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Renewal of Retirement Visa back in home country (Australia)

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Because of the complications of keeping a minimum certain amount of funds in Thai banks, a mate of mine is considering getting a new Retirement Visa next time he is back in Australia.  He has gone to the local Immigration Office (Khon Kaen) and has received all the information about the complications with the money in bank (etc etc) when he will be up for Extension later this year.  He has decided that he does not want to go through that process (likewise for Extension for Marriage), and given that he goes back to Australia for 2 months over Xmas and New Year, he wants to just get a new Retirement Visa and use that for the following 12 months, and then another 12 months permission to stay under the automatic extension, and then do it again (every 2 years).


Has anyone got any experience or advice with regards to ongoing renewal of a Retirement Visa every 2 years when he is back in Australia?


I am assuming that the automatic 12 months extension of permission to stay, via a trip out and back into the country, is still valid - please let me know if this is no longer the case.


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9 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

Has anyone got any experience or advice with regards to ongoing renewal of a Retirement Visa every 2 years when he is back in Australia?

It’s a new application every time and as long as he meets the financial/other requirements — as it stands — he’ll have no problem getting a new visa every two years.


It’s possible he’ll have to have medical insurance to get the visa in the future.


9 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

I am assuming that the automatic 12 months extension of permission to stay, via a trip out and back into the country, is still valid - please let me know if this is no longer the case.

Yes, although it’s not an extension of stay. Every time he enters — before the visa expires — he gets a new 1 year stay.

Edited by elviajero
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Thanks for the advice elviajero - I amd glad to hear that and I will pass that on.


Regarding the health insurance, because he travels back and forth every year and still 'resides' in Australia, he gets a new Travel Insurance Policy each time he visits Thailand and he will continue to do the same going forward.  You can get Travel Insurance for up to 12 months at a time, which includes more than enough Medical Insurance, as long as you reside in Australia and have both a departure and return ticket etc.  


At the moment the wife and I only visit for a month each time and we do the same, but in the future (after getting the age pension) we will be doing the same every 12 months or so too.  I am assuming that Travel Insurance issued in by a recognised company Australia would comply with the Thailand requirements, but if you think not please let me know.


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48 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

I am assuming that Travel Insurance issued in by a recognised company Australia would comply with the Thailand requirements, but if you think not please let me know.

The underlying reason for bringing in compulsory insurance is to benefit Thai insurance companies. The 'O-X' visa already requires compulsory insurance and according to the London Thai Embassy it is "Thai medical insurance".



"Applicants must have Thai medical insurance during their stay in Thailand (per the approval of the Office of Insurance Commission) and medical claims for outpatient must not be less than 40,000 Baht, for inpatient must not be less than 400,000 Baht."


I don't know anyone that's applied for the 'O-X' visa so I've no idea yet if alternative insurance will be accepted, or if the 'O-A' will have the same condition; but I expect it will only be Thai insurance.


See https://longstay.tgia.org.

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16 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

yes and do those cleverlies have a thai health insurance, which is mandatory for successfull non-o a visa applications as from 01072019. thb400k inpatient , 40k opd

No. Nothing official. There has been no announcement from the MFA, and Thai Embassies & Consulates didn't add this (yet?) in their requirements (AFAIK).

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17 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

yes and do those cleverlies have a thai health insurance, which is mandatory for successfull non-o a visa applications as from 01072019. thb400k inpatient , 40k opd

The date for the insurance requirement to apply for a OA long stay visa at embassy or official consulate in your home country has not been officially announced yet.

The first of July was only a speculated date.

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22 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

and why does www.thaiembassy.it in rome stipulates under no.4  non o-a visa requirements subject no.7  medical insurance ???

I do not know why it is there. I may be a local requirement or it could be an error since it does not detail the amount of insurance like it does for the OX long stay visa.

"7. Copy of evidence stating that applicants have insurance as per stipulated by the Office of Insurance Commission and health insurance of Thailand which has insurance money for outpatient not less than 40,000 Baht and for inpatient not less than 400,000 Baht. Please check < http://longstay.tgia.org > for more information regarding the insurance requirement."

Source: http://www.thaiembassy.it/images/visa_Non-O-X.pdf


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2 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

@ubonjoe  the thaiembassy.it non-oa requirement medical insurance has been there since may 2019.




Looks like they've jumped the gun. I'm pretty sure insurance will become compulsory for the 'O-A' visa, but as yet they haven't formally confirmed when.

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Thanks all - looks like he (and I) will need to keep an eye on the health insurance requirements.  I wonder what the 'UN rules' are about mandating only Thai based medical insurance coverage for Non-Immigrant Visas for Citizens of other countries who have no residential rights in Thailand.  I can understand that for new Immigrants a country can mandate to have in-country health insurance, but for Non-Immigrants or Tourists I think that would be in breach of some UN rule or two.  Fat chance of telling the Thais that though. 


Has anyone got any idea of what happens when the person is over 70 or 75? I understand normal Thai based medical insurance is not available for anyone over 70 or 75.


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13 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Thanks all - looks like he (and I) will need to keep an eye on the health insurance requirements.  I wonder what the 'UN rules' are about mandating only Thai based medical insurance coverage for Non-Immigrant Visas for Citizens of other countries who have no residential rights in Thailand.  I can understand that for new Immigrants a country can mandate to have in-country health insurance, but for Non-Immigrants or Tourists I think that would be in breach of some UN rule or two.  Fat chance of telling the Thais that though. 


Has anyone got any idea of what happens when the person is over 70 or 75? I understand normal Thai based medical insurance is not available for anyone over 70 or 75.


It becomes expensive after 60 and especially so after 70 - probably best to go home at that point :)

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17 hours ago, elviajero said:

Thai insurance companies. The 'O-X' visa already requires compulsory insurance and according to the London Thai Embassy it is "Thai medical insurance".

Further down they even link you to a list of 5 Thai Insurance companies who 'participate in this scheme'... Interesting choice of words, scheme!

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Works well I have done an Non OA for years.. as stated above health insurance may be added as an additional requirement soon.. in 2nd year you loose re-entries.. but you can buy one.. 1,500 Bt, I think it is.. 'Click' on 'Form Royal Thai Embassy Canberra' to download application form for Non OA visa...  https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enTH748TH748&q=Thailand+Non+O+visa+application+Australian+Embassy+Canberra+PDF&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV2J_BtO_iAhUMQI8KHXZQDUgQ7xYILSgA&biw=1348&bih=640

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16 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

and why does www.thaiembassy.it in rome stipulates under no.4  non o-a visa requirements subject no.7  medical insurance ???




That same site appears to have several things wrong concerning OA visa, it says it only give 3 month stays, a resident certificate (No3) is required and a resume (whatever that means).




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Interesting  topic, I am Australian living in Hat Yai, I also obtain an OA visa from Australia , not wanting to stuff around with the 800,000 bit etc etc

I also have medical insurance  with plenty of inpatient  cover , but no outpatient cover. I contacted my  Thai insurer , still waiting on lots of confirmations from thai immigration  , re those who have current medical insurance and  the process of submission etc etc. Interesting  fact , i was told by my thai insurer, the current Thai insurance companies named in the immigration website, with premiums etc etc, 400,000 baht 40,000 outpatient , very poor coverage for any lengthy / serious inpatient  stay,  plus the insured person will have to make up the difference. In addition to this, the age related premiums ate quite high .

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3 minutes ago, rughead said:

Interesting  topic, I am Australian living in Hat Yai, I also obtain an OA visa from Australia , not wanting to stuff around with the 800,000 bit etc etc

I also have medical insurance  with plenty of inpatient  cover , but no outpatient cover. I contacted my  Thai insurer , still waiting on lots of confirmations from thai immigration  , re those who have current medical insurance and  the process of submission etc etc. Interesting  fact , i was told by my thai insurer, the current Thai insurance companies named in the immigration website, with premiums etc etc, 400,000 baht 40,000 outpatient , very poor coverage for any lengthy / serious inpatient  stay,  plus the insured person will have to make up the difference. In addition to this, the age related premiums ate quite high .

$400k coverage is $400k coverage, how can it be more/less coverage with other insurance suppliers? If you dont consider it enough coverage you could take out more coverage. 

Not following why 400k coverage with your current insurer would be more than 400k coverage with the immigration site insurers.

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If anyone reading this has the ear of the decision makers, here is another point to consider.


An OA multiple entry visa obviously allows the holder to come and go as they please.

Lets say they spend 6 months in Thailand.


Any compulsory Thai insurance policy would be of no use for half it's, paid for, life and would only benefit the insurance company, not the visa holder.


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The down side to this course of action is that you would need new police reports each time, new medical report each time and the added expense of all the notarized documents each time plus the visa application fee each time. So I would be inclined to think it isn't really worth all the hassle and extra expense back in Oz, just follow the procedures in place here as best you can.

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1 hour ago, rughead said:

for any lengthy / serious inpatient  stay

Rughead, this should really say "for anything but the shortest of stays". 


Unless you seek care at a government hospital with a particularly low standard of care, the B400,000/40,000 coverage is embarrassingly inadequate.


I have excellent "everywhere but USA" inpatient and ambulatory surgery coverage (up to USD 2 million -- 156x the Thai coverage limit) but no outpatient coverage. Outpatient coverage is not a good value, esp. here in Thailand where outpatient care costs lie between very cheap and fairly affordable depending on where you seek care. There is no such thing as "outpatient only" coverage so there's no way to add that on with a Thai policy. If a requirement to have both inpatient and outpatient coverage is ever enforced for retirement extensions, I will be pissed, because that's expensive to add on to my international plan, and it won't even cover most ongoing conditions for 60+ crowd (e.g., hypertension management). To make matters worse, the B400,000/40,000 Thai plans aren't just crappy, they're rather expensive, too..

Edited by Carolina Reaper
Fix typo
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38 minutes ago, oznomad said:

If anyone reading this has the ear of the decision makers, here is another point to consider.


An OA multiple entry visa obviously allows the holder to come and go as they please.

Lets say they spend 6 months in Thailand.


Any compulsory Thai insurance policy would be of no use for half it's, paid for, life and would only benefit the insurance company, not the visa holder.


Why would a compulsory Thai policy not be of any use for half of it's time? I haven't seen these compulsory polices but a Thai one I have certainly offers cover for outside of Thailand.

If a person is only expecting to stay 6 months in Thailand a different visa than OA may be more effective.

Edited by jacko45k
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21 hours ago, AussieBob18 said:

Thanks for the advice elviajero - I amd glad to hear that and I will pass that on.


Regarding the health insurance, because he travels back and forth every year and still 'resides' in Australia, he gets a new Travel Insurance Policy each time he visits Thailand and he will continue to do the same going forward.  You can get Travel Insurance for up to 12 months at a time, which includes more than enough Medical Insurance, as long as you reside in Australia and have both a departure and return ticket etc.  


At the moment the wife and I only visit for a month each time and we do the same, but in the future (after getting the age pension) we will be doing the same every 12 months or so too.  I am assuming that Travel Insurance issued in by a recognised company Australia would comply with the Thailand requirements, but if you think not please let me know.


Travel insurance does not equal health insurance. 

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He should be advised however, that whilst obtaining a marriage "O" visa is no problem, he won't be able to get a retirement visa in Sydney or Brisbane. He will have to obtain it from the Thai Embassy in Canberra. I don't know about other state capitals but I guess they are all the same. 

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14 minutes ago, Iamemjay said:

He should be advised however, that whilst obtaining a marriage "O" visa is no problem, he won't be able to get a retirement visa in Sydney or Brisbane. He will have to obtain it from the Thai Embassy in Canberra. I don't know about other state capitals but I guess they are all the same. 

Pretty sure O-A can be obtained in Sydney and of course Canberra

The application to Canberra can be done by mail.

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Maybe I missed something?

I have no idea what you are talking about.......an automatic 12 month extension........every year its a new set of papaerwork.


if I understand the medical requirement, it only applies to getting a Non Immigrant O outside Thailand.    I dont see what benefir your plan has.


It baffles me why people make SUCH A BIG deal about the banking requirement?


having lived and wirked in Iz twice......the aussie visa deal is significantly more burdensome than Thailand

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18 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

Maybe I missed something?

I have no idea what you are talking about.......an automatic 12 month extension........every year its a new set of papaerwork.


if I understand the medical requirement, it only applies to getting a Non Immigrant O outside Thailand.    I dont see what benefir your plan has.


It baffles me why people make SUCH A BIG deal about the banking requirement?


having lived and wirked in Iz twice......the aussie visa deal is significantly more burdensome than Thailand

The word extension in the title is misleading, he's suggesting getting a new OA visa every second year (the multi entry facility can be used to get nearly 2 years from the visa).

The reasoning is that the holder doesn't have to transfer 800k baht, or  65k per month, to Thailand. The funds to prove solvency can remain in home country. The risk could be the Embassy deciding to refuse because multiple applications go against the spirit of the visa.

The downsides are the need to produce new Police clearances, medicals and getting paperwork certified every time. The possible insurance requirement may also muddy the waters going forward. Travel insurance probably wont cut it.

It's a plan.

Edited by Old Croc
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4 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

Works well I have done an Non OA for years.. as stated above health insurance may be added as an additional requirement soon.. in 2nd year you loose re-entries.. but you can buy one.. 1,500 Bt, I think it is.. 'Click' on 'Form Royal Thai Embassy Canberra' to download application form for Non OA visa...  https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enTH748TH748&q=Thailand+Non+O+visa+application+Australian+Embassy+Canberra+PDF&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV2J_BtO_iAhUMQI8KHXZQDUgQ7xYILSgA&biw=1348&bih=640

Are you able to confirm that your financials can remain in Australia on the 2nd year. Cheers

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