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The Gathering Heat


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My brother Ron, a self fashioned tropical weather expert, has come up with soem information on the current drift of Bangkok weather below. We've got more information on this in our blog at:


after I saw the Al Gore movie " An Inconvenient Truth " last week

it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest bit to see soaring temperatures

this summer :o

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Al ("I Invented The Internet") Gore is, like most Western politicians, just trying to score brownie points in his quest for power. Does any educated person really take this clown seriously?

They all blame CO2 and human intervention for our weather. But the truth may be we are just victims of a natural solar cycle of heating and cooling about which we can do nothing. In fact we are still in an inter-glacial epoch and, in the geological timeframe, still way cool compared to the past, i.e. 8-10+ million years ago.

British TV recently ran a controversial but convincing documentary. See it if you can!


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Al ("I Invented The Internet") Gore is, like most Western politicians, just trying to score brownie points in his quest for power. Does any educated person really take this clown seriously?

They all blame CO2 and human intervention for our weather. But the truth may be we are just victims of a natural solar cycle of heating and cooling about which we can do nothing. In fact we are still in an inter-glacial epoch and, in the geological timeframe, still way cool compared to the past, i.e. 8-10+ million years ago.

British TV recently ran a controversial but convincing documentary. See it if you can!


Thank God (if there is one) that someone is finally looking at the true Science in stead of quoting rubbish, it drives me crazy to listen to the mentally challenged quoting BAD science and calling it fact

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