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Battle over portfolios brings Phalang Pracharat back to square one


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7 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

They did not really think this through. One no confidence vote in parliament and it is back to the ballot box.

Meechai failed once again....

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The MMA system was designed to create coalition governments that CAN be thrown out with a no confidence vote, so hardly a fail. This was to prevent the situation with the PTP government who, with an absolute majority, voted as they were told and paid to do even when it was obvious to all that they were corrupt to the core.


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16 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

16 parties. I give it two months. Not listening to the electorate, who made it clear. No prayuth.

It is downtight crazy they are even trying. The democrats should be utterly ashamed by joining this coalition, one that would never reached a majority if it wasn't for the EC!

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Quite possibly 17, as Chart Thai Pattana are apparently considering an invitation to join the coalition (BP 1431 today). Their 10 seats would make the small parties useful but not essential, but I'm sure you will find something to moan about.

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31 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

Quite possibly 17, as Chart Thai Pattana are apparently considering an invitation to join the coalition (BP 1431 today). Their 10 seats would make the small parties useful but not essential, but I'm sure you will find something to moan about.

No... That party was already included in the 16, if chart Thai pattana doesn't join, Prayuth does not have a majority, end of story. 


I am not moaning of course, I take exception at the way Prayuth is stealing the country once again. I am not going to re-iterate all the points, they are quite clear to anyone that pays attention. 


The elections were anything but free and fair, and even with all the cheating, they didn't even secure a normal majority, and are now relying on parties that promised their voters never to support the dictator and 11 minor parties, that were awarded a seat because they promised to join this coaltion, not the other way around...


Surpised any poster is still defending this. Credibility be dammned, that much is absolutely certain. 

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49 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

The MMA system was designed to create coalition governments that CAN be thrown out with a no confidence vote, so hardly a fail. This was to prevent the situation with the PTP government who, with an absolute majority, voted as they were told and paid to do even when it was obvious to all that they were corrupt to the core.


Governments could Always been trown out, there were ample checks and balances. How do you suddenly figure the MMA, just a few days ago you were claiming it was MMP !, oh boy you are so full of it !


And as usual you completely missed my point, the fail of Meechai is from Prayuth's perspective. Not the smartest knife are you ?


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7 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Governments could Always been trown out, there were ample checks and balances. How do you suddenly figure the MMA, just a few days ago you were claiming it was MMP !, oh boy you are so full of it !


And as usual you completely missed my point, the fail of Meechai is from Prayuth's perspective. Not the smartest knife are you ?


MMA is a variant of MMP and quite similar. Are you suggesting that Prayuth didn't know that the voting system he was installing would lead to a coalition government? Or that coalitions could dissolve? He would have to be pretty bloody obtuse.



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5 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

MMA is a variant of MMP and quite similar. Are you suggesting that Prayuth didn't know that the voting system he was installing would lead to a coalition government? Or that coalitions could dissolve? He would have to be pretty bloody obtuse.



No that is not what I am claiming of course. He isn't completely stupid. However he probably counted on a much bigger election win, he tried to cheat, but in the end he didn't get what he hoped for. In any case, he has a solid 246 seat opposition, and has quite a bit of trouble to cobble together a 16 party coalition. 


I predict that even if this actually happens, his government will fall before the end of the year, as the democrats already hinted at changes in the constitution they want to implement, and I am betting Prayuth won't give it to them. 


The system installed in Thailand is neither MMA nor MMP, in fact it is unique to Thailand, as the way votes are counted are not fair and just. With the old system, this would all be moot, and we would already have a government, without Prayuth….


My last sentence highlights exactly what the problem is here. Nice to have elections, but they should be free and fair with a system that is free and fair. 

Edited by sjaak327
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5 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

No that is not what I am claiming of course. He isn't completely stupid. However he probably counted on a much bigger election win, he tried to cheat, but in the end he didn't get what he hoped for. In any case, he has a solid 246 seat opposition, and has quite a bit of trouble to cobble together a 16 party coalition. 


I predict that even if this actually happens, his government will fall before the end of the year, as the democrats already hinted at changes in the constitution they want to implement, and I am betting Prayuth won't give it to them. 


The system installed in Thailand is neither MMA nor MMP, in fact it is unique to Thailand, as the way votes are counted are not fair and just. With the old system, this would all be moot, and we would already have a government, without Prayuth….


My last sentence highlights exactly what the problem is here. Nice to have elections, but they should be free and fair with a system that is free and fair. 

And you are the one who decides fair and just, while you advocate first past the post, with double votes for party list. I have pointed out before, that enabled rich criminals to buy their way into office and left the large minority with little say in government. 

I quite like it, especially after PTP sadly misjudged the party list. Either you face an electorate, or take that risk. 

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16 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

No that is not what I am claiming of course. He isn't completely stupid. However he probably counted on a much bigger election win, he tried to cheat, but in the end he didn't get what he hoped for. In any case, he has a solid 246 seat opposition, and has quite a bit of trouble to cobble together a 16 party coalition. 

PPRP had all along predicted to win 150 constituency seats. They got only 97. They did all they can to make the election to their favour like trimming the number of constituency seats up for electoral grabs from 375 to 350 especially in the North and Northeast, campaigning well before the election and massive populist policies. They got the party list seats and PTP got nothing. Now they in a pickle and has to go around begging for help. 

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7 minutes ago, Ozman52 said:

And you are the one who decides fair and just, while you advocate first past the post, with double votes for party list. I have pointed out before, that enabled rich criminals to buy their way into office and left the large minority with little say in government. 

I quite like it, especially after PTP sadly misjudged the party list. Either you face an electorate, or take that risk. 

As opposed to people that illegaly take power ? Get out of here, you don't have any leg to stand on. The country has been run by criminals for the past five years, and not a single member of the Thai electorate (to whom this country belongs if the constitution is to be believed) could do anything about it. 


PTP did not misjudge the party list, they had a sister party to get around the problem, the fact that they have to get around it, already proves it is unjust. But I guess you are going to stand your ground, even though it is quite clear that the system used in Thailand isn't fair. 


One thing is absolutely sure, had they used the same system as previously, we already would have a governement, one that actually reflects the will of the Thai electorate, no true democrat could ever take issue with that. 


But I get it, your illogical hatred for Thaksin, severly clouds your judgement. Make no mistake, he is peanuts compared to the current bunch, that much has been proven now. And at least he could be impeached, he could be voted out of office, the current bunch cannot, as this sham so aptly proves once again. Always nice when you can make your own laws, without any oversight isn't it ?


You like it, well I guess you are simply confused. Good luck, you are going to need it.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

PPRP had all along predicted to win 150 constituency seats. They got only 97. They did all they can to make the election to their favour like trimming the number of constituency seats up for electoral grabs from 375 to 350 especially in the North and Northeast, campaigning well before the election and massive populist policies. They got the party list seats and PTP got nothing. Now they in a pickle and has to go around begging for help. 

Yep, massive loss of face, I like it ????


But of course the way they are now trying to go after FFP highlights their insecurity. It will also eventually mean their downfall, and I believe it will come crashing down rather sooner than later. Good riddance. 

Edited by sjaak327
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