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Six die per hour from heart attacks in Thailand - more need to know CPR


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6 hours ago, griffon2011 said:

 CPR performed outside of the hospital is generally ineffective with the survival rates very low (less than 5%) as dcnx suggests and of that small percentage of survivors the majority are significantly impaired afterwards.  Even in a hospital environment only 15% of all patients, <5% of frail elders and <1% with advanced chronic disease survive and again, depending on the length of CPR a majority are significantly impaired.  I have personally declined CPR in my advanced health care directive among several other procedures.    

Does Thailand have anything like a DNR?

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Just a lil warning , I had a persistent cough, like I was clearing my throat , it was actually blood not being, processed thru my heart and backing up into lungs, my heart was operating at 15 not 55, like it’s  supposed to work, the Doctor said I would of just dropped Dead 

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I pushed to get first aid training at work, it took a couple of months to organise but all the local participants enjoyed the course and it was a good refresher for my self,

the will of management is the key as we had to pay for 3 trainers to come up from BKK,

for the 2 day course.

 In my opinion it should be a mandatory course for all motor driving licence holders  and renewed every time the MDL is renewed.

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8 hours ago, Grusa said:

There is something horribly wrong with the maths here.


6 per hour X 24hours X 365.25 days per year (accounting for leap years) = 52,596 deaths/year.


But "They reported that in Bangkok there had been 47,564 emergency calls dealt with on the 1669 number. 


Of these 1,197 involved sudden cardiac arrest. Of these 656 of 54% died at the scene because of incorrect CPR or relatives and other people not knowing how to perform CPR. "


Admittedly the figures are stated to be Bangkok..... where is the basis for a country wife extrapolation. 1,197 in Bangkok is not 60,000 nationwide!







The silly part is they were all dead already. Nobody dies due to poorly applied or no applied CPR.

Sure it is possible to restart the heart but by definition they were already dead!

I'm no doctor but after 45 years in the electrical business with training every 6 months you do get a bit a feel about these things.

After an electric shock the chances of success are quite good , use a defibrillator, plus CPR but after a 'natural' heart attack, not so good, basically zero. the heart has stopped by natural conditions.


What a lot of people don't realise is that a defibrillator (contrary to the movies) actually stops the heart from spasming i.e. fibrillating, meaning it is no longer pumping blood sufficiently to maintain blood flow to the lungs and brain. A defibrillator does NOT restart the heart. A basic built in natural electrical mechanism(one electrical signal from the brain and the natural very slow inbuilt heart muscle response) spontaneously starts the heart back into rhythm by itself. If they're not present then the heart is never going to restart. And then it is all over.

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6 hours ago, Fred white said:

Out here in the sticks where I live if you have a heart attack your dead

Depends on what you call a heart attack. Sudden death anywhere and you are buggered, even in the best of West. The rest of the so called heart attacks not so much, blocked arteries, severe angina or whatever etc are treatable and can be treated for quite some time after the symptoms appear.

But for the common or classic heart attack as we know them, clutch the chest in sudden and excruciating pain for a second or two and then hit the deck….doesn't matter where you are, you ain't coming back. 

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18 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

More need to know which heart-healthier foods to eat.

Most people know what the better choices are... but it's the availability of those products that's the problem.

Fast street food that's laden with oil, salt or sugar etc etc... but affordable.

Or you go the so called healthy option of vegetables & fruits, laden with 3 of the most dangerous chemicals sprayed liberally down on the farm.

Tough choice

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7 hours ago, leeneeds said:

I pushed to get first aid training at work, it took a couple of months to organise but all the local participants enjoyed the course and it was a good refresher for my self,

the will of management is the key as we had to pay for 3 trainers to come up from BKK,

for the 2 day course.

 In my opinion it should be a mandatory course for all motor driving licence holders  and renewed every time the MDL is renewed.

I disagree learning CPR or first aid should be a personal choice

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If Thai doctors actually new medicine the rate might drop. The f*ckers sent me home when I was having my heart attack and told me to come back in two weeks. In less than two weeks I was in India getting six stents inserted. <deleted> Thai doctors and Thai hospitals. All of them. 

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33 minutes ago, leeneeds said:

good to know your happy to watch some one die because of that attitude 

I had first aid training in the military also at one of the places I used to work at we had a emergency response team of which I was the shift commander on my shift so no if possible I would give first aid but some people may not want to that's why I disagreed with your comment on requiring people to learn it to get a license

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21 hours ago, SteveK said:

I had a one day training course on CPR every year because of my profession in the UK. I discussed it with my wife, she didn't have a clue what I was talking about!

Had a know all Thai lady friend , one night in a bar chatting with locals about first aid and I turned to her and said do you know CPR and she said of course I do , I know all the alphabet .


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On a serious note I witnessed a European guy drown in a  hotel pool . He was dragged out the pool and others were giving him CPR but all wrong , one press and counting to 5 and repeating .  I had only seen the government sponsored tutorial video on UK TV with CPR being given by Vinnie Jones to the music of the BEE GEES , Staying Alive song . I intervened and told them they were not correct and I gave the CPR , The guy started spluttering and whooping air , water and froth . I could only keep going for about 2 or 3 minutes as I was exhausted . Then the other guys took over with their method . Ambulance took more than 20 minutes to arrive and just put him on a stretcher into the ambulance .

I made inquires that evening  to the hotel reception who said he was 50/50 . The hotel did not have anyone trained in CPR and one of the staff came over and  believe it or not started slapping the drowned guys face ,  . I checked out the next morning because the event made me upset and annoyed . 

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23 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

Unfortunately I tend to agree with you. I have donated a lot of money for cancer research and others but never for heart disease as I would prefer a big heart attack as the way to cash out.

As far as training in CPR, I have done it from age 16 with many First Aid Certificates, but now they tell me what I was taught is not correct. I hope to never be put in a situation to have use it as I know I will do what I was trained for and not what is current.

Any progress on cancer research. Have they invented the miracle pill yet. ?

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14 hours ago, leeneeds said:

I pushed to get first aid training at work, it took a couple of months to organise but all the local participants enjoyed the course and it was a good refresher for my self,

the will of management is the key as we had to pay for 3 trainers to come up from BKK,

for the 2 day course.

 In my opinion it should be a mandatory course for all motor driving licence holders  and renewed every time the MDL is renewed.


I asked several times for a First Aid training to be given to all staff at the office. But my message did not go through and HR department which was organizing the trainings did not want to bother and could not care less.

Edited by Peterbkk99
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34 minutes ago, Peterbkk99 said:


I asked several times for a First Aid training to be given to all staff at the office. But my message did not go through and HR department which was organizing the trainings did not want to bother and could not care less.

I had the same , but you have to keep at if eventually in most cases management would relent, I feel, as the benefit out ways by clear margin of not doing,

good luck 

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6 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Learning how to perform CPR won't be a lot of good if you are then unable to get to the hospital because moron drivers refuse to move over for ambulances on the roads.

Irrelevant, ALS care would be initiated by then. Unless your in your POV, then the victim is 95% f*ked anyway.

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22 hours ago, Fred white said:

Does Thailand have anything like a DNR?

Bangkok hospital in BKK does not have one but their Pattaya branch has a basic one.  When presenting my health care directive to Bangkok hospital in BKK they offered to scan it and place it in my records.  I cited the Thailand National Health Care Act B.E. 2550 Chapter 1 Section 12 which states that an individual has the right to create a document to direct their health care.  My directive assumes that I am in a coma, persistent vegetative state or have some end stage disease where a meaningful recovery is unlikely and I have lost the capacity to make decisions or communicate them.  I also have a health care advocate who can make decisions according to my wishes and is strong enough to challenge the medical system to insure that they are complied with.  

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15 hours ago, Filipplenoir said:

Any progress on cancer research. Have they invented the miracle pill yet. ?

As a cancer survivor but one who is very aware that it often returns, I can say that there is no 'miracle pill' but there have been some major advances recently. I keep myself well informed in case it comes knocking again.


The advances in genetic therapies - editing etc. seem the most promising but there's a lot to do yet.

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33 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

As a cancer survivor but one who is very aware that it often returns, I can say that there is no 'miracle pill' but there have been some major advances recently. I keep myself well informed in case it comes knocking again.


The advances in genetic therapies - editing etc. seem the most promising but there's a lot to do yet.

Genetic manipulation ain't that what caused the zombies, just kidding I hope they do develop a cure 3 people close to me died from cancer

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