered by men from working class backgrounds. That's why they're referred to as Cannon Fodder.


Our Home Secretary and the Mayor of London were never in the forces either. Neither was Theresa May's husband.

But how many those are confirmed as having "avoided" the armed services?

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3 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

"Maybe not"


Are you for real. Even some members of the American public castigated US troops when they returned to US soil. Which although it was none of my business I admittedly did not consider that fair nor acceptable behaviour.


But try justifying to older SE Asians the need for the estimated two million fatalities of their neighbouring people that perished because of US involvement in Vietnam. The Thais were only too disgusted by what took place at My Lai because like everyone else they also had a comprehensive media service back then. The whole world knew.


The US wanted the UK to get involved but at least to his credit unlike Tony Bliar our PM Harold Wilson kept us out of it.

Hard to understand why you are "throwing your bricks out of your pram" at a couple of words in response to your original post, when the words have no other meaning than to directly answer your post.


Your whole rant about the Vietnam War and justification etc, etc has nothing whatsoever to do with the thread or my post.


The main point of my post was to highlight the fact that this dumb, orange clown denigrated a war hero, not to discuss whether America should have been in it or not, or indeed my views on it.

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1 minute ago, yogi100 said:

I did not write 'murders'.


I wrote 'fatal stabbings'.


Bear in mind it's very difficult to get guns in London, police are not routinely armed and there is no death penalty in the UK. 


Just imagine what they could achieve if they could lay their hands on guns!



There are no stats for 'fatal stabbings' in New York, Chicago and/or Detroit so again your statement is just nonsense. These cities don't discriminate by weapon, only by outcome and to be honest, most of these American murderers would laugh at you if you came at them with a knife (never bring a knife to a gun fight and all that). The murder rate (the outcome of these fatal stabbings) is still vastly higher in any of these cities compared to London so your fear mongering is, yet again proven wrong. 

Sorry I can't help you in your echo chamber.


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8 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I think it's just you.  I've never heard anyone raise such a fuss about this.  If Brits can say Yanks, then Yanks should be able to say Brits.  And since Brits themselves are using the term, it sounds like you're just fishing for something - anything to be offended about.



I've not raised the fuss. I simply put the word in inverted commas when I quoted someone who had used it.


If others have the right to find the 'P' word and the 'F' word offensive I'm going to exercise my right to do the same regarding the 'B' word. 


Try using to 'F' or 'P' word on Thai Visa and see what happens!


Quite honestly you can call me whatever you like as long as you don't call me late for my dinner.

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54 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Can't you be bothered to write Britons, it's only two letters longer.


I bet you don't use the shortened term for Pakistanis nor the shortened version of Filipinos because doing so is not considered respectful nor adequately politically correct.


I'm an Englishman so therefore a Briton and it's my choice and my right to consider the shorten term for my people to also be disrespectful and politically incorrect. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander. I do hope that's OK with you.



Australian = Aussie, Irishman = Paddy, Welshman = Taffy, American = Yankee, Englishman = Limey, New Zealander = Kiwi, Pakistani = ?

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17 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

But how many those are confirmed as having "avoided" the armed services?

They've never lived in an age when it was necessary to avoid serving in the armed services.


Conscription ended in the UK before Javid and Khan were even born and Mr May would have been just three years old.

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17 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

Yes your post is extremely accurate everyone outside the political left I know fully supports Elected President Trump, and it does feel that London has been ethnically cleansed by millions of immigrants both Europeans and ‘ New Europeans’. 


We need strong leaders like Trump not the Lilly liveried political class we have now!


in my area we are the only white (non Europeans) in or entire street, most new arrivals are on benefits and the area is now much more delapidated with Roma beggars on the main road into town. Unfortunately, it feels like we have been invaded, most shops are in Polish, Romanian Or Arab script there is zero English spoken at all in town even some of the shop workers don’t speak it. On the tube ride or bus it is rare to hear English spoken at all. However, the left shouldn’t think all immigrants suport them as many I know like Trump particularly from Poland, Hungary Romania where they are more used to strong leaders.



With you all the way there.  My grandfather died in 1977 , he lived in Tulse Hill south London , My mother before the war lived there and walked across Brockwell Park at night to an evening class because as a teenager she was learning the violin.  How times change.  When my Grandfather went to collect his pension kids at a nearby school through stones over the fence at him. My grandfather bought his house in 1922 as it was up market , I wonder if it still is , my mother asked if I wanted it in '77 .  I wonder if I should of had it. On a lighter note my G.Dad did call the chap next door Sambo.

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The British viewpoint is EXACTLY what Trump needs. No previous President has been received so negatively by the UK. This is an emergency situation. World opinion is nearly unanimous in opposing Trump. Surely this counts for something????

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20 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

There are no stats for 'fatal stabbings' in New York, Chicago and/or Detroit so again your statement is just nonsense. These cities don't discriminate by weapon, only by outcome and to be honest, most of these American murderers would laugh at you if you came at them with a knife (never bring a knife to a gun fight and all that). The murder rate (the outcome of these fatal stabbings) is still vastly higher in any of these cities compared to London so your fear mongering is, yet again proven wrong. 

Sorry I can't help you in your echo chamber.


US murderers routinely use guns not knives and the statistics are there if you care to find them under headings like death by firearms etc so my statement is far from 'nonsense'.


It's blatantly obvious that it's much easier to kill someone with a gun than a knife. You have to come into close contact with your victim to stab him. You can use a gun to kill someone from much greater distances. Just like on a video game.


Using a knife makes it much more close and personal. If you're about to get stabbed you're probably going to expect it and see it coming and suffer the fear of impending death. There's not a man alive who can see a bullet coming.


I'm not in an echo chamber. What makes you think I am?

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If I be a billionaire US president I would sure care about these nobodies


I bet half of them are from China, muslim countries or Thailand where they would go to jail or get bullet between their eyes if they did the same back home.

Edited by AtoZ
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32 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

With you all the way there.  My grandfather died in 1977 , he lived in Tulse Hill south London , My mother before the war lived there and walked across Brockwell Park at night to an evening class because as a teenager she was learning the violin.  How times change.  When my Grandfather went to collect his pension kids at a nearby school through stones over the fence at him. My grandfather bought his house in 1922 as it was up market , I wonder if it still is , my mother asked if I wanted it in '77 .  I wonder if I should of had it. On a lighter note my G.Dad did call the chap next door Sambo.

Well when you consider the average house price in Tulse Hill is nearly GBP 600k (https://www.foxtons.co.uk/living-in/tulse-hill/) I think you can safely say it still remains 'up-market'. 

And if kids throwing stones at your grandfather is your best example of 'wouldn't happen in my day' and ''things have certainly got a lot worst' thinking then the bar is truly set low.

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9 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Whether you or the left wing luvvies like it or not us ordinary 'Brits' as you call us who have seen through the left wing propaganda and the multicultural agenda of the BBC and their pals and will welcome Trump because we admire him because of his attitude towards Islamic immigration.


We 'Brits' have not forgot the slaughter we witnessed during the London Bombings, the Manchester Arena attack and then the London Bridge terrorist attacks. We're also sick of their demands that impinge on our traditional way of life as well.


Just like Trump and his supporters over the Atlantic cannot possibly have forgotten 9/11. 

Oh, really?? Seeing as the orange clown and MSB are like two peas in a pod it sure looks like your "luvvie" has forgotten.

Edited by Becker
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21 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Well when you consider the average house price in Tulse Hill is nearly GBP 600k (https://www.foxtons.co.uk/living-in/tulse-hill/) I think you can safely say it still remains 'up-market'. 

And if kids throwing stones at your grandfather is your best example of 'wouldn't happen in my day' and ''things have certainly got a lot worst' thinking then the bar is truly set low.

I did just look up Claverdale Road and see prices around now 700 big ones.  I am sure that a lot of places such as Tulse Hill are now up market . I can only go on when my grandfather lived there. Last time I was there was 1977 , he thought the area was not as good as pre WW2 , but how things change . Where I grew up ( some say I haven't ) was a sleepy town , now it possesses the biggest vinyard in England and the town is antique shops and wine bars. More disposable cash I guess.

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51 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

US murderers routinely use guns not knives and the statistics are there if you care to find them under headings like death by firearms etc so my statement is far from 'nonsense'.


It's blatantly obvious that it's much easier to kill someone with a gun than a knife. You have to come into close contact with your victim to stab him. You can use a gun to kill someone from much greater distances. Just like on a video game.


Using a knife makes it much more close and personal. If you're about to get stabbed you're probably going to expect it and see it coming and suffer the fear of impending death. There's not a man alive who can see a bullet coming.


I'm not in an echo chamber. What makes you think I am?

Also, since 'the statistics are there if you care to find them' perhaps you could find them all for us and enlighten us to the fact that London had more fatal stabbings than New York, Chicago and Detroit combined. 

2018 will do. Peer reviewed and corroborated please.  

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2 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

I did just look up Claverdale Road and see prices around now 700 big ones.  I am sure that a lot of places such as Tulse Hill are now up market . I can only go on when my grandfather lived there. Last time I was there was 1977 , he thought the area was not as good as pre WW2 , but how things change . Where I grew up ( some say I haven't ) was a sleepy town , now it possesses the biggest vinyard in England and the town is antique shops and wine bars. More disposable cash I guess.

If you are going to comment on a touchy subject such as whether London is better/worst than it used to be, please try and not just use your personal experience from 22 years ago. It's not particularly helpful.

Tulse Hill (like most of London) has gone upmarket purely because house prices have gone through the roof, meaning the poorer demographic can't afford to live there any more unless it's in council estates. Most if not all the trouble you are hearing about knife crime in London is (like the vast majority of inner city crime throughout the world) centered around drugs, youth gangs and the lowering of living standards for the poor. Through 10 years of Tory austerity programmes and the dropping of 20,000 police officers over the same 10 years, the poor have been completely ignored in the UK and everyone is surprised when crime goes up and there's no one around to solve it.

As usual the uneducated blame immigrants, Muslims, the 'youth' and other easy to pick on groups because it fits their racist/xenophobic/islamaphobic narrative when the real problem is an elitist ruling class who don't give a flying flick about anyone other than themselves and their core supporters and would rather ignore those that most need government help rather than try and elevate them out of squalor.

That's where the real problem is (both UK and USA) but the message gets lost as they are VERY good at pointing the finger at others.


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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

Way to try and distract from your original post clearly stating 'A level at which a US president is allowed to be mocked by a Muslim mayor of a city which used to be one of the greatest in the world and which is now the crime capital of Europe and one that has more fatal stabbing incidents than New York, Chicago and Detroit combined'.

Care to actually comment on that piece of nonsense you are trying desperately to distance yourself from? A straight up 'Sorry but I got it wrong and humbly apologise for spreading fake news' would suffice.

I did not get it wrong I got it right.

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:

In spite of the wishes of liberals and left wingers the UK is in the process of democratically leaving the EU and is obviously going to want to do business elsewhere especially with the USA.


It's downright irresponsible if not treasonous for a leading politician like Khan to float a blimp over London ridiculing the leader of the USA at this particular point in time.


The idiot must realise that he is the mayor of the capital city of the country which is going to rely on nations like the US for its future prosperity and economic welfare when and if we ever get out of the EU.


You'd think the equally idiotic PM and his chum, fellow Muslim Sajid Javid the Home Secretary would mark his card and tell him to tone things down a bit and behave himself.


It's his duty to act in the interests of the British people not in the interests of his own personal grievances by trying to scuttle the long standing and traditional relationship that's existed for well over a century between the US and the UK.

Your arguement is moot , by the very essence of what you state , Trump would ignore any personal grievance and the relationship would remain the same.

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5 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

If you are going to comment on a touchy subject such as whether London is better/worst than it used to be, please try and not just use your personal experience from 22 years ago. It's not particularly helpful.

Tulse Hill (like most of London) has gone upmarket purely because house prices have gone through the roof, meaning the poorer demographic can't afford to live there any more unless it's in council estates. Most if not all the trouble you are hearing about knife crime in London is (like the vast majority of inner city crime throughout the world) centered around drugs, youth gangs and the lowering of living standards for the poor. Through 10 years of Tory austerity programmes and the dropping of 20,000 police officers over the same 10 years, the poor have been completely ignored in the UK and everyone is surprised when crime goes up and there's no one around to solve it.

As usual the uneducated blame immigrants, Muslims, the 'youth' and other easy to pick on groups because it fits their racist/xenophobic/islamaphobic narrative when the real problem is an elitist ruling class who don't give a flying flick about anyone other than themselves and their core supporters and would rather ignore those that most need government help rather than try and elevate them out of squalor.

That's where the real problem is (both UK and USA) but the message gets lost as they are VERY good at pointing the finger at others.


22 years ago , no , I agree with you but 1977 was 42 years ago.

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15 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Whether you or the left wing luvvies like it or not us ordinary 'Brits' as you call us who have seen through the left wing propaganda and the multicultural agenda of the BBC and their pals and will welcome Trump because we admire him because of his attitude towards Islamic immigration.


We 'Brits' have not forgot the slaughter we witnessed during the London Bombings, the Manchester Arena attack and then the London Bridge terrorist attacks. We're also sick of their demands that impinge on our traditional way of life as well.


Just like Trump and his supporters over the Atlantic cannot possibly have forgotten 9/11. 

I am 59 years old , of working class stock and have lived in or around London all my life. What you say is very much a minority view , born out by the fact that the likes of the National Front and British Movement have been soundly thrashed in every election I can remember.

Incidently I have never voted for anybody other than the Tories so you cant dismiss me as a wishy washy , hand wringing liberal.

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13 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

I am 59 years old , of working class stock and have lived in or around London all my life. What you say is very much a minority view , born out by the fact that the likes of the National Front and British Movement have been soundly thrashed in every election I can remember.

Incidently I have never voted for anybody other than the Tories so you cant dismiss me as a wishy washy , hand wringing liberal.


When have National Front and British Movement candidates stood in any elections. They knew they never would have stood a chance.


Theresa May and CMD were very liberal compared with old time Tories like Churchill, Supermac, Chamberlain and Thatcher.  


 If you as a Tory voter voted for CMD after this little classic below I'd say you were definitely 'a wishy washy , hand wringing liberal.'


Neither Thatcher nor Churchill nor the rest of them would ever have had the front to come out with this! 


Bear in mind we've now under Mrs May we've now actually got a  Muslim Home Secretary



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