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Trump rejects racism charge, throws it at black lawmaker

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9 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I’m sorry I wasn’t clear, I don’t think the events are made up, I think the part about the things he says are racist, and he only says them because he’s a racist, is that better?


So to be clear, you are dodging the questions?

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On 7/29/2019 at 5:42 AM, Bucknaway said:

I use to live in Baltimore and visit sometimes. Trump told the truth and he will win in this argument.  He is back in campaign mode and he is going to launch obvious truth bombs one after the other.



Had a good friend who was Civil Service, GS10, 12-13 years ago. Took a GS-12 and move to Crackmore. Stayed 1 year and took a GS-8 to get out. She said her and her husband could not sit out on their front steps after dark it was so bad and they did not live in government housing. You think it’s got better?

Here a few facts for Baltimore:

Baltimore has the ninth worst rat problem in the United States, according to Orkin, a company that provides residential and commercial pest control services. It falls just behind Chicago; Los Angeles; New York City; Washington, D.C.; San Francisco; Detroit; Philadelphia; and Cleveland.


The Sun itself has published articles detailing the city’s rat problem. One such article, titled “A year later, did extermination campaign solve rat problem at Baltimore’s public housing complexes?” quotes one resident saying, “‘We have very bad problems. … They reduced nothing.’”

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Now that the comments were made by cummings and Mr. Trump,it surely brought some disgusting pictures and reports recently on the living conditions in cummings district. 20 years of his leadership in Baltimore and it  hasn't changed a thing ,poverty,no jobs ,poor educational system and crime . It's worse than ever! No racism in calling out someone for not doing their job   

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A baiting post which incurred some incorrect replies has been removed. 


A post in violation of fair use violation has been removed. 

So to be clear, you are dodging the questions?

No, I’m not dodging the questions, the questions are asking me to explain something o never said.

I said I believe the things you you claim make him a racist are mostly made up to attack him.

You took this to believe I meant the events were made up.

I explained that it was not the events that were made up, but rather the attacks. For example: Trump attacks someone for something they have said or done. If the person is “of color”, whatever he says is claimed to be racist, and the only reason he said it, is because he’s a racist.

Why is attacking Cummings racist?
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3 hours ago, riclag said:

Now that the comments were made by cummings and Mr. Trump,it surely brought some disgusting pictures and reports recently on the living conditions in cummings district. 20 years of his leadership in Baltimore and it  hasn't changed a thing ,poverty,no jobs ,poor educational system and crime . It's worse than ever! No racism in calling out someone for not doing their job   

You're confused. Cummins sits in the House of Representative - not City Hall. He is not the mayor.

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8 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Trump is such a child. When he is accused of something that he knows there is some truth to he channels his inner six year old. It's like when Hillary Clinton called him a puppet in the debates and he snapped back, "I'm not a puppet! You're the puppet!" 


You have to be a closet racist yourself if you think that Trump isn't at least stoking the fires of racism. But when he gets called on it, he accuses his accusers of being racist. And claims he's the least racist person you'd ever meet. Really? The least racist. The guy who used to pull black dealers off the floor when VIPs arrived. The same guy who said it was probably true that he didn't want to have a black man counting his money. The guy who just said that three American congresswoman should go back to their own countries... Who felt that a judge of Mexican heritage couldn't be impartial on immigration. Who discriminated against people of color in his housing developments. Who for years claimed he had evidence that the first black president was not even born in America (and never had any evidence). Who called southern immigrants rapists and murderers. And who has no problem with separating children from their parents. Who made an equivalence between the white supremists in Charlottesville and those who came to protest against their movement. Who claimed he didn't know who David Duke was. And whose father was arrested at a KKK Rally. He is what he is.

Do you have a link to prove what you just said , or are you blowing from your arse?

Do you have a link to prove what you just said , or are you blowing from your arse?

Sure, just google trump racist and you’ll get 50 pages of fake news all these guys buy into...
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4 hours ago, mogandave said:


I’m sorry I wasn’t clear, I don’t think the events are made up, I think the part about the things he says are racist, and he only says them because he’s a racist, is that better?


Do you have a link to any overt racist comment Trump has ever made, or are you just dreaming leftist fairy tales?

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Do you have a link to any overt racist comment Trump has ever made, or are you just dreaming leftist fairy tales?

Yes, 40 years ago he said blacks were lazy, only he didn’t say blacks, he called them “colored people”!
  • Confused 1
5 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Which thing do you think is made up against him? Those things have been documented. 


Let's try this a different way. You tell me if you think this is not racially charged and if not then explain to me your logic. And if you can do that in a way that doesn't make you look racist then congratulations.

Trump told four American congresswoman to go back to their country... Three of which were born in the United States. Trump's a third generation American himself. Why does he consider himself to be more American than them? Do you think he would have made that statement to a white person?

Trump claimed he watched thousands of muslims cheering in the street as the towers fell. This is an outrageous lie. Why would he make it? 


Trump retweeted a white nationalist propaganda poll stating that 81% of murders of white people are by blacks. That of course is completely bogus. But how could he believe that? And what were his motives in retweeting it? https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/23/donald-trump/trump-tweet-blacks-white-homicide-victims/ In case you missed that one...


Those are three easy ones.

If you were truly not a racist then you would not see the color of the squads skin.  Racists only see others skin color, this is rampant in the Democrat party from its inception, the party that invented the KKK, and voted against civil rights right up to 1968. 


Personally, since I don’t care about the color of a persons skin I only listen and look for content of their words, and whether I discern or not they are good and virtuous people. I believe the words of the squad are overtly racist against white people.  If the tables were reversed and white people used the same racist rhetoric as the squad and 99% of democrats, there would be hell to pay..


In 2016 Rashida Tlaib told Trump to go back to where he came from because Trump wanted a ban on Visas without a 

thourgh back ground check from recognized countries that pose a terrorist threat. Oddly enough, other Muslim countries have banned these countries for the same reason.  


I ‘I don’t particularly like The people’s communist party of China.  Does that make me a racist, does that mean I hate all Chinese?  Can leftists understand the difference between race and ideology?

15 minutes ago, mogandave said:


Yes, 40 years ago he said blacks were lazy, only he didn’t say blacks, he called them “colored people”!


You have a link?

  • Confused 2
40 minutes ago, Guitarzan said:

Do you have a link to prove what you just said , or are you blowing from your arse?

If you think anything said there is not true then let me know and I can provide you with links. But that's all very easy information to find. There are video records of a lot of it, newspaper or news articles of the rest. 

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10 minutes ago, Guitarzan said:

In 2016 Rashida Tlaib told Trump to go back to where he came from because Trump wanted a ban on Visas without a 

thourgh back ground check from recognized countries that pose a terrorist threat. Oddly enough, other Muslim countries have banned these countries for the same reason.  

That's not what Trump was calling for. Trump in his own words called for, "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

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That's not what Trump was calling for. Trump in his own words called for, "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

How is that racist?
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1 minute ago, mogandave said:

How is that racist?


You made that jump, I was providing Guitarzan with additional information. 


That having been said... A ban of an entire religion? That goes against the very foundations of America. America was a nation formed on freedom of religion. So the notion of banning an entire religious group is ridiculous. Especially when it's built on a strawman argument. Domestic terrorism accounts for more deaths than Islamic terrorism. Last I checked more people had been killed by toddlers than terrorists since 911. It's such a tiny percentage of Muslims responsible. But once again we have this common thread of Trump attacking a group that is primarily not white. 


We're talking about a guy who called African nations s-hole countries... and then in the next breath said why can't we get more immigrants from countries like Norway. This is a man who talks about refugees as though they are violent criminals coming to steal your jobs and commit crimes. But at the very same all of his wives are European immigrants. This is a guy whose go to insult on any black person usually involves calling them "Low IQ". 

That having been said, you've lost your credibility after you dodged my questions on the last page. 

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You made that jump, I was providing Guitarzan with additional information. 
That having been said... A ban of an entire religion? That goes against the very foundations of America. America was a nation formed on freedom of religion. So the notion of banning an entire religious group is ridiculous. Especially when it's built on a strawman argument. Domestic terrorism accounts for more deaths than Islamic terrorism. Last I checked more people had been killed by toddlers than terrorists since 911. It's such a tiny percentage of Muslims responsible. But once again we have this common thread of Trump attacking a group that is primarily not white. 
We're talking about a guy who called African nations s-hole countries... and then in the next breath said why can't we get more immigrants from countries like Norway. This is a man who talks about refugees as though they are violent criminals coming to steal your jobs and commit crimes. But at the very same all of his wives are European immigrants. This is a guy whose go to insult on any black person usually involves calling them "Low IQ". 

That having been said, you've lost your credibility after you dodged my questions on the last page. 

I assumed i had lost all credibility with you when you accused me of being an irrational racist.

I didn’t dodge your question, why don’t you address what I actually said?

Why didn’t you answer my question? You can’t.

You seem to be confusing immigrants with refugees, they are entirety different.

Immigration is supposed to benefit the US, not just the immigrant. Literate, English speaking working age people are more likely to benefit the country than non English speaking people that are often functionally illiterate in their own language.

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Just now, mogandave said:

I didn’t dodge your question, why don’t you address what I actually said?


What are you talking about? All you said was, "how is that racist?" and I addressed that. But it was a silly question since I didn't even call it a racist statement in the first place. I gave context to what Guitarzan said. Then you asked me how was that racist when I didn't even call it racist in the first place. That having been said, it's obvious that Trump has a problem with Muslims. He made up lies and said he watched thousands of them cheering in the streets as the towers fell... Which was a fabrication. And as I asked you on the last page, why would he do that? Why does he accentuate any time a (rare) islamic terrorist attack happens in America, but is less quick to jump on an attack from a white supremecy group? 


The best case scenario here is that the President of the United States seems to have thrown freedom of religion out of the window. When taken in the context of everything else, though we have to point out the obvious, that the majority of Muslims are not white.

1 hour ago, mogandave said:


Yes, 40 years ago he said blacks were lazy, only he didn’t say blacks, he called them “colored people”!


I wonder how many white people he called lazy?

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38 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

You made that jump, I was providing Guitarzan with additional information. 


That having been said... A ban of an entire religion? That goes against the very foundations of America. America was a nation formed on freedom of religion. So the notion of banning an entire religious group is ridiculous. Especially when it's built on a strawman argument. Domestic terrorism accounts for more deaths than Islamic terrorism. Last I checked more people had been killed by toddlers than terrorists since 911. It's such a tiny percentage of Muslims responsible. But once again we have this common thread of Trump attacking a group that is primarily not white. 


We're talking about a guy who called African nations s-hole countries... and then in the next breath said why can't we get more immigrants from countries like Norway. This is a man who talks about refugees as though they are violent criminals coming to steal your jobs and commit crimes. But at the very same all of his wives are European immigrants. This is a guy whose go to insult on any black person usually involves calling them "Low IQ". 

That having been said, you've lost your credibility after you dodged my questions on the last page. 

I think Islam is wonderful.  I expesially like the treatment of women and gays. Islam is the most  tolerant religion in the world.  Their acceptance of infidels and other faiths are exemplary!  The freedom of religion in Saudi’s Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Islamic states is like no other. I don’t know why That idiot Trump would want a ban on Muslims until they get a back ground check. 


Was Trump talking about refugees or illegal imnagrants?  When he made his famous remarks about Mexicans he clearly was talking about the drug and crime situation in the border towns. I live in New Mexico USA. I once told a friend from Mexico I’d like to visit. He look me straight in the eyes and said why? They will kill you. Another Mexican friend a lawyer, told me to stay away from the border towns because if I look like I have money the police will arrest me and I’ll have to pay a huge bribe to get out, if I don’t get kidnapped by drug dealers. So, I have so first hand knowledge about the violence the illegal immagrants in the border towns commit. The further away from the border towns you are the safer it is. Here where I live there are no problems between white, Hispanic, Asians, and native Americans, on a daily basis.  

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1 hour ago, Guitarzan said:

You have a link?

There are numerous sources and quotes.   In addition to calling colored people lazy, he also said he didn't want them handling his money.   I'll try to find the actual quotes.   In the meantime, here's a little about his past racism, including being sued by the Nixon administration for discrimination.   Also a number of his remarks from past speeches and articles:


  • Thanks 2
2 hours ago, Guitarzan said:

of women and gays. Islam is the most  tolerant religion in the world.  Their acceptance of infidels and other faiths are exemplary!  The freedom of religion in Saudi’s Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Islamic states is like no other. I don’t know why That idiot Trump would want a ban on Muslims until they get a back ground check

Trump did not put a ban on countries from where terrorists originated, such as Saudi Arabia. Actually the countries which were banned never had any citizen involved in terrorism in the USA.

"nationals of the seven countries that Trump banned killed exactly zero people in terrorist attacks on U.S. soil between 1975 and 2015."



I am personally not a fan of Islam. But there have been no critics from Trump on religions which are similar or worst,  such as Mormons, Jehovah's witnesses or Scientologists. Because they are white and their religions were born in the USA. I guess they are also likely to vote for him.

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22 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

POTUS breaking news

He has stated he is the “least racist person in the world” and I have no strategy”

We can all relax now and sleep securely

If he says so.. , just like "Nixon didn’t think of himself as a racist; perhaps that’s why it was so important to him to keep quoting Reagan’s racism, rather than own the sentiment himself" 

Reagan spoke for racist Americans, and they needed to be listened to

On 7/30/2019 at 1:45 PM, EVENKEEL said:

The funny thing is that it wouldn't take much for a dem to win if they would distance themselves from the crazy lefties. I mean get on the stage and call out the others on their preposterous promises. Why can't a dem be tough on border security, job creation, common sense regulations that benefit the economy. People are going to vote for Trump, not because they think he's a good guy but because and In spite of his brash demeanor they see he's doing for America what is best. 

You mean doing what is best for Israel and the 1% right.   Dont forget those who voted for Trump voted for a previous TV show host, guy with friends who enjoy sex with underage girls, and no history of fighting for the middle class. 


Who has a very long history of fighting for the middle class and much less controversial statements (nice tactic) than the rich guy from NYC? Bernie Sanders!

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