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UK PM May's party slumps to third place amid Brexit crisis - opinion poll


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1 hour ago, Benroon said:

Love your impassioned defence of the good ol pound especially as you and your chums have basically put 75% of the nails in its coffin !


So have we established now that the Brexit disaster sunk the pound by 20% overnight on the night of the referendum (yes or no is fine)


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4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

No contradiction. Multinational (not all European) companies and banks will not be chasing the Euro when it stalls - too much for them - they just want an EU that can lobby and manipulate for their own ends. Euro currency support will fall to the ECB (basically Germany) and if they start QE again it will drive the currency down anyway. Either way, when the debts are exposed and the chickens come home to roost, the Euro slide will be unstoppable. 


Yes the Pound will suffer if we leave with no deal - I have always said this - same reason as before - fear and sentiment. I still believe that it will be the Euro that will suffer far more, longer term.


I did say 7%, then 3%, for the previous Pound drop. All you have to do is add them together. Simples. I used an average of 50 to start pre referendum, not that brief spike at 52.

i respect your opinion but you are still just hoping the EU/euro will fail which is by all means possible if highly unlikely,too many big guns to keep in running smoothly imo as for QE this will start in the UK as soon as the first bad economic data filters through so we would have a head start on our enemies ???? big question will be will the BoE hike up interest rates to prop up the battered pound,just imagine rates at even 3% ouch! that alone will trigger a recession,EU debts are already commom knowledge as are UKs so no great advantage there,keep clutching at straws and dreaming.

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2 minutes ago, bomber said:

i respect your opinion but you are still just hoping the EU/euro will fail which is by all means possible if highly unlikely,too many big guns to keep in running smoothly imo as for QE this will start in the UK as soon as the first bad economic data filters through so we would have a head start on our enemies ???? big question will be will the BoE hike up interest rates to prop up the battered pound,just imagine rates at even 3% ouch! that alone will trigger a recession,EU debts are already commom knowledge as are UKs so no great advantage there,keep clutching at straws and dreaming.

It is so boring when you misquote me - I am not hoping for a failure of the UK or the EU. Debts may be common knowledge but they have been mainly ignored by the EU but not so by the UK, which is actually better prepared to deal with the next financial crisis.


QE and rate rises do not fit well together, as we have already seen. If they do it again then rates will go -ve. 

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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:

It is so boring when you misquote me - I am not hoping for a failure of the UK or the EU. Debts may be common knowledge but they have been mainly ignored by the EU but not so by the UK, which is actually better prepared to deal with the next financial crisis.


QE and rate rises do not fit well together, as we have already seen. If they do it again then rates will go -ve. 

your just predicting the EU/euro will fall,possible but unlikely but as you correctly stated earlier today the big boys wont let it,the same big boys who will run the pound into the ground like our good friend Mr Soros,what is -ve? btw despite what brexiteers say the euro is very popular in the EU with 61% happy and higher in the nations that use the Euro,naturally the envious none uses score lower,take a read.i wonder what percentage would fancy switching to the pound????

History of the euro - Wikipedia.html

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4 minutes ago, bartender100 said:

Peterborough by-election on Thursday, watch the Brexit Party fly, we will see what the country thinks

no you wont you will see what 20-25% of the adult population of peterboro thinks,what have you been drinking

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29 minutes ago, nauseus said:

It is so boring when you misquote me - I am not hoping for a failure of the UK or the EU. Debts may be common knowledge but they have been mainly ignored by the EU but not so by the UK, which is actually better prepared to deal with the next financial crisis.


QE and rate rises do not fit well together, as we have already seen. If they do it again then rates will go -ve. 

the UK is hardly well prepared.

The United Kingdom National Debt Clock 2019 Counter __ nationaldebtclock.co.uk.html

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20 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

Very few people in the UK are going to be worried about what you're getting for your GBP.


Start worrying in when it gets down to the 32 baht we were getting for the quid back in 1984. Now that was dire although things cost less so were our wages less. I first visited the LOS back then but it was just too expensive to even consider returning at those sort of exchange rates. That was also when we had a Tory govt with Thatcher as PM.


The highest exchange rate regarding the TB we've ever had was under the Labour govt of Blair then again under that of Brown.


It's not Brexiteers you should be blaming it's the wimpish Tory Party for selecting a dithering remainer to get us out of the EU when a stronger more responsible and determined leader would have had us out ages ago and all this would just be a memory.


You would not use a garden fork to paddle a raft across a flooded field you'd use a shovel.

Its not all aout the baht...harworking famalies holidaying in Eu usa etc will be effected for the 4 th year running..getting mighty costly this idiotic ideA now...are you enjoying 39bt instead of 52 plus?

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3 minutes ago, bomber said:

Its not all aout the baht...harworking famalies holidaying in Eu usa etc will be effected for the 4 th year running..getting mighty costly this idiotic ideA now...are you enjoying 39bt instead of 52 plus?

Seen it all before and worse.


They shouldn't go abroad for their holidays if that's what they're worried about. They can always go to Bournemouth or Blackpool instead. That's if they can find a guest house that's not full up with immigrants.


You should not be worried either. Weren't you on here recently crowing about how successful in business you'd been.

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35 minutes ago, Benroon said:

I'm tempted to put this in upper case for the hard of thinking - against the B...A....H....T


I don't have a clue about the aus dollar, I don't care about the Aus dollar


The day before the Brexit referendum the pound was worth 52 baht, the morning after the Brexit referendum the baht was worth 43 baht - now what do you think caused that in that specific 24 hour period where we coincidentally had a referendum …...slowly does it …...

A few years before the Brexit vote , the Pound was also 44 Baht and the Pound was considered to be overvalued when it was in the mid 50'S to the Baht

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2 hours ago, bomber said:

your just predicting the EU/euro will fall,possible but unlikely but as you correctly stated earlier today the big boys wont let it,the same big boys who will run the pound into the ground like our good friend Mr Soros,what is -ve? btw despite what brexiteers say the euro is very popular in the EU with 61% happy and higher in the nations that use the Euro,naturally the envious none uses score lower,take a read.i wonder what percentage would fancy switching to the pound????

History of the euro - Wikipedia.html 383.54 kB · 0 downloads

No. You said the big boys won't let it. Misquoting again. Boring as all ****!


Of course the euro is very popular in the EU. It's all they have to spend in Spoonies! 

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Very few people in the UK are going to be worried about what you're getting for your GBP.


Start worrying in when it gets down to the 32 baht we were getting for the quid back in 1984. Now that was dire although things cost less so were our wages less. I first visited the LOS back then but it was just too expensive to even consider returning at those sort of exchange rates. That was also when we had a Tory govt with Thatcher as PM.


The highest exchange rate regarding the TB we've ever had was under the Labour govt of Blair then again under that of Brown.


It's not Brexiteers you should be blaming it's the wimpish Tory Party for selecting a dithering remainer to get us out of the EU when a stronger more responsible and determined leader would have had us out ages ago and all this would just be a memory.


You would not use a garden fork to paddle a raft across a flooded field you'd use a shovel.

Record pound/baht was due to the 1997 Asian Financial crisis. Blair/Brown were just in and helped out a little bit.

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56 minutes ago, Benroon said:

I'm tempted to put this in upper case for the hard of thinking - against the B...A....H....T


I don't have a clue about the aus dollar, I don't care about the Aus dollar


The day before the Brexit referendum the pound was worth 52 baht, the morning after the Brexit referendum the baht was worth 43 baht - now what do you think caused that in that specific 24 hour period where we coincidentally had a referendum …...slowly does it …...

Actually it was 50 then 45. You exaggerate to try to prove your point. 

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48 minutes ago, Benroon said:



So 52 - 20% is ………...oooh look 42 (41.6 for the pedants) - the same rate following the referendum - how weird is that ! 

WOW what? Here are the BoE GBP/THB spot rates for all June, 2016. They have 52 on 23rd and 48 on 24th. 


I had used 50 on 23rd and 45 on 24th - an even bigger bigger drop - that is what most could get for Sterling in Thailand.


GBP/THB was 10% down at most from pre to post referendum. That was the discussion.


In 2019 the Pound is lower again versus the Baht mainly due to a steady strengthening of the Thai Baht.

The Euro/THB has gone down similarly against the Baht, since end 2016. 





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1 minute ago, oilinki said:

Quite the opposite. It was pure due Brexit decision. Pound would have rebounced if it was just a fluke. It never did.

If the reason for the Pounds fall to its current rate was solely because of the Brexit vote , why didnt it immediately fall to 39 ?

  Why did it even take four months to fall to 44 (from 48 right after the vote )?

The Pound has been sliding because of the indecision and no one knows what is going on

   The financial markets hate uncertainty .


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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

Just need to "Buy British" then , which will help the local economy 

i remember those buy british crusades when i was a kid,thing is but nobody wanted a morris marina or a austin allegro ????  btw once toyota,nissan and JLR have departed will there be any UK built cars available to buy,only JRM.fartage and BJ can afford aston martains,paying in euro's of coarse

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2 minutes ago, bomber said:

i remember those buy british crusades when i was a kid,thing is but nobody wanted a morris marina or a austin allegro ????  btw once toyota,nissan and JLR have departed will there be any UK built cars available to buy,only JRM.fartage and BJ can afford aston martains,paying in euro's of coarse

Lets hope that a Elon Musk type of British entrepreneur steps up and creates a new UK car builder .

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

Seen it all before and worse.


They shouldn't go abroad for their holidays if that's what they're worried about. They can always go to Bournemouth or Blackpool instead. That's if they can find a guest house that's not full up with immigrants.


You should not be worried either. Weren't you on here recently crowing about how successful in business you'd been.

iam not worried at all,bahts dont effect me these days,iam one the lucky ones who will reap the rewards of the EU/Euro collapse,any idea when i should expect it iam so excited ???? you still didnt answer the question are you enjoying it

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

No. You said the big boys won't let it. Misquoting again. Boring as all ****!


Of course the euro is very popular in the EU. It's all they have to spend in Spoonies! 

the french and germans will find spoons excellent value these days,they might even get them in for a few benefit scroungers waiting for giro day or maybe even a skint returning pattaya ex pat smoking a roly in a singha vest and sporting a red nose.????

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