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Just been working out the ramifications for Songkhla/Hatyai....conclusion...90% of mom/pops will be banned, plus Lotus, Big C and Carrefour are all next to or opposite schools and temples. :o

More pissing in the wind....

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I am with you 100%, prachonchai. I got a phone call from my Thai better half this afternoon. He phoned to tell me he had fallen off his motorbike. The bike is okay. He has a few cuts and bruises. I asked - how did it happen. He told me - I got a bit drunk first.

How did he get drunk? He gave neighbour's 8 year old son 500 baht to ride down to the local village store on his motor bike. The 8 year old returns with a carton (12 bottles) of Leo beer and a packet of L & M red cigarettes.

Stopping alcohol sales to 20 year olds, did I read the topic correctly? That's a laugh.

BTW the motorbike and my partner are still alive (for now) ... beware though, Peter / Tiger will be in Thailand with claws bared next month.


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The Wangthonglang police protect an illegal pub on the ground floor of my Bangkok apartment building. It is open from midnight to 6am. It caters to the youngsters living in the Ramkhamhaeng area. There are many under 20s there. At various times of the night/early morning, they rock out blind drunk and get in/on their motorbikes/cars bought by their parents.

I can hardly see the same police enforcing alcohol laws.

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maybe the law states that a girl has to be 20 years old to work in a bar, but c mon guys, there are girls as young as 13 & 14 in some of these bars.. i dont think these new laws will make much difference really. if teenagers wanna drink, then they will do, and i dont think anyone will stop em, teenagers are teenagers. regardless of there age.

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When will this country catch itself on as to how totally stupid it comes across to the rest of the world with the draconian, pathetic, not to mention stupid, laws and policies it comes out with.

All reactions for and against are correct but as elderly member and regular visitor to Thailand would welcome monitoring of guns and knives issued and carried. Would be easier and more effective to implement for police and bar owners than identifying age of people buying alcohol in vastly populated tourist areas. Still no less of a potential "on the spot fine" racket to promote easy revenue than the latest law here in the u.k. where their latest target is the use of mobile phones in vehicles. Still best not give the powers that be any more ideas!

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When will this country catch itself on as to how totally stupid it comes across to the rest of the world with the draconian, pathetic, not to mention stupid, laws and policies it comes out with.

I think this country should catch you - and get you out of this country.

What's wrong about not selling alcohols to people under 20 years old?

What's wrong about not advertising an item that is the cause of hundreds of deaths every year?

No - no please don't come with "not advertising will not stop the people from drinking" because I will ask

If advertising doesn't boost the sales, then why do they advertise?

Everybody knows that the fist step to sell a product is advertising (that's why it is so expensive, because you have no choice). So logically the first step to reduce sales is to stop advertising.

By the way, if something comes stupid across to you, that doesn't mean it comes stupid across to everybody. If you thought you were the rest of the world - that would be very stupid.

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Gambling is illegal in Thailand. In the village I live in they are always gambling. During Songkran nearly everybody gambles from small children through to aged adults and they gamble all day and all night. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand - need I say more? Drinking under the age of 20 - its a joke. A bad law that is not enforced and nobody respects is worse than no law at all.

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You can marry at 14, enlist in the armed forces at 18 and die for your country, sell your pussy at 18 but you cannot buy a bloody drink!

Exactly This government will not stop amazing me with their stupid laws when they are the first one to brake them.I personally don't drink but hi sure will laugh to see how they will enforce them when you know you can buy a police for 100 baht.

Get it right peopels get government control store get rid of the store whom sell alcohool and if you go to a 7Eleven they have to make sure cigarettes are not in view of the public but whisky are clearly in front at the cash were every young peoples can see them and but them i have seen it in the north east.

What will they think of next AMAZING THAILAND INDEED LOL

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You can marry at 14, enlist in the armed forces at 18 and die for your country, sell your pussy at 18 but you cannot buy a bloody drink!

Exactly This government will not stop amazing me with their stupid laws when they are the first one to brake them.I personally don't drink but hi sure will laugh to see how they will enforce them when you know you can buy a police for 100 baht.

Get it right peopels get government control store get rid of the store whom sell alcohool and if you go to a 7Eleven they have to make sure cigarettes are not in view of the public but whisky are clearly in front at the cash were every young peoples can see them and but them i have seen it in the north east.

What will they think of next AMAZING THAILAND INDEED LOL

You say you don't drink? Why when reading your post do I get the feeling you must be drunk?

To answer your last question (was it a question?) Maybe they could think about a law forbidding to buy a police... (just a joke).

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Don't worry. It will never be enforced. Only the companies that play by the rules -- the big multinational retailers -- will comply. The result will be more business at mom and pop stores...I don't think will have any impact whatsoever on the young teens in my neighborhood who hang out in front of the Internet cafe, smoking cigarettes drinking beer and screaming until the sun comes up....
Well that's going to be a bundle of fun for the tourists in their late teens. Will it be enforced though??

right you are man anyone anyage anytime in thailand who wants to drink alcohol can do so.say it is not so?been watching it for 35 years in the land of smiles or is it drunks?

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No - no please don't come with "not advertising will not stop the people from drinking" because I will ask

If advertising doesn't boost the sales, then why do they advertise?

I believe that the purpose of advertising is to influence brand choice.

What is the age limit for drinking now? 18?? I would be surprised if making something illegal to an 18 year old will make it more attractive and give more street cred.

Without a doubt, it is good to do something to reduce the chronic alcoholism in Thailand, but I'm not sure that this will do much at all. I don't know one alcoholic teenager. Adult males - probably more than 50%. In the past in the village I have driven groups to various parties and have been amazed at the pressure put on me to drink by my passengers. They don't seem to connect drunkeness with the inability to drive safely. It seems to me that alcoholism is ingrained in Thai culture and I have no suggestions how to reduce it.

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You can marry at 14, enlist in the armed forces at 18 and die for your country, sell your pussy at 18 but you cannot buy a bloody drink!

Exactly This government will not stop amazing me with their stupid laws when they are the first one to brake them.I personally don't drink but hi sure will laugh to see how they will enforce them when you know you can buy a police for 100 baht.

Get it right peopels get government control store get rid of the store whom sell alcohool and if you go to a 7Eleven they have to make sure cigarettes are not in view of the public but whisky are clearly in front at the cash were every young peoples can see them and but them i have seen it in the north east.

What will they think of next AMAZING THAILAND INDEED LOL

I would like to express my deepest condolences to all those terribly unfortunate foreigners who have by some evil destiny been forced into moving to Thailand and now are condemned to make a living in this horrific country in which they find themselves surrounded by braindead ignorants and have to comply with laws, rules and regulations much too low-leveled and poor to be understood or even considered by their dignified intelligence. May all those pitiables sufferers persisting in bitterly going their stoned way until to the end soon may find peace in either a country that accomodates all their modest needs or in heaven.

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Yea, I'm all for it and [some] of the other anti-alcohol abuse laws that they are throwing at us left and RIGHT and we all know that they will be enforced at will or convenience like the helmet law, the registration law, immigration laws, the mobil phone laws, bar closing laws, laws, laws....but i'd like to see them enforce the ones that really make social [cultural?]imrovements.

It's a fact that alcohol abuse is one of the most damaging aspects of Thai culture 'drink til you drop' mentality everywhere, but please repeal that stupid 2-5pm alcohol ban and enforce the underage drinking and zonning laws!!! I don't like to worry about some drunk 16 yr old on a motorcycle running into me and denting my bumper, then having to pay his family forever...


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When will this country catch itself on as to how totally stupid it comes across to the rest of the world with the draconian, pathetic, not to mention stupid, laws and policies it comes out with.

How is it coming off as totally stupid to rest of the world, when the rest of the world has similar policies, if not harsher policies?

And I for one like to have a drink (or a few) every now and again, but to bitch about not being able to get a beer after 2:00 is a joke. Seriously, make a trip to Tesco/Lotus, Carrfour, or your corner 7-Eleven and stock up alcohol if it's such a major problem. Roads will probably be a little safer when people take their after hour drinking home.

And people saying advertisements don't have an effect on the young minds today are completely clueless. Like a previous poster stated, why would millions be spent on advertisements if it doesn't work? Sure it may not have the same effect on someone who has already acquired the taste, but it is very effective at luring the young. First you have to hook them, once hooked, move on to the next... Don't you notice all the young and hip rock stars, sport stars, movie stars sponsoring such? Don't think kids look up to that or want to be like that?

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When will this country catch itself on as to how totally stupid it comes across to the rest of the world with the draconian, pathetic, not to mention stupid, laws and policies it comes out with.

Maybe they want them to stay sober until they can conscript them into military service and let them get killed that way. If they are really concerned about young peoples health they would fill the army voluntarily and get rid of national service which prevents so many young Thais from working towards good careers at the right age (except those who have money!)

I think I have said here before, as others have, you cannot teach people to be responsbile by controlling them - these are opposites! The difference is between being forced to behave and achieving self self motivated behavior are different goals and only the latter really works. Especially as the thing most likely to make something attractive and desirable to young people is to ban it. I would almost predict that if you banned education then children would break into libraries to learn - it's human nature.

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Maybe if they actually enforce this law forbidding sale to minors, they could be rid of the ridiculous law of not being able to sell alcohol between 2 and 5pm. The law was originally put in place to combat underage drinking but if there is enforcement of a law that actually directly combats underage drinking, then there is no need for the 2-5 law that affects all drinkers. To let people know, I'm not a sour drunk. I don't drink, I just can't stand people taking away my right to drink if I would want to.

The whole situation is stupid...

prevent selling to anything like kids.

introduce a law that kids cannot drink in bars.

3 exclude farangs since nobody in Thailand gives one satang about their health anyway.

Anyone wants to object to that????

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This is going to be fun in Chiangmai

With over 300 temples and more than 50 schools, plus countless colleges, language and other "private study" joints inside the superhighway ring alone - just about the only place you'll be able to get a drink will be in Suan Dok hospital or by sitting on the water sprays in the middle of the moat.

Happy Days are here again tra la la lah (sing along)

Hi dee Hi - Hi dee Ho


Just drink whatever you want outside on the streets. There is no way any politician wil stop that boozing.

Cheaper anyway and I am damded sure not many pay tax over what they sell. USE them like the Thais do.

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Yea, I'm all for it and [some] of the other anti-alcohol abuse laws that they are throwing at us left and RIGHT and we all know that they will be enforced at will or convenience like the helmet law, the registration law, immigration laws, the mobil phone laws, bar closing laws, laws, laws....but i'd like to see them enforce the ones that really make social [cultural?]imrovements.

It's a fact that alcohol abuse is one of the most damaging aspects of Thai culture 'drink til you drop' mentality everywhere, but please repeal that stupid 2-5pm alcohol ban and enforce the underage drinking and zonning laws!!! I don't like to worry about some drunk 16 yr old on a motorcycle running into me and denting my bumper, then having to pay his family forever...


now first a question: everybody talks about bar closing times but what about bar opening times. Does anyone know when a bar can be OPENED???

2. Helmets law is crazy as they sell shit helmets with Thai safety stickers and many of them just break into pieces. (I have seen it)

3. Mobile phone laws?? whats that> NO AIS???.

4. There is this old joke, a Thai hit you, drive back and forward etc, as a dead Thai is a lot cheaper then one alive. A bad joke admittedly but if you hear stories from the many farangs who get blamed for accidents they didnt cause...

One of the interesting stories was that the many taylors here pai\y between 1000-1500 baht per day for NOT having a visum or workpermit and timeshare guys having to pay 1000 baht per day NOT to be picked up for being a bloody nuisance.

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There is a very simple way to cut the amount peope drink, but I've never seen Thais take the simple path to anything. (off subject, but why when you have to go to a window at the skytrain station to get change for the ticket machine, they can't sell you a ticket - except a multi-use one? Why why why?) :o

The simple way is to tax drink so high that people can't afford it (like they do with imported drink, for example). That would sort out the poorer members of society, who are probably the greatest abusers of alcohol (although I am prepared to be corrected if someone has the stats).

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How can anyone give a rats ass about this law? Are there that many alcoholics here that want the teenagers to keep drinking or what? I say let them make there laws, since I live here, but I'm not in possession of a Thai passport. And if I was, still think it's a good idea. Why the big sh't with 55+ posts and a line in wait. Think in your "old countries", were there not "stupid" laws in your mind. But at least this one isn't a BAD law!!! IMO!! Get Real!

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I don't know about marrying -- I thought 15 but could well be mistaken -- I agree with the enlisting age mentioned bUT -- selling Pussy -- Well since the beginning of the Month in Pattaya a girl has to be 20 to work in a Bar and under the Prostitution Act it illegal for her to try to sell it elsewhere.

she isnt selling it just renting it out....

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Gee all you guys talking sh_ _. Don"t your countries have laws similar to this? I know at least the good old USA does. Oh I used to drink maybe more then any of you ever had. I personally think this is a step in the right direction.

While it may be a step in the right direction, it seems to me that a law is only as good as the willingness to enforce it. These same laws have been in effect for decades in other countries but it's the degree of enforcement which is the controlling influence, one without the other is meaningless.

And despite the willingness to enforce, the drunk driving deathe among teens in the USA is still very high. Advertising in the USA, as an example, has been in effect for many years but hasn't put a dent in Drunk Driving accidents. And that's with pretty rigid enforcement.

Prevailing attitudes in Thailand will take a long time to change, but there's got to be a starting point. I suppose this is the beginning of a long struggle. That's better than the status quo.

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When will this country catch itself on as to how totally stupid it comes across to the rest of the world with the draconian, pathetic, not to mention stupid, laws and policies it comes out with.

Embassies have already been informed to issue preventing WARNINGS to under 20 travelers :o

Lets be honest, Its Thailand and its up to the Thais to do what they want . In short they want to screw things totally up, its their country. If you know a better place... (consider Vietnam or if retired Malaysia...)

I have been all around the world and all countries have problems, it's just a matter whats acceptible to you.. I am likely going abroad after immigration screwed my workpermit up so I got 'retired' on an expat assigment of $7000 a month without having to pay tax, social security and all the other crap... Talk about logic....

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There is a very simple way to cut the amount peope drink, but I've never seen Thais take the simple path to anything. (off subject, but why when you have to go to a window at the skytrain station to get change for the ticket machine, they can't sell you a ticket - except a multi-use one? Why why why?) :o

The simple way is to tax drink so high that people can't afford it (like they do with imported drink, for example). That would sort out the poorer members of society, who are probably the greatest abusers of alcohol (although I am prepared to be corrected if someone has the stats).

They tried that in many countries and it hasnt got a chance....

Only result is home produced booze and some is damned good. In Phuket there is stuff around equivalent to real vodka.

I thought it was real when I was asked to taste it... and I worked in the USSR.

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