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Trace Route


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The connection at my house is frequently disconnecting. Sometimes as quick as within 10 to 15 minutes of connection. This problem arose all of a sudden. There was no problem for the past 1+ year I'm staying at the current residence. A friend of mine who's very knowledgeable in IT related field did a trace route and was surprised with the result.

This is the result from my home:


and this is the result from my office:


I'm not aware of these technical terms, but as you can see the time in ms at home is over 1,000 ms whereas at office, it's just 10+ ms.

I thought that the problem might be related to the phone wiring, but this guy says it's nothing wrong on my side. He asked me to call up True, my ISP and complain. I'm totally blank as to how to complain about this problem to them.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :o

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Not sure here, from the tracert it looks like you use a USB adsl modem, since there is no hop through a local router, but straight to True's gateway...

Either True's gateway has a problem, or there is something wrong with your modem, as never should a ping to your ISP's gateway take more then30 or 40 msec's

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Thanks both for the replies, but you have only confirmed what my friend said. That there's a problem with my connection. Now, what I really want to know is how to go about complaining to True about this.

Once I get home, first I'll try to use cdnvic's tweaker and if no improvement, will complain.

Monty, the modem's true's adsl modem but not usb, but LAN type (am I quoting correctly :o?) and there's no router. It connects directly to the computer.

What I find surprising is that there's no reduction in the speed but only frequent disconnections. This problem's there for the past 2 weeks.

Another thought, could it be a virus thing? I had a few files that my scanner detected and deleted :D

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Just for comparison sake, here's my results using a MaxNet Indy 1024 package over a 802.11g connection near Chiang Mai:

C:\>tracert -d

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

 1	 1 ms	 1 ms	 1 ms
 2	 9 ms	 8 ms	 8 ms
 3	 9 ms	 9 ms	 9 ms
 4	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.
 5	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.
 6	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.
 7	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.
 8	28 ms	27 ms	27 ms
 9	26 ms	26 ms	26 ms
10   313 ms	25 ms	25 ms
11	 *	   24 ms	24 ms
12	24 ms	23 ms	23 ms
13	26 ms	25 ms	26 ms
14	27 ms	26 ms	26 ms

Trace complete.

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intrestingly from my work PC here in the UK my trace was complete in 9 hops - with nothing higher than 6ms

this is not a virus

this is unlikely to be your modem / router

your first hop address will always be to your ISP

i would call your ISP explain the problem, have them test, but more importantly ask them if they can give you an alternative default gateway address.

i would guess that the problem is most likely to be that a bit of hardware at their end has gone tits up - you will efectively be given an address via your ISPs dhcp servers which will also assign you to its default gateway for that block of addresses.. you'll almost certainly not be the only one having trouble

please update if this gets resolved

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Installed TweakMaster as cdnvic suggested and used the 1st default configuration for "connection optimization wizard"

Here's my result now.

c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>tracert -d

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

 1	19 ms	19 ms	19 ms
 2	18 ms	20 ms	18 ms
 3	20 ms	20 ms	19 ms
 4	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.
 5	58 ms	35 ms	20 ms
 6	18 ms	18 ms	20 ms
 7	18 ms	19 ms	17 ms
 8	20 ms	21 ms	20 ms
 9	22 ms	24 ms	21 ms
10	20 ms	21 ms	20 ms
11	20 ms	20 ms	20 ms
12	20 ms	19 ms	20 ms
13	20 ms	22 ms	20 ms

Trace complete.

Don't know whether this is a temporary solution :o? Prior to having connection problems the past week, I never had any additional software to help in connections etc. So, any idea why the sudden problem?


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I am surprised that you can even get any trace using TRUE circuit. My attempts always result in time out errors, I suspect because of there invisible server system. To trace you need to go to the speed test page and on the result will be an option to ping or trace route from there server and that works. My check just now is below.

Go to this link and tic "go" and after you get your circuit speed to server you get the option to do the trace


Trace Output:

traceroute to www.thaivisa.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 203-144-254-153.static.asianet.co.th ( 103.526 ms 98.767 ms 111.185 ms

2 203-144-143-113.static.asianet.co.th ( 0.304 ms 0.291 ms 0.327 ms

3 203-144-144-7.static.asianet.co.th ( 0.548 ms 1.364 ms 1.629 ms

4 ( 1.000 ms 0.934 ms 0.953 ms

5 ( 1.183 ms 0.960 ms 1.086 ms

6 ( 29.891 ms 29.747 ms 30.824 ms

7 pc2-an-ats-int02.starhub.net.sg ( 29.724 ms 29.835 ms 30.071 ms

8 ( 31.680 ms 31.484 ms 31.966 ms

9 fe8-0-0.eqx.newmediaexpress.com ( 33.521 ms 32.952 ms 30.827 ms

10 thaivisa.com ( 32.386 ms 32.394 ms 31.920 ms

done ...

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my speed test result: 753.228 Kbps

and my traceroute result:

Trace Output:

traceroute to www.thaivisa.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 203-144-254-153.static.asianet.co.th ( 1.899 ms 4.365 ms 3.364 ms

2 203-144-143-113.static.asianet.co.th ( 0.463 ms 0.319 ms 0.264 ms

3 203-144-144-7.static.asianet.co.th ( 0.541 ms 0.931 ms 0.502 ms

4 ( 1.467 ms 1.364 ms 1.185 ms

5 ( 1.532 ms 1.498 ms 1.207 ms

6 ( 29.955 ms 30.187 ms 29.751 ms

7 pc2-an-ats-int02.starhub.net.sg ( 30.751 ms 30.697 ms 30.862 ms

8 ( 31.408 ms 30.411 ms 33.258 ms

9 fe8-0-0.eqx.newmediaexpress.com ( 31.602 ms 32.523 ms 30.583 ms

10 thaivisa.com ( 30.951 ms 30.500 ms 31.384 ms

done ...

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Well, I did doubt virus, but it seems it's got to do more with this and adwares/spywares. I had Zonelabs ZoneAlarm Security Suite installed in my PC and was so confident in it that I never bothered to install other programs.

Well, cdnvic's reply in What's The Best Security Suite For Ms Vista? thread got me thinking. I uninstalled ZA and installed Kaspersky's AV, ZA firewall, Lavasoft Ad-Aware, MS Windows Defender and SpyBot S&D.

Well!!! Imagine my surprise to the amount of spyware each of the 3 anti-spyware found in my system. Also there were a few progs which ZA failed miserably in detecting as viruses. These viruses were hidden in compressed files and not active.

I even uninstalled TweakMaster just to see whether these !#%$ viruses and spywares were causing the problem and YES that's the answer.

Now, I'm not getting disconnected anymore.

Here are results now:

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

 1	18 ms	18 ms	17 ms
 2	17 ms	17 ms	18 ms
 3	20 ms	19 ms	19 ms
 4	 *		*		*	 Request timed out.
 5	66 ms	17 ms	18 ms
 6	19 ms	19 ms	36 ms
 7	27 ms	21 ms	18 ms
 8	20 ms	20 ms	37 ms
 9	20 ms	20 ms	19 ms
10	19 ms	19 ms	18 ms
11	19 ms	20 ms	19 ms
12	20 ms	18 ms	19 ms
13	20 ms	20 ms	20 ms

Trace complete.

True's speed test resul: 939.827 Kbps

and True's traceroute result:

Trace Output:

traceroute to www.thaivisa.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1  203-144-254-153.static.asianet.co.th (  6.777 ms   4.279 ms   4.560 ms
2  203-144-143-113.static.asianet.co.th (  0.305 ms   0.286 ms   0.336 ms
3  203-144-144-7.static.asianet.co.th (  0.518 ms   0.765 ms   0.496 ms
4 (  1.002 ms   1.037 ms   1.035 ms
5 (  1.189 ms   1.046 ms   1.079 ms
6 (  33.368 ms   31.647 ms   30.276 ms
7  pc2-an-ats-int02.starhub.net.sg (  31.998 ms   33.936 ms   33.343 ms
8 (  32.649 ms   31.251 ms   31.083 ms
9  fe8-0-0.eqx.newmediaexpress.com (  32.499 ms   33.745 ms   35.201 ms
10  thaivisa.com (  34.031 ms   34.583 ms   36.423 ms

done ...

Thanks everyone for their inputs. :o

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