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UK far-right activist Tommy Robinson convicted in contempt-of-court case


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8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

And that is putting aside your ludicrous comparison between Yaxley Lennon and the Chartists, Trade Unionists, and Suffragettes, you seem to have learned their names but not what they stood for. 

I think we are both wasting our time here.  Some people will believe what they want to believe - no matter what evidence is provided. That's one of the reasons the UK is in the mess its in now - people falling for populist ideals.


It is perfectly possible to be against the behaviour of certain sections of society whilst not being racist.  I for example, do not like the general behaviour of Pakistanis in the UK, I find much of it incompatible with indigenous UK culture. To practice fully, the religion of Islam requires behaviour, laws and methods that are not those of the UK - yet the UK allows such things and even changes its laws specifically to suit certain non indigenous religions. Muslims protest against many aspects of UK life and in a great many cases, the UK gives in to them - this only serves to assist the cause of groups like the BNP and EDL who are pure racists.


I am not however, against Pakistanis because of their race or colour - the UK should stand up for its vaules and laws, not change them to suit a particular group. Anyone who entered the UK lawfully and participates in its laws and values is welcome in my opinion. Those who do not should either leave or be punished if they break the law. That includes all those of non-UK heritage AND those who practice racism.


You only have to watch video footage of EDL/BNP rallies to know what sort of people they are.

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18 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I am not however, against Pakistanis because of their race or colour - the UK should stand up for its vaules and laws, not change them to suit a particular group. Anyone who entered the UK lawfully and participates in its laws and values is welcome in my opinion. Those who do not should either leave or be punished if they break the law. That includes all those of non-UK heritage AND those who practice racism. 

I agree with you on this point or most of it. So those who voted in the leave or stay in the EU Referendum are standing up for their laws and values. We voted leave. So leave. The fact that many EU citizens and non EU citizens as you mention the Pakistani and Bangladeshi community do not assimilate and never will. Those who break the law then claim that if they went back to their country such as Albania, Romania etc etc are manipulating the UK's generosity and the EU loophole of the ECJ.

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58 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Oh, you know many males that have several convictions for assault, 1 for mortgage fraud, 1 for criminal damage, 1 for drug possesion, 2 for contempt of court and 1 for Immigration fraud do you?

Yes half the people who grew up on a council estate. Or half of those who went to public school and couldn't buy there way out of things for what ever reason. Your point being! The term half is used loosely but still relevant.

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57 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

I think we are both wasting our time here.  Some people will believe what they want to believe - no matter what evidence is provided. That's one of the reasons the UK is in the mess its in now - people falling for populist ideals.


It is perfectly possible to be against the behaviour of certain sections of society whilst not being racist.  I for example, do not like the general behaviour of Pakistanis in the UK, I find much of it incompatible with indigenous UK culture. To practice fully, the religion of Islam requires behaviour, laws and methods that are not those of the UK - yet the UK allows such things and even changes its laws specifically to suit certain non indigenous religions. Muslims protest against many aspects of UK life and in a great many cases, the UK gives in to them - this only serves to assist the cause of groups like the BNP and EDL who are pure racists.


I am not however, against Pakistanis because of their race or colour - the UK should stand up for its vaules and laws, not change them to suit a particular group. Anyone who entered the UK lawfully and participates in its laws and values is welcome in my opinion. Those who do not should either leave or be punished if they break the law. That includes all those of non-UK heritage AND those who practice racism.


You only have to watch video footage of EDL/BNP rallies to know what sort of people they are.

So you approve of Wicca and Paganism - what are your thoughts on that other middle Eastern religious import, Christianity? I believe that has caused many, many more problems in the UK over the years than any other.

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2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


You're a nazi nowadays for not being a leftwing crazy person. 

No, you are a nazi if you denigrate and wish ill upon an entire nationality or race of people because of the actions of a tiny minority. 

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Nothing to do with 'lefty media' - The Guardian is hardly a left wing newspaper.


It is very easy to be opposed to Muslim groups systematically grooming young, vulnerable white females for sex without being a racist. I've seen the behaviour of 'football hooligans' like Robinson first hand - they are vile and to my mind, have less of a right to be UK citizens than those they condemn.

Proper football hooligans like Tommy  are usually OK , they only fight against other hooligans who want to fight . 

Its thew wannabee hooligans that fight proper who have no interest in fighting that give real, proper hooligans a bad name 

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15 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


Thats not what a nazi is, or what nazism is about. That’s some shit you just made up, hence why it’s absurd to call someone a nazi. 


And I’d like to see where tommy Robinson called for “entire nationality’s or races of people” to be denigrated or wished I’ll will. 

I must admit that I wasn't trying to encapsulate the entire doctrine in my post, but going more for a sardonic take on an earlier poster's comment of, "I for example, do not like the general behaviour of Pakistanis in the UK"

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8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I must admit that I wasn't trying to encapsulate the entire doctrine in my post, but going more for a sardonic take on an earlier poster's comment of, "I for example, do not like the general behaviour of Pakistanis in the UK"


And that doesn’t make whoever said that a Nazi either. 

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2 minutes ago, Thainesss said:


And that doesn’t make whoever said that a Nazi either. 

The otherness of an entire group of people based upon their ethnicity is certainly aligned with some of the more controversial Nazi tenets. 

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Just now, RuamRudy said:

The otherness of an entire group of people based upon their ethnicity is certainly aligned with some of the more controversial Nazi tenets. 


Betcha you’ve made comments like that before about other nationalities, religions, or races. Doesn’t make you a nazi either. 

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