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Hi i am getting the side of my house and back concreted (Footpath) when i return from UK. I am studying the things i need and prices as i will be getting the materials myself and just getting the Thai labour to do. I am after price of 6mm rebar 10meter length in Khon Kaen also what strengh cement would be best 240? 280?. Last what would be the going price per square meter to lay concrete which includes hand excavation 100mm depth. Shutter,rebar, concrete. Or would it be a case just to pay Labour by the day . Any input be great to help me get and better understanding in purchasing materials and labour. Paul 


I must of not explained my post clear sorry. I am getting concrete ready mixed delivered when i concrete as i need 4 cubic meters. What i was trying to ask  was is there a better concrete mix strength to get i understand they come in 180, 240 etc for a footpath. I am at the UK at pres but will be in Khon Kaen in the next month and was trying to get a price of rebar 6mm by 10 meter thinking one of the members might no the price. I will be going to my local building merchant for the materials needed. Also is it best to pay thai labour by sqaure meter or by the day and the going rates .

10 hours ago, leekman said:

I am getting concrete ready mixed delivered when i concrete as i need 4 cubic meters.

Concrete mix strength to get i understand they come in 180, 240 etc for a footpath.

I will be going to my local building merchant for the materials needed.

Also is it best to pay Thai labour by sqaure meter or by the day and the going rates.

A few months back a concrete area for parking vehicles on ready mix was 1,900 per m3 this may vary with different companies.

The depth for this was 250mm using 6mm rebar prefabricated rolls cut to the length or area you want can't remember price but in long run cuts down on labour time.


6mm rebar in 10M lengths is about 60 baht each if you want to mess about making up reinforcement caging for concrete slabs.


As for concrete strength for pathways and upper flooring in a house usually 180.

For driveways 240, tell the Readymix company what you need.


It will be better to go global house IMO and it's free delivery, 

Maliwan Rd. Amphoe Muang Khon Kaen.


Pay Thai labour by the m2 is best IMO. 80 baht a m2 for concrete is what we paid buying materials ourselves.

21 minutes ago, mogandave said:

6mm rebar seems pretty heavy for a foot-path.

I would think a roll of screen more appropriate and easier to work with

2.8mm mesh sold everywhere



  • Thanks 1

Why not hire a mixer and get the local lads to do the biz? The biggest problem I see in Thailand is lack of control over contamination and too weak a mix. Also, get a blinding down. They don't often bother with that here but it's worth it,


The major difference in concrete quality is the Thais put too much water in to make life easy,


You don't need any reinforcement for a footpath. Just make sure there is a blinding, as little water to do the job as necessary and plenty of Lao Khow on tap for the lads.

  • Thanks 1

Owl sees all. Blinding im abit lost off with that i am thinking damp course membrane ? is that what blinding is or a blinding of stone . I have read of stories regarding ready mix concrete been to weak and very wet. My job is a footpath side and back but the back needs reinforcement which i think 6mm is ok as i will be building a Thai outside kitchen on a section of the back . Do you know the going rate to hire a mixer per day or week if i go down that route.


Unless you’re planning on directly supervising the mix, likely over the objections of your grunt-staff, you will absolutely get better quality from a ready-mix truck.

Were it me, if you can get the truck in to deliver the concrete directly into the forms, I would get help with the digging, forms and rebar. Once that’s done it’s easy to screed, float and trowel it off.

The benefit of doing it using a mixer is that you can do a small section at a time and not worry so much about the rain, which likely will be an issue.

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1 hour ago, leekman said:

Owl sees all. Blinding im abit lost off with that i am thinking damp course membrane ? is that what blinding is or a blinding of stone . I have read of stories regarding ready mix concrete been to weak and very wet. My job is a footpath side and back but the back needs reinforcement which i think 6mm is ok as i will be building a Thai outside kitchen on a section of the back . Do you know the going rate to hire a mixer per day or week if i go down that route.

Blinding is a mix of concrete that is put onto the base giving an uncontaminated base for the main mix, once it's gone off. I've seen here concrete that has been put directly onto mud. Blinding takes care of this. Just a weak wet mix that separates the ground from the main concrete.


The ideal mix for your path is a standard mix with JUST enough water to get the job done. Too much water will weaken the concrete considerably. Although it is only a path, it's best to have the concrete as strong and durable as possible.


Slump test has been mentioned. A bit OTT in my opinion. But consider it for a more critical situation.

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Yeah i think ready mix be easy more and get slump test as mentioned thank you. When concreting  i will have to keep truck on sio outside my gate as the weight of a 6 wheeler and 4 cubic meters inside will crack all my tiles on drive as truck will not reach from drive anyway. So barrow job for my new Thai friends when i meet them lol. As mentioned above i could rent these forms i only need 100mm depth forms. Who would be best to rent these from in Khon Kaen ? and price. I was going to buy 15mm plywood 6x4 and cut a sheet in 100mm stips get 6 to each sheet for shuttering. Thank for the help guys and the helpful guidance.

8 hours ago, leekman said:

Yeah i think ready mix be easy more and get slump test as mentioned thank you. When concreting  i will have to keep truck on sio outside my gate as the weight of a 6 wheeler and 4 cubic meters inside will crack all my tiles on drive as truck will not reach from drive anyway. So barrow job for my new Thai friends when i meet them lol. As mentioned above i could rent these forms i only need 100mm depth forms. Who would be best to rent these from in Khon Kaen ? and price. I was going to buy 15mm plywood 6x4 and cut a sheet in 100mm stips get 6 to each sheet for shuttering. Thank for the help guys and the helpful guidance.

Standard cost is AFIR 3 Baht per form per day possibly a little less per week.

DO NOT SOURCE THEM YOURSELF. As around for the workers who are doing the work, they should be able to get them for you.


you will need a minimum of 10~15 people probably more and at least 6 wheel barrows. You may have only a little over 1 hour to off load so need more people and barrows than you think are sensible. 


Have an area ready to accept any excess concrete. The Truck will have to dump any excess. Also having an area to accept the wash off water will help you, as the truck will not have anywhere to keep it. 

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