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Then there were two: Johnson and Hunt fight for British PM job


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7 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Boris "(assuming he gets the PM job)" Boris has a 160 majority can't see him not being PM, Hunt only a 77 vote can't see them wanting another TM remainer back in No.10.  

He can deliver brexit already in October by doing nothing. 

He can't, because it parliament not the PM that has the final say

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46 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

I'm hearing rumours that Boris (assuming he gets the PM job) would go for a General Election, and do a deal with the Brexit Party. That deal would involve the Brexit Party not fielding a candidate in constituencies where the Tories have a chance of beating Labour, and the Tories not campaigning in constituencies where the Brexit Party can beat Labour (e.g. Midlands, oop north and Wales). In return the Brexit Party would get several MPs in Parliament and go into coalition with the Cons. 


A Tory / Brexit Party coalition would have a majority, and hey presto we'd get Brexit! A risky strategy, but it could work. 



It's a very risky strategy - it only works if the other parties don't do the same.


If Lab, lib and green combined in the same way they would win by a landslide 




% figures from avg last 4 yougov polls

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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

Parliament already has its say and legislated to Leave.
They kicked out May’s deal three times and didn’t manage to block No Deal.
Stand Firm Boris and we’ll be out by end Oct.


Out by the end of October, having to try and quickly agree new membership of WTO to trade on their basic terms, which any member country can block, with no plans, no supply chains set up, no "war chest" to fund things - perhaps this Tory government will spend another 97 million GBP of tax payer money with their management consultancy crony firms? 


And while this is all hitting the fan, commie Corbyn will be doing his best to be as awkward as possible to try and force a GE; and opportunist poison dwarf Sturgeon will be demanding another once in a lifetime referendum on Scottish independence, on rules she'll dictate, and do as much as she can to add to the chaos.


And Boris, the serial liar and bugger off when it gets hot merchant is going to stand firm and sort it all out is he?


Whatever you guys are on, it's strong stuff!!

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1 minute ago, JAG said:


Yes, I agree, it is a mess. It is a mess because Theresa May basically fudged together a deal which my chihouhas could have predicted would fail to be accepted. I suspect that she was aware of that all along, and believed that the result would be that the leave campaign would just say "sod it, all too difficult, let's bin the whole idea.


It is a mess because Sinn Feins bagman sees it only as a possible opportunity to climb into power, and has made no constructive suggestions to help sort it out, that I am aware of. Similarly the SNP woman. Boris is at least addressing the matter, although it is fair to say that he also sees it as a route to power.


Maybe we should have put Snowball and Cookie ( my chihouhas) in charge...

It's a mess because Brexiteers won a vote to go on a unicorn hunt without a plan. 

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3 minutes ago, Jack100 said:

Worrying thing about Boris in No 10 .... is that every time he has a discreet  affair , the whole world seems to know about it !

Many adjectives can be applied to Boris and his activities, political or in the trouser department; and no doubt they will be enthusiastically ( as evidenced by the BBC's recent demonstration of overt - if not unexpected - political bias ), but in all honesty "discreet" is not one of them!

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

You are assuming that Labour are a remain party whereas they have not pinned their colours to the mast yet. Should Labour decide they are going to be a remain party they will almost certainly be a lot of defections to the Brexit Party.

Yes, but if the tories have pinned colours to the brexit mast by aligning with nigel's mob, then it would be very poor electoral strategy for labour to try and chase after the same half of the vote. Alternatively if they do campaign as a leave party, they will be splitting the leave vote and lose many of their remain supporters to a lib dem/green alliance.  


A three way split like that might end up looking something like this 



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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Worst PM in my memory would be Brown, but he was doomed before he even started, having wasted 6 billion on the NHS.

It does irk me though, that someone like May can cock it up so badly, and then just walk away into the sunset without consequences. At least they should have been able to drag her out to tar and feather her.

They were going to make another Bond movie featuring Gordon Brown... called Goldblunder.

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1 minute ago, vogie said:

"Nigels Mob" whats that all about, the Brexit Party is the only true party that wishes to deliver on the referendum result, it's called democracy.

Maybe Labour should stand by their manifesto to honour the leaving the EU and not hoodwink the public, Labour are not being honest, their rise to power is more important than doing what's best for our country and what the electorate voted for, they are deceivers.

I agree with Nigel. 


'A 48/52 result is not game over, not by a long way'.

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5 hours ago, tebee said:

He can't, because it parliament not the PM that has the final say

Not true black and white thoughts this is politician territory depends on what Boris does as PM & and although our Queen would not want to be involved, the Queen could be. 

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