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The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights yesterday released a report saying that cases of mob justice continue to be reported in the Kingdom.The 25-page report noted that the government needs to address cases of “popular justice” or “people’s court” which result in the beatings or killings of people who are suspected of committing crimes.

“Popular justice” in Cambodia, as in other countries around the world, thrives on long-existing prejudices and accumulated tensions and frustration, based on a lack of trust in the rule of law and the justice system, discriminatory attitudes in society, poverty, and lack of education, in particular human rights education, it said.

OHCHR listed a total of 73 cases from 2010 to 2018 related to mob killings and accusations of practising witchcraft. “In 57 cases, people have been killed following accusations of social misconduct, theft or other infractions, including traffic accidents [22 deaths], or following accusations of practising witchcraft with 35 deaths,” read the report. “In the remaining 16 cases, people were injured or harassed.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50625410/concern-over-mob-justice-in-kingdom/


This same mentality has spun mob turf wars among uni-students, taxi and motorcycle workers, and mob attacks even against Buddhist monks suspected of wrong doing...



5 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

This same mentality has spun mob turf wars among uni-students, taxi and motorcycle workers, and mob attacks even against Buddhist monks suspected of wrong doing...



 Just shows the very very negative downside of deliberately splitting society into groups, colours, regions etc.

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1 hour ago, phycokiller said:

i think its just what happens when you know there will be no justice from the police, theres not much choice, let people steal and murder or let the mob deal with it. in dictatorships police work for the dictator rather then the people


This is, unfortuanetly, very much the case in Cambodia.

  • Thanks 1
2 hours ago, phycokiller said:

i think its just what happens when you know there will be no justice from the police, theres not much choice, let people steal and murder or let the mob deal with it. in dictatorships police work for the dictator rather then the people

 And there is evidence of just that in the last decade and now.

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