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Evidence of prostitution found in Pattaya: Special forces descend on popular Soi 6 bar

Jonathan Fairfield

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10 hours ago, tabarin said:

It is so tiring to see these owners and managers behaving like ego kids and constantly ruining it for themselves and others by setting each other up, violence and more.
Soi 6 and all the others, same mess. No way you would see that kind of behaviour in BKK, at least they have some sense for business / professionalism.

Mmmm---so you are obviously not well informed..do you not remember the antics of the Arab a few years ago on Soi C...I think that was some kind of behaviour!!

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On 6/25/2019 at 1:02 PM, geoffbezoz said:

This is either fake news or else the super slueths stacked out the local 7/11 and, noting the high level of extra large condom sales, which would only have meant " a fit for a Farang", sniffed some money to be had and followed the purchasers to their place of employment. ????


But noting that the article said;   " INN reported that the bar is owned by a consortium comprising Taiwanese, Chinese and Thai nationals."  it is heartwarming to know that no Farangs were involved in the running of this establishment.

Deportation for the Taiwanese and Chinese & 500 baht fine and a wai for the locals? ????

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On 6/26/2019 at 4:29 PM, Sonhia said:

Most if not all bars offer sex!


Paying a bar fine is soliciting for sex making the solicited a prostitute.


Paying a bar fine is normally an accepted method of payment for the buying of a person's body for sexual favours so making it human trafficking, and those concerned quilty.


It is that simple. 



Utter ignorance. Stop making up Thai laws. 

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So will there be a rush to sell bar leases to clueless starry eyed punters just off the plane, oblivious to this local news?


Or, this could be the token raid, like that one big soapy in Bangkok, then it was all quickly forgotten.


It seems the problem here was the teeny weeny hostess and not the regular skanks. Or the whole Soi would be nabbed. Still, it's early days...

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  • 3 months later...
On 6/27/2019 at 1:07 AM, gk10002000 said:

So what's the line on how long before the place opens under new management?  That's a fairly large piece of real estate.  Two months? 

No way, not with a 5 year ban.1875764391_ScreenShot2019-10-19at09_57_25.png.88454daa46a7135f776f9c54673c567e.png


  Probably 4 months.    The 'for rent' sign has been removed. Was up for about 4 weeks.

The neon signs also.  Coming Bar no longer exists. It is no more. 

'No parking' bollards outside.    Bit of action going on. Oriental looking guys milling around.

 Won't be long now.    

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