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SURVEY: Increasing the speed limit -- Good or Bad?


SURVEY: Increasing the speed limit -- Good or Bad?  

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yeah, and increase mandatory insurance so that for "big bikes"...... it is "big insurance" as well.  then big bikes will be even more glamorous I guess, but not for everyone.  the ones you don't want riding big bikes in the first place, just maybe.  in a general way.  

Edited by WeekendRaider
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Ask any police officer in the uk usa europe they will all tell you speed kills, put together with poor driving standards and lack of enforcement,i dont think its a good idea for Thailand.
They were all trained to say that.

Speed does not kill, stupid driving kills.

You can die or hurt others at 90, 70, or even 30.
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On 8/4/2019 at 5:42 AM, Black arab said:

Ask any police officer in the uk usa europe they will all tell you speed kills, put together with poor driving standards and lack of enforcement,i dont think its a good idea for Thailand.

Then why did they increase speed on many highways in europe to 130 km?


In a country as in the Netherlands which seems to be the highest high speed trafic desnity they have 130 km.


In the news was they want to switch on the highway lights whoke night because drivers feel safer.

Problem is nature does not cope with it.

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5 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

There are red lights on Nederland motorways but no U-Turn like in Thailand which are for me a nonsense and should be replaced by roundabouts;

and roundabouts made as they are in Great Britain, not like in France where they are dangerous, less than U turn but poorly manufactured.

I don't think putting roundabouts on motorways is a good idea, whatever country you're in.

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On 8/4/2019 at 5:27 PM, Artisi said:

It will make absolutely no difference, Thai's will just keep killing themselves irrespective of laws - - - - you can't fix or regulate stupidity. 


Agreed. The Thai people have not evolved enough to care for the safety of themselves, their family, or other people.


Enforcement, even if heavily implemented, will not change this simple fact.


Evolution of a society or cultural is measured in centuries, and even then is a thin veneer at best.

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On 8/5/2019 at 3:06 PM, grollies said:

I don't think putting roundabouts on motorways is a good idea, whatever country you're in.


I did not write this ..
I wrote that there are traffic lights on the Dutch motorways and no U-turn (or roundabouts) which is normal and logical since we are on  motorways.
On the other hand it would be necessary, on the roads with four lanes or more, to replace the U-turn by roundabouts manufactured as they are in Great Britain.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I went with option A but think it should be raised to 150. In just a couple of short years most of the idiots will be dead and the death toll on the road will go way down and they can all pat themselves on the back while doing photo opts in front of a banner touting the lowest death toll rate in years. :wai:

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