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Thanathorn says PM is the cause of Thailand’s political ills


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For Christ's sake Pretty Boy, shut your eff...ig pie hole and go back to making money for your family's business. You cannot continue to fool most Thais with your poor imitation of Thaksin. You have had more than your 15 minutes of fame, you showed your true affiliation when you took up with the Pheu Thai party so now it's time to go back to being some Mega rich scion of a well off family.

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4 hours ago, boonrawdcnx said:

Thanathorn is absolutely right but Prayuth is only the top of the iceberg - his entire backward, through and through corrupt generation needs to die out before this country can move forward.


Prayuth must be shitting himself there is an outspoken young, intelligent new political superstar on the rise who does not give a damn about the outdated old guard who the two stooges Prayuth and Prawit represent.

In the meantime somebody is plotting against them behind their backs since more than one year now - just waiting for the order to remove them when the time is right.




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Agreed.... does he have a butler to answer the knock at the door I wonder?


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Thanathorn says PM is the cause of Thailand’s political ills

that's not news, we all know that, now that he knows the cause can he provide the (fixing) solution

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I disagree with Thanathorn, its not only Prayut its the fact that most Thai politicians are in politics for their own gain and corruption is not combated in a meaningful way. As long as corruption is so wide spread politicians will do anything to get in power and get a seat at the feeding table of corruption.


The PTP and FFW acted just like Prayut and his mob by offering good ministeries to the Democrats and Bumjaithai. It was all based on greed.


I really hope Thanathorn gets a chance to prove himself in a government and show that he is not corrupt and really wants new clean politics. I see him as one of the few that could bring this country forward but not as long as the rest is corrupt. The interest of the politicians go before those of the people and until this changes there will be problems in this country. 


It is fun to see how Prayut gets attacked all the time.. too bad we havent seen him explode in anger.

Naieve. Political struggle to get meaningful portfolios has nothing to do with corruption and is happening the world over, not just in Thailand.


Prayuth IS to blame for the problems in regards to his cabinet. Apart from the downright cheating by the EC to even give this coalition of 18! Parties a majority, he actually made deals for several MP's aligned to PTP to defect .


That defection came with a pricetag, one that he now refuses to pay.


Of course, the main blame is staging the coup five years ago and having made an absolute mess of pretty much anything he touched.


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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Agreed.... does he have a butler to answer the knock at the door I wonder?


Would think under the current climate, he would have more than a butler looking after his well-being, of course they would be employed as butlers, drivers, housekeepers, and general dogs-bodies. 

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57 minutes ago, boonrawdcnx said:

Obviously you have no idea who Thanathorn is and what he stands for.

To compare him to Thaksin is an insult.

Even when his father was still alive and his family was rich ( it was Thanathorn at a very young age after his father died who led the company where it is today) - he always stood up for the little guy.

Maybe you should educate yourself before you make accusations here!?



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Unfortunately some people are lacking the grey-matter to fully understand and comprehend anything beyond sight of the bar-stool view. 

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5 hours ago, Lenny Jones said:

Hmmm - the blind yellow shirts remind me of a different colored shirt from another time - the brown shirts - - - -

Ah, Godwins law. I knew it would be along before too much time elapsed. TVF never lets you down. ????

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25 minutes ago, Bipolar said:

I am sorry...but really getting tired of all these political spats etc....as far as I am concerned they are all the same when they are in power...whether the democrats or pheu thai or chartpattana or chaipattana or bumjaithai or palang pacharat or whoever including I am sure the same if the fast forward was in power, all hopeless and only caring to enrich themselves, I am not a fan of Prayut or the army but one thing good about having Prayut and the army is that there is not so much street mobs, peace and there is always section 44 to get things done. If only Gen prayut could remove some of the hopeless cronies near him and also get a better economic team and be more open and supportive to newer and better ideas and also liberalise the market and stop being xenophobic to foreigners and also reign in the immigration and police heads (key thing is that there needs to be a change at the Interior Ministry ), I really think that this country can move on and prosper. Its better for Gen Praut to stay in power but not under an elected government but rather under military rule. Thais have been too spoilt by having their own ways too long.

Actually, since the 2006 coup, the Thai had it "their own way" only during a bit more than 3 years. Lol.

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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

Oh the irony! You supported a coup, the very definition of injustice. You supported the scrapping of statue of limitation and the ability to put people in trial retroactively by an illegal government. And you acuse others of not understanding justice?

Fyi Thailand had ample provisions in place to prosecute corrupt politicians and it has done so numerous times.

Too bad the current lot cannot be voted out of office, nor can they be prosecuted. You are anti corruption, the truth is, the current lot by far, are the most corrupt.

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I still think the scrapping statute of limitations is a great thing for those who flee abroad, i just think it should apply to everyone also people like the red bull killer. However that wont happen unfortunately this is a minor step in the right direction.


The truth is we don't know if the current lot is more corrupt. You can assume as much if you like you won't have an argument there from me. One of the reasons i would rather have seen PTP and FFW in power is because they can be checked better then the current lot. So again no argument there.


You and I both know that as long as a government is in power they will protect their own YL did that with the rice program saying she checked it and threatened the whistle blowers and so on. So don't act like it will all work. It just does not work. Sure sometimes they get someone but not as often as they should.  


I agree its harder to go after the current mob then normal politicians but even normal politicians have too much power. 


Its funny to see the PTP and FFW try the same things as the junta (persuading them to join them for good ministerial posts) and now Thanathorn (the person i like the most) is attacking the PM for that. I think that is a bit unfair as both tried it and we see so many politicians defect for money its just shameful. But its not just one side who does this and that is something almost nobody wants to acknowledge. 


It does show how corrupt and utter self serving they all are.



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18 minutes ago, candide said:

Actually, since the 2006 coup, the Thai had it "their own way" only during a bit more than 3 years. Lol.

In fact military governments had it their own way much more than elected governments since 1932 and faired badly in so many aspects. They have been spoiled so much that they ought to give elected governments a chance. 

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Thailand has become a battling ground for the struggle of power between US and China. US has long had strong influence in Thailand, but now Cina as the raising power gain influence and Thai military and polititians has to choose side.


Taksin had connections with USA and that may be one of the reasons behind the coup. And the struggle continues by different means.



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56 minutes ago, robblok said:

I agree its harder to go after the current mob then normal politicians but even normal politicians have too much power. 

It's not only the current mob (the Junta). Yellow shirts and yellow 'normal' politicians usually get a free pass too, whoever is at the government.

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1 hour ago, candide said:

It's not only the current mob (the Junta). Yellow shirts and yellow 'normal' politicians usually get a free pass too, whoever is at the government.

Sure look at Suthep for instance. But as long as so much is at stake financially when getting into power they will do whatever they can to be in power and that means coups / street protests / selling their votes for good ministeries. Point being the whole mob yellow red junta is in it for the money and they can't accept it when someone else is benefiting. Then all of a sudden they are anti corruption but they will never attack their own for doing the same. 


So what do you get huge political problems all the time. The winner takes it all attitude from the Thai politicians also does not help much.

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6 hours ago, scorecard said:


What your really saying is that corruption is OK. Or corruption is difficult to reduce / stop so forget about it.

Why am I not surprised?



Hahaha, another coup supporter prattling on about corruption.


Tell me this, given that Thailand has now had some 18 coups bringing with them 18 new constitutions - at what number coup do you think that coups will prove to be the solution to ending corruption?





Coups do not end corruption because coups are committed to enable corruption?


No one is fooled or surprised by your nonsense.

You and Robblok et-al don't support coups because you oppose corruption, you support coups because you are at one with the ideology that lurks behind them.

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2 hours ago, Pogust said:

Thailand has become a battling ground for the struggle of power between US and China. US has long had strong influence in Thailand, but now Cina as the raising power gain influence and Thai military and polititians has to choose side.


Taksin had connections with USA and that may be one of the reasons behind the coup. And the struggle continues by different means.



Russian nonsense.

Thaksin ancestry is Chinese.

If anything, the West have been far too quiet on Thailand's loss of democracy.

To repeat, Russian nonsense.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

I supported the coup that is right, but changed my mind after they did not leave. In the past they always did. If the PTP was less corrupt then there would never have been enough support to dislodge them. So you can say what you want basically corruption is the reason and to think that (for now with exception of FFW) the other politicians are not in it for themselves is laughable. 


Until the money is taken out of politics this will go on forever.

How do you know so little about everything despite the abundance of posts?


You supported the coup - correct.

There is some credit to be given for confessing ones sins, well done.


But changed my mind after they did not leave, in the past they always leave - incorrect.


They left after just 2 years in 2006 not before first butchering the constitution to make it less democratic.

Other than 2006, for every single coup before that.........they did  not leave voluntarily.

They left in 2011 only after the 2010 massacre.

They left in 1992 only after the Black May massacre

They left in 1976 on after the Thammasat University massacre


"Since becoming a Western-style constitutional democratic monarchy in 1932, most of the time the country has been ruled by military governments".


 No sane, rational person thinks democracy will come from repeated military coups.


If PTP was less corrupt there there would never have been enough support to dislodge them - incorrect.

At the time of the first coup against Thaksin, he had just one the biggest landslide election in Thai history.

If the level of support to dislodge Thaksin was so high, why the need for a coup?

Just use your superior numbers to win an election.

Truth is, there has always been a limited number of Thais opposed to democracy, unfortunately this minority has access to all the guns (thus the massacres).


Corruption is the reason - incorrect

Coups aren't a consequence of growing corruption, it is exactly the opposite. When the opportunities for corruption decreases, coups abound. For every coup in Thai history, the crooks have given the same two reasons, protecting the monarchy and stopping corruption. The first reason is unable to be discussed and the second, after 18 coups, is no closer to being achieved.


Until money is taken out of politics this will go on forever - incorrect.

Politics is about money - it is the way we decide how resources are allocated.

Idiots supporting coups is the reason excessive corruption is so persistent in Thailand.

If you truly don't like corruption, don't support coups, for it is coups that beget corruption.



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2 hours ago, Eligius said:

Thanathorn is everything that the autocrats are outstandingly NOT: he is intelligent; he is articulate; he is truly well-educated (to international levels); he is good-looking (oh, sorry - I know Prawit might run him a close second on that one ....!); he is charismatic (although of course not as magnetically alluring as Prayut!); he has the common touch; he is courageous; he is (or appears to be) principled; he knows how to successfully run a large organisation; he has a fresh and progressive vision for Thailand; he has a sense of equity and justice ...


I could go on. But these qualities alone mark him out as a huge terror to the Establishment. They fear him even more than they fear Thaksin. 

Thanathorn seriously needs to watch his back ...


You missed one thing he is also a very good friend of mine ( yes you didn't know )

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Its funny to see the PTP and FFW try the same things as the junta (persuading them to join them for good ministerial posts) and now Thanathorn (the person i like the most) is attacking the PM for that. I think that is a bit unfair as both tried it and we see so many politicians defect for money its just shameful. But its not just one side who does this and that is something almost nobody wants to acknowledge. 

Its funny that you don't understand the differences in how each side went about trying to form a coalition.


PTP gave up not only the Prime Ministership, but all claim to all cabinet posts with just two stipulations:

1. No support for continued military rule

2. Amending the constitution to make it more democratic


PTP gave up all claims for the good of the country, they valued ending Prayuth's reign and restoring democracy more than they did getting access to positions of power.


PTP acted nobly in direct contrast to how we have seen PPRP, BJT and the Dems behave in the post rigged election period.


Tarring PTP and FFW with the same brush as those opposed them is just more dishonest pro-junta propaganda nonsense.

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

I still think the scrapping statute of limitations is a great thing for those who flee abroad, i just think it should apply to everyone also people like the red bull killer. However that wont happen unfortunately this is a minor step in the right direction.


The truth is we don't know if the current lot is more corrupt. You can assume as much if you like you won't have an argument there from me. One of the reasons i would rather have seen PTP and FFW in power is because they can be checked better then the current lot. So again no argument there.


You and I both know that as long as a government is in power they will protect their own YL did that with the rice program saying she checked it and threatened the whistle blowers and so on. So don't act like it will all work. It just does not work. Sure sometimes they get someone but not as often as they should.  


I agree its harder to go after the current mob then normal politicians but even normal politicians have too much power. 


Its funny to see the PTP and FFW try the same things as the junta (persuading them to join them for good ministerial posts) and now Thanathorn (the person i like the most) is attacking the PM for that. I think that is a bit unfair as both tried it and we see so many politicians defect for money its just shameful. But its not just one side who does this and that is something almost nobody wants to acknowledge. 


It does show how corrupt and utter self serving they all are.



Your opinions make a real lot of sense i must admit.

Although, when you say:

"It does show how corrupt and utter self serving they all are."

I hope the "they" you talk of means simply "all humans"?


I cant ever remember any politicians that forgot to serve only themselves, and selflessly worked for the good of the electorate..in any country!


And i dont see how democracy can stamp out corruption, even if the power is used to vote the bad ones out.

Simply, another lot of those who formerly presented themselves as "squeaky clean" will come in and then introduce a new lot of rorts and payrises to help themselves.


Its just greed and human nature 


Truth be told, and of course we would deny it,

but if you, me, and 99% of all others were voted in, we would probably do the same thing, and justify it with something likened to:

"OHhh, poor me, i struggled for so long and i worked SO hard, now i should be compensated".


So I also agree with you twice in what you said: the only way is to take the money out of politics

AND, it will never happen!






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41 minutes ago, pookondee said:

Your opinions make a real lot of sense i must admit.

Although, when you say:

"It does show how corrupt and utter self serving they all are."

I hope the "they" you talk of means simply "all humans"?


I cant ever remember any politicians that forgot to serve only themselves, and selflessly worked for the good of the electorate..in any country!


And i dont see how democracy can stamp out corruption, even if the power is used to vote the bad ones out.

Simply, another lot of those who formerly presented themselves as "squeaky clean" will come in and then introduce a new lot of rorts and payrises to help themselves.


Its just greed and human nature 


Truth be told, and of course we would deny it,

but if you, me, and 99% of all others were voted in, we would probably do the same thing, and justify it with something likened to:

"OHhh, poor me, i struggled for so long and i worked SO hard, now i should be compensated".


So I also agree with you twice in what you said: the only way is to take the money out of politics

AND, it will never happen!

This paper studies the influence of democracy on the level of corruption. In particular, does democracy necessarily reduce a country’s level of corruption? The growing consensus reveals that there is an inverse correlation between democracy and corruption; the more democracy and the less corruption.




Studies have demonstrated that while very high levels of democracy reduce corruption, low to modest levels of democracy actually increase corruption.1




The junta has given Thailand low to modest level of democracy, guess why?

(if you need some help, read the red text above)



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1 hour ago, pornprong said:

Its funny that you don't understand the differences in how each side went about trying to form a coalition.


PTP gave up not only the Prime Ministership, but all claim to all cabinet posts with just two stipulations:

1. No support for continued military rule

2. Amending the constitution to make it more democratic


PTP gave up all claims for the good of the country, they valued ending Prayuth's reign and restoring democracy more than they did getting access to positions of power.


PTP acted nobly in direct contrast to how we have seen PPRP, BJT and the Dems behave in the post rigged election period.


Tarring PTP and FFW with the same brush as those opposed them is just more dishonest pro-junta propaganda nonsense.

How is this different offering up seats (a bribe just like the junta bribed them) to join their coalition. 


That the PTP / FFW were the preferred choice (mine too ) is clear. But they both junta and PTP / FFW offered posts (translates into money) to join them. The intentions might have been better (Thanathorns for sure PTP not so sure) but the action how to get the outcome was the same offer post for support. So tell me why is it wrong when one side does it and not when the other side does it ? 


Just because you (and I) like this side more ?


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