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How can I chivvy up my wife's visa application? My mother is very ill.

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I have read on another thread that the current processing time is up to 20 working days instead of the previous 15.  This is a big worry now.  


I have been going back for my aged mother's birthday almost every year for the last 12 years.  This year we weren't going to go due to finances, but it will be my mother's 101st birthday and she's been in hospital twice since May and is waning quickly.  The last stay was due to pneumonia and she was in 16 days so it's not looking good.  When I called her to check on her she specifically asked if we were coming over for her birthday as usual so I felt we really should go, so we made a last-minute decision.  It look like she won't last more than a month or so, hence the speed and lateness of submitting her application.


We applied and went for her biometrics on the 17th June and took a risk and booked (very cheap) flights for the 17th July.  We spoke to a senior staff Thai member when we went and explained the situation.  She wrote a note that said 'Compassionate' in English and 'Husband's mother very sick, aged 101 years' in Thai.  


I had hoped that might have done the trick and we'd have had the passport back sooner, but nothing heard yet.  We did go down to check last Wednesday and someone made a load of notes and said they'd take them to the desk to be sent to wherever to try to chivvy them up.  Still nothing.


Next Monday, the 8th, is the 15 working days so I will be back down there on the Tuesday morning if nothing is heard on Monday.  The following Monday is the 15th and it will be 20 working days and it's dangerously close to our departure at 11 am on the 17th. 


I wonder if anyone knows how we can get them to get their skates on?  Anyone have any ideas what else we can do?  I don't want it to look as though we are pestering but well, I don't know any other way.  


Compassionate 1.jpg

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I'm not sure what the note clipped to your wife's application might achieve, the application is considered in India by directly employed UKVI staff, not sure they would understand Thai, hopefully there is a procedure in place for such eventualities.


There used to be a procedure where you applied in the normal manner, and then paid to call the UKVI Call Centre, but that seems to have been dropped, at least I can't find it, in favour of encouraging applicants to pay for the priority service, which costs 10,120 Baht and which I don't theink can be done retrospectively - there's really nothing like cashing in on applicants problems.


Maybe ring the UKVI Call Centre, it's a long shot and they work to a script, so they maybe unable to help, it does cost £1.37 a minute plus call charges, and they're only open Mon-Fri 14 hours a day, and they do advise they cannot advise about your personal circunstances, but maybe worth a try.  https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk/y/outside-the-uk/english 

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2 hours ago, theoldgit said:

I'm not sure what the note clipped to your wife's application might achieve, the application is considered in India by directly employed UKVI staff, not sure they would understand Thai, hopefully there is a procedure in place for such eventualities.


There used to be a procedure where you applied in the normal manner, and then paid to call the UKVI Call Centre, but that seems to have been dropped, at least I can't find it, in favour of encouraging applicants to pay for the priority service, which costs 10,120 Baht and which I don't theink can be done retrospectively - there's really nothing like cashing in on applicants problems.


Maybe ring the UKVI Call Centre, it's a long shot and they work to a script, so they maybe unable to help, it does cost £1.37 a minute plus call charges, and they're only open Mon-Fri 14 hours a day, and they do advise they cannot advise about your personal circunstances, but maybe worth a try.  https://www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-inside-outside-uk/y/outside-the-uk/english 

I believe the note in Thai was for the lady behind the counter in Trendy Building who processed my wife's application and that she was to write something on it to ask for it to be hastened.  Whether she did or not I don't know but my wife said that she did discuss it with her and did write something on something.  


I realise I could have paid the 10 grand but to be honest, I am on such a tight budget with the exchange rate fall (I can't really afford the trip but she's so old I feel I must) that I felt I'd risk it.   Nor will I pay £1.37 a minute to be told a load of platitudes, but thanks for the suggestion.  


I'd already been scammed for a touch under 4 grand by having the prime time appointment because my scanner was broken when I made the application and the only time I could get their scanning service was in the prime time slot or wait a week for a free slot.  

Not much I can do but just go in on Monday or Tuesday morning and see if I can escalate things or I'm £800 down for nothing!  ????


It's pretty annoying how they are reducing the free slots and moving into getting as much money from applicants as possible though.  Quite a rip-off and I'm pleased that once this trip is over I won't be going back to the UK with my wife again.  




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21 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

You certainly can try that, but the chances of them actually helping are probably as good as trying to find the proverbial flying pig.


I would be very happy to be proved wrong.

They do help, i know from personal experience. The timescale may well be too short in this case but always worth a try.

It would be better to email than phone, more likely to get a bit more consideration as they are obliged to put a reply in writing.

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On 7/6/2019 at 4:54 PM, Mister Fixit said:

Not much I can do but just go in on Monday or Tuesday morning and see if I can escalate things or I'm £800 down for nothing!  ????


It's pretty annoying how they are reducing the free slots and moving into getting as much money from applicants as possible though.  Quite a rip-off and I'm pleased that once this trip is over I won't be going back to the UK with my wife again.  


VFS have always been a rip-off. I have done 10 visa applications through various offices over a 9 year period and every year they have found new ways to extort money from applicants. After every UK application I get a questionaire from the UKVI and I always bring this point up, with little effect, the UK are not really interested, out of sight out of mind.

To be honest I think you are wasting your time going anywhere near VFS, it is out of there hands and not worth the stress. They have always put out a processing time but at the end of the day it really is hit and miss at a particular point in time. You should get an email from the BKK embassy the day the application is completed and the passport should be available for collection the following day. Good luck.

[email protected]

Thank you for your UK visa application. A decision has now been made on your application. The completed application has been dispatched from UKVI to VFS to return to you in accordance with your instructions to VFS.


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11 hours ago, jimn said:

I really do feel for you. I know its hindsight but you really should have applied for a 2, 5 or a 10 year visa by now. The same rules apply about how long your wife can stay but it saves applying every year and works out cheaper. As your Mum is 101 you may end up having to go alone this year, something maybe you could have considered especially if money is tight. Make sure you give your Mum a big hug and tell her you love her before you leave, you wont regret it and will feel peace with yourself when the day finally comes. Best of luck.

I didn't especially plan to go back every year, it just sort of happened, but I also have four children and a few grandchildren I wanted to see too.  I don't think I would have fulfilled the financial requirements for a long term visa anyway.  Not sure and it's all water under the bridge.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing.  


I did consider going alone.  I hadn't actually planned to go at all, but then when my mother specifically asked if I was coming, as I said in my OP, I decided to after all.  I told her I wasn't going to take the wife, again as I said in my OP but there was an outcry from the family, who are very fond of my wife, so I made a last minute decision to take her as she loves my mum and my mum loves her.  




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I went to VFS this morning with my wife to check on progress of her visa application as today was 15 days from the application date.


Quite a palaver - it was absolutely jam-packed but the two girls on the upstairs reception recognised us and beckoned someone who looked vaguely supervisory over.  She hadn't much of a clue to be honest and couldn't really grasp what I was trying to say, which was that I would be grateful to them if they'd let me speak to someone senior and that senior person contact whoever was necessary wherever they may be to expedite things.


She had it fixed in her head that we had come to collect a passport and told us to come back after 1.30 which apparently is now when they can be collected -between 1.30 and 4 pm.  It used to be any time IIRC.    Anyway she plainly had little idea of what I really meant (even when the wife explained in Thai), it was stupidly busy and she was so flustered that I decided to come back at 1.30 and give it time to come if it was coming.


I went back alone about 2 pm and a rather stout woman was on the reception desk who I'd spoken to last week when I went.  She had more gumption and gave me a queue ticket for counter 10 inside.  I waited and she came in and dealt with me.  She checked the system and told me that it wasn't on - but I knew that anyway or I'd have had an SMS and an email! 


However, she did show me a scrap of paper with my wife's app humber and details on it, and some notes.  They said they'd been checking the system every day since last Wednesday when we went in and I have no reason to doubt them as I'd seen her make the note at the time.  


Obviously, they were on the typical Thai tramline thinking process and as far as they were concerned, if it wasn't on the system they couldn't tell me, but as I said above, that wasn't what I wanted - I wanted to speak to a senior manager.  That's what they all found so hard to comprehend - unless they had instructions not to do that, of course.   


However by then the queuing system had broken down as we spoke and it was utter mayhem in there.  She was called to manually call out numbers so I decided not to pursue it today as I didn't want to antagonise her and anyway it was only just 15 days.

I told her I'd be back on Wednesday when I expected to speak to a manager and get things moving but she was too busy trying to organise people into queues.


However, as I was leaving I saw a guy who'd made an application on the 17th June, the same day as us.  I asked him if he'd received his wife's visa and he said yes, he was queuing for it.  I mentioned we hadn't had ours but then he said he'd paid the extra 10,500 or whatever for priority!  


So that's worrying - he paid the extra and it took 15 working days for his visa and we didn't pay the extra so how long is it going to be for us?  I'd read a thread on here recently which said that normal applications were taking 20 working days so this isn't looking too good.  We fly out on Wednesday 17th and I am starting to think we'll get the email next Monday 2 days before and have to rush to get it the day before we leave - worrying.


In the meantime I am going to contact the embassy as suggested above and see if they can do something to help.  Maybe not, but whatever happens, I will be in VFS again on Wednesday morning and politely insisting on seeing someone senior and I won't be leaving until I do.


One of the things that does bug me about living here is this passive acceptance of things and reluctance to be pro-active and it gets no-one anywhere.  I'm afraid I react to problems head-on and deal with them (nicely of course) in a pro-active way, Western style, but it's very frustrating when others seem to drag their feet.   



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1 hour ago, Mister Fixit said:

I didn't especially plan to go back every year, it just sort of happened, but I also have four children and a few grandchildren I wanted to see too.  I don't think I would have fulfilled the financial requirements for a long term visa anyway.  Not sure and it's all water under the bridge.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing.  


I did consider going alone.  I hadn't actually planned to go at all, but then when my mother specifically asked if I was coming, as I said in my OP, I decided to after all.  I told her I wasn't going to take the wife, again as I said in my OP but there was an outcry from the family, who are very fond of my wife, so I made a last minute decision to take her as she loves my mum and my mum loves her.  




Nice one, lets hope it all works out. As an aside my wife has a 5 year family visit visa. I had to sponsor her the same as previous 1 year applications. The financial requirements are no more onerous than a 1 year.

Just read your update. The problem is that now the visa's are only processed by VFS in Trendy and then sent to India for a decision by the UK visa officers over there. I dont think VFS have any influence over them at all, they are just a Post Office.

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13 minutes ago, jimn said:

Nice one, lets hope it all works out. As an aside my wife has a 5 year family visit visa. I had to sponsor her the same as previous 1 year applications. The financial requirements are no more onerous than a 1 year.

I just checked the prices for the long term visas.  Not at all very cheap compared to doing one annually.  


A 1 year visit visa (actually any 6 months in one year) is £95 (or I paid $128 at current exchange rates) but a 2 year visa costs much more at £361, a 5 years costs £665 and a 10 year is £822.  It gets progressively cheaper, but a 2 or 5 year visa wouldn't be cost-effective compared to doing single applications as necessary.


People can still only stay for a maximum of 6 months in any one year so it hardly seems worth it compared to doing a single application when you want or need to or have the funds to.



Visa lengths.JPG

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On 7/6/2019 at 1:02 PM, Mister Fixit said:

We applied and went for her biometrics on the 17th June and took a risk and booked (very cheap) flights for the 17th July. 

Is it possible to maybe move the flights back a few days if nothing is resolved by the end of the week? Check the terms and conditions of the tickets. There would probably be extra fees to pay but perhaps your family would chip in under the circumstances. Fingers crossed for you and your mum.

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1 hour ago, Mister Fixit said:

I just checked the prices for the long term visas.  Not at all very cheap compared to doing one annually.  


A 1 year visit visa (actually any 6 months in one year) is £95 (or I paid $128 at current exchange rates) but a 2 year visa costs much more at £361, a 5 years costs £665 and a 10 year is £822.  It gets progressively cheaper, but a 2 or 5 year visa wouldn't be cost-effective compared to doing single applications as necessary.


People can still only stay for a maximum of 6 months in any one year so it hardly seems worth it compared to doing a single application when you want or need to or have the funds to.

Debatable as you have to schlepp to Bangkok or Chiang Mai each time and faff with documents etc etc etc.

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3 minutes ago, rasg said:

Debatable as you have to schlepp to Bangkok or Chiang Mai each time and faff with documents etc etc etc.

I live near Nonthaburi City Hall on the MRT Purple line, so it's not a major issue for me to go there.  It takes about an hour.  


And all documents have to be scanned now when the application is made so not too much faffing.

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For you maybe. If somebody is in the North East or the South it's a lot of faffing and can involve flights and hotel stays.


You still have to supply the similar information whether it's on computer or not.

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1 hour ago, potless said:

Is it possible to maybe move the flights back a few days if nothing is resolved by the end of the week? Check the terms and conditions of the tickets. There would probably be extra fees to pay but perhaps your family would chip in under the circumstances. Fingers crossed for you and your mum.

Yes, we've thought of that.  I called Expedia a few weeks ago who said they would waive their change fee of £25 per ticket on compassionate grounds but they would still have to charge the British Airways fee of £50 plus any fare difference.  At the time, that was about £3!!  


it would almost certainly be more now though.  I think I would still leave on the 17th myself and I'd change my wife's flight to the following Sunday perhaps, as that would leave all next week for the visa to arrive. 


My mother's 101st birthday is on Monday 22nd so I wouldn't want to miss that for her sake and my wife's flight would arrive late on the 21st so she could make it too.  


The flights are from BKK to Newcastle direct,  with British Airways and there's a 2 hours 35 minutes break at Heathrow so she'll have plenty of time to find her connecting flight.  Her English isn't wonderful but I'm sure she'll manage on her own.  


EDIT - I have just checked and the same flight on Sunday the 21st is £751 compared to the fare I paid for her of £625 so a fare difference of £125 + the £50 BA change fee of £50 = £175 extra in all.  Not too bad.  



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5 minutes ago, rasg said:

For you maybe. If somebody is in the North East or the South it's a lot of faffing and can involve flights and hotel stays.


You still have to supply the similar information whether it's on computer or not.

This thread is about my particular circumstances.  

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I have just discovered that on next Tuesday and Wednesday VFS is closed because of Buddhist holidays.  This makes it even more difficult for me to get my wife's visa because we are supposed to leave on the 17th, next Wednesday, so the last possible chance to collect her passport will be next Monday!  


This is not looking at all good.  I can only go in tomorrow and see if I can persuade them to contact the decision makers in India.  


I'm not paying £1.37 a minute to be given platitudes or paying £5,48 to send an email which will only be replied to with more platitudes  - it's pointless contacting them.  Direct action is the only way left!  




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25 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

OP: 101 years old and sick, do not delay.


 Go by yourself ASAP.


You may regret it fort he rest if your life if you don't.


Of course you'd like to have your wife along but the most important thing is to see your mother before she dies.

Thanks for your concern.


Luckily, my mother seems to be doing fairly well after her pneumonia scare of over three weeks ago, and her care home manageress and my sister in law who visits daily seem to think she'll be OK for a while longer albeit she does have good days and bad days.  


Flights are already booked for the 17th and her 101st birthday is the 22nd so I think it will be fine.  To be honest, everyone in the family is quite astonished at her toughness and we've all been expecting her to go well before now.  I made my peace with perhaps not seeing her again quite some time ago and if she went in the next few days (highly unlikely) I would be OK with it.  Living 6,000 miles away from her, you know it's not going to be easy to rush back in a hurry.


If my wife doesn't get her visa or it comes too late, then obviously I will go alone but I know my mother would be delighted to see my wife again for the last time.  I am sure it would give her a boost and that's the main thing - to give my mother something to treasure in her final time here with us. 




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As I mentioned, I went in to VFS on Monday to ask if things could be moved along.  They were very busy and a bit stressed but they promised to.


Last night my wife had a missed call from a number which couldn't be called int to.  I reckoned that might have been VFS.  I went in this morning and so it was.  It was to say that they had emailed whoever it is in India and were expecting a reply.  


I had actually gone in to see them because I was worried that they might be closed next Tuesday and Wednesday, Asana Pucha and the start of Buddhist Lent.  It turns out they aren't closed.  However, the woman I had been talking to told me she'd emailed India and would call when she had news.


I had just got off the MRT near my home when my wife called to say they had asked me to return at 3.30 pm today, which I did.  The woman was waiting for me and said the passport was on its way to them and sure enough, at 4.30 I was called to the counter and there it was.  


So, hats off and kudos to VFS for all their help, and thanks to all those who answered on this thread.


Footnote - I had a call from my insane younger brother an hour ago to say that my mother is sadly fading away and refusing food and water.  The doctor at the home has withdrawn all her medications too and I am just hoping that she'll manage to see her 101st birthday on the 22nd.  







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10 hours ago, theoldgit said:

Really pleased the visa has arrived, as you say hats off to VFS.
So sorry for the update on your mother.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Thanks, Old Git.  I won't be changing the flight now.  If she dies before I arrive, then so be it.  I made my peace with that event many years ago when I came here in 2004 when she was 86.


She's a tough and lucky lady to have had such a long life and now I just wish her peace.

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