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Wise pctech buying spare parts instead of new pc


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I own Acer aspire Acer aspire  R71T-50V5
S/N: NXMQQAA002447149697600
SNID: 44708432976
MFG DATE 2014/11/22

What happened I accidentally hit my whiskey glass over laptop front and I the usual pc users do turning off and unplugging power cable. Then let dried for a week, I took it to most pc repair shops and told it would need motherboard replacement around 3k and also touch screen totalling 8k.

As usual I did investigate my self and found touchscreen connecting cable is burnt at motherboard eclip.

So, I thought why not look for new touchscreen connecting cable and the eclipse on the motherboard.instead of buying a new laptop like most of young men including me back in my late twenies &thirties


But I couldn't find the exact spare parts I'm looking for.

Appreciate any input in advance.

ALSO, CviLux E208903-5 AM 20706 . 105C 60 VW-1
Connecting cable
Photos attached


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It's a Aspire R7-371T-50V5 Part No. NX.MQQAA.002


It's a model sold in the Americas, so you are more likely to be able to source your parts from there. They used keep parts for up to ten years. Don't know if that still holds.


Have you tried your local ACER service centre?; https://www.acer.com/worldwide/support/itw_location.htm


A waste of time trying anywhere else, unless sourcing the parts yourself. The official service centre should fit the parts for you, for a reasonable fixed fee.


Cannot make much sense of your post, due to it's formatting.



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I've got a great computer guy who also fixes motherboards. There must be more burnt than just the cable.


    If you have your motherboard out and can't find a computer shop, look for a TV repair shop. All you need is a guy who's good in electronics. Best of luck! 



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