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Harris goes after Biden on race in U.S. presidential debate

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1 minute ago, Cryingdick said:


I like Yang. Unfortunately last night wasn't his best effort at articulating his ideas. He would be a good guy to have on some body overseeing tech or such. He failed to explain his ideas about the UBI and his numbers on taxes to do it didn't add up. Over all though he conducted himself as a gentleman compared to the others that went rabid, was soft spoken although unable to contribute anything meaningful.


He's extremely personable and smart and the numbers do add up I think (with a VAT), but I'm not sure it's a great idea. I doubt people will use the money in many case as a way to create better lives and it coud lead to even greater wealth inequality. In a perfect world it's a pretty good idea,

Just now, lannarebirth said:


He's extremely personable and smart and the numbers do add up I think (with a VAT), but I'm not sure it's a great idea. I doubt people will use the money in many case as a way to create better lives and it coud lead to even greater wealth inequality. In a perfect world it's a pretty good idea,


He mentioned a VAT half of Europe. So that would be federal. Is he accounting for state sales tax and local taxes? I agree I am not opposed to the idea in principle. I just know how dumb people here are. If you redistributed all the money in the world it would only find its way back to it's rightful owners and fairly quickly.  



18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris confronted front-runner Joe Biden on race during a debate on Thursday, calling his remarks about working with segregationist senators "hurtful" and questioning his 1970s opposition to school busing.


So is Kamala for forced school busing? I wasn't sure what point she was trying to make other than cloud the waters and throw mud on Biden just to score a political point.


Many people are praising her for this confrontation with Biden but she did it on a very strange topic (Busing).


I would like to hear if she is actually for federal government forced school busing. 


  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Silurian said:


So is Kamala for forced school busing? I wasn't sure what point she was trying to make other than cloud the waters and throw mud on Biden just to score a political point.


Many people are praising her for this confrontation with Biden but she did it on a very strange topic (Busing).


I would like to hear if she is actually for federal government forced school busing. 



She said the bussing should have been a federal law. Biden said it was left up to the districts.

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


She said the bussing should have been a federal law. Biden said it was left up to the districts.


Well, I am all for school integration but not for federally enforced busing. The majority of Americans agree with that. Only 5% of Americans support compulsory busing. Kamala is on the wrong side of this issue.


I feel she was only using busing to score political points and probably not all that serious about the busing issue. I like Kamala until she pulled this stunt. It seemed rehearsed and she had it ready.


  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


But she did sleep her way to the top. That isn’t an attack, it’s a fact. It’s so cringe that libs will defend her as being strong and powerful but as soon as people rightly get critical of her character it’s “OMG you’re attacking a woman!”


Its weak. 


And unless I missed something, Harris didn’t “take down” Barr, he’s still working. 


Don't worry Harris will get dumped under the bus soon.

Just now, Silurian said:


Well, I am all for school integration but not for federally enforced busing. The majority of Americans agree with that. Only 5% of Americans support compulsory busing. Kamala is on the wrong side of this issue.


I feel she was only using busing to score political points and probably not all that serious about the busing issue. I like Kamala until she pulled this stunt. It seemed rehearsed and she had it ready.



It was a life time ago. I don't care either way busing began. She is a skeazer for playing that move. The liberals on this site think it was a nice play because this is how the circular firing squad begins. 

Just now, Boon Mee said:

Sorry boys but all these people are a bad joke and none of them have a snowballs chance in hell of beating Trump. 


Be patient for them, denial comes first and after a period of grief acceptance results.

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7 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Sorry boys but all these people are a bad joke and none of them have a snowballs chance in hell of beating Trump. 

All these intelligent, logical posts discussing the Dems and their performance in the debates, personalities, etc... all valid points. 

Trouble is the majority of Americans still vote like they are choosing a high school president.  They only want someone who seems strong, has nice hair, smiles,  and talks a good story.... and tells them America is Great.  


THe GOP will not be beat unless someone with more "charisma" than Trump is on the ticket.  Logic, Intelligence, policy doesn't seem to matter anymore - only some perceived "leadership" quality and lots of money and corporate sponsors to buy votes.  Very sad, but that is how I see it as a voting American since 1976

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

All these intelligent, logical posts discussing the Dems and their performance in the debates, personalities, etc... all valid points. 

Trouble is the majority of Americans still vote like they are choosing a high school president.  They only want someone who seems strong, has nice hair, smiles,  and talks a good story.... and tells them America is Great.  


THe GOP will not be beat unless someone with more "charisma" than Trump is on the ticket.  Logic, Intelligence, policy doesn't seem to matter anymore - only some perceived "leadership" quality and lots of money and corporate sponsors to buy votes.  Very sad, but that is how I see it as a voting American since 1976


You must be out of your mind to suggest Trump doesn't own the ticket.

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


You must be out of your mind to suggest Trump doesn't own the ticket.

Not sure what you mean.  Yes Trump is the GOP candidate, he owns the GOP "ticket"

I was saying if Dems do not have a candidate who has more charisma than Trump and make people believe in their message, Trump will be re-elected.   

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

Not sure what you mean.  Yes Trump is the GOP candidate, he owns the GOP "ticket"

I was saying if Dems do not have a candidate who has more charisma than Trump and make people believe in their message, Trump will be re-elected.   


Okay I must have crossed signals. Fair enough. I agree Trump is smelling blood at this point. Even if he loses 45 will never leave anyway.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


You can't deploy her MO on a constant basis. It's "gotcha" debate and she uses overwrought emotional manipulation techniques.  I can understand why she pulled it out to stick the shiv in Joe, but she's going to have to put it back on the shelf for a while if she doesn't want to be seen only as a drama queen.

I want to thank you for this post. If anything shows the kind of prejudice women in politics run into this one is it. If Kamala Harris a man her tactics would not be described as "overwrought emotional manipulation." Nor would "drama queen" or anything similar be invoked. Harris is a tough, smart determined person with impressive prosecutorial skills. She employed those against Biden. Trump should be terrified of facing her.


  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


They just want to rotate the judges to gain new blood. Quite the statement coming from Bernie who has been around since the beginning of time. Maybe term limits for senators would cure  this.

Unlike senators, judges don't have to be reelected. And as for rotating judges, the judges appointed by Trump have to pass the extreme right wing litmus test of the Federalist Society.

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


He mentioned a VAT half of Europe. So that would be federal. Is he accounting for state sales tax and local taxes? I agree I am not opposed to the idea in principle. I just know how dumb people here are. If you redistributed all the money in the world it would only find its way back to it's rightful owners and fairly quickly.  



Because wealth and privilege isn't inherited in America? The USA now had the next to lowest social mobility of 9 economically developed nations. The only country that performed slightly worse was the UK, notorious for its class system.


  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

I want to thank you for this post. If anything shows the kind of prejudice women in politics run into this one is it. If Kamala Harris a man her tactics would not be described as "overwrought emotional manipulation." Nor would "drama queen" or anything similar be invoked. Harris is a tough, smart determined person with impressive prosecutorial skills. She employed those against Biden. Trump should be terrified of facing her.


"trump" IS terrified of facing her. That's why I think if she is nominated (and the democrats could do much worse) that "trump" will either refuse to debate her or limit it to one meeting with very structured rules. He's not so brave when facing competent prosecutors. 

  • Confused 1
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

"trump" IS terrified of facing her. That's why I think if she is nominated (and the democrats could do much worse) that "trump" will either refuse to debate her or limit it to one meeting with very structured rules. He's not so brave when facing competent prosecutors. 


Well, she can't prosecute him but she can rehash what every already knows about him. Boor, liar, conman, serial philanderer, credible accusations of rape. The thing is, everyone already knows that, including his supporters. Might be some new ammo coming from the Mueller hearings.

14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Seems like a racist meme. That's the thing about the core of the "trump" fan base. They are racist and that's a fact. 


What maybe people are failing to get about this -- Harris wasn't saying she was going to go on brutal attacks all the time. She obviously needs to be balanced to win and she's already shown she is capable of that.  Also, get real, Harris brilliantly used her attack on Biden (whether you think it is was fair or not which is debatable) as a vivid demonstration of how she has the talent to DESTROY "trump" possibly more effectively than any other choice. Polling has shown that the top priority for democrats BY FAR (whether you agree with that or not) is DUMPING 45. So any candidate that shows strong evidence that they are up to that difficult job is going to jump up in the polls. 


To the "trump" fans -- democrats are and will remain a lot more UNITED than you think. Sharing a common goal -- getting rid of the orange human stain on the office of the U.S. presidency. 

I'm confused. You seem to think that if Harris humiliates Trump in a debate all the people that loathe the liberal agenda will vote for her? Is that what you are claiming?

Trump was humiliated before his election by the tapes, and still won. IMO it'll take a lot more than losing a debate to her to lose.

IMO the debates are a bad joke anyway. I watched them last time and I thought they were a waste of time. They may possibly sway a few undecided people, but with an incumbent president, he has to have done a terrible job, like Carter, to lose. Most have formed their opinions regardless of the debates, and while they are entertainment, that's about all they are, IMO.

19 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

what millions of americans watched live was nbc fakenews moderator asked , would you agree on free health care for illegal aliens then unisono everybody from biden to harris raised hands for yes.

thats how socialist losers loose the election to donald.




Fake news? No. Mainstream FACT BASED media. 

So an "illegal alien" presents at a hospital bleeding out. 
What are you suggesting? Screen his papers first before saving her life?

What if the illegal alien is a middle aged heterosexual white man from Norway?

  • Haha 2

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