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Protecting Falang Interests In Thailand


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These include setting up a fund to take care of half-thai, half-white children, to make sure they are not mistreated because of their racial mix. Scholarship funds can be set up.

An even easier and perhaps more obvious solution would be everyone setting up scholarship funds for their own children, backed up by property and income streams so that no matter what the system throws at them, they can still circumvent, beat, and perhaps eventually take over the system or at least firmly control their portion of it. The trick is making sure each subsequent generation knows, appreciates, and builds on the value of their legacy.


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An even easier and perhaps more obvious solution would be everyone setting up scholarship funds for their own children, backed up by property and income streams

thats asking rather a lot of some of the falangs here who have spent more time working the benefit systems of their homelands than they have done reading the financial press and preparing for the future.

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All groups, especially ethnic ones, learn by necessity to defend themselves against prejudice and harassment and oppression.

When we hear of anti-foreign sentiment in thailand, we are usually talking about persecution of white people (although other ethnic and racial groups may also experience it).

for example -- I do not think "anti-foreign" sentiment means anti-chinese at this point in thai history, although it may have a few decades ago.

To defend ourselves against harassment, we can increase our solidarity.

This means forming tighter social organizations in thailand that maintain more frequent and more focused communication about trends and dangers. Forums like tv represent an important element in that process.

If new laws are passed that endanger us, we can take appropriate action.

Such a group can make contacts within the police, politicians and local business and religious leaders. There are always ways to negotiate to reach settlements if problems arise. There will often be some people in any power center with whom we can deal, although of course there will be other who just hate white people.

"Gifts" placed in the right hands can be used to protect our interests. For example -- if a certain policeman or a certain police station seems to be harassing whites, making a gift to the right person at the right level might have those officials transferred to the south.

In this case, the first thing to do is identify the bad guys and then find out who our friends are within a specific community.

Solidarity and concerted action also means contacting our embassies with mass appeals. Politicians within our home countries can be alerted to persecution. Such action will be less effective and will take more time but may affect trade and immigration treaties in the future.

If there is physical harassment of members of our community within a specific town or province, there are usually specific individuals who are doing it. These individuals can be found out.

Caucasians have a knack for being able to use technology. Technology can be used for surveillance and for the neutralization of hostile elements. Sun Tsu says the first step toward victory is good intelligence.

There are other things that can be done for the long range.

These include setting up a fund to take care of half-thai, half-white children, to make sure they are not mistreated because of their racial mix. Scholarship funds can be set up.

Mentors can be established if the father or another person is not available. Such mentors would watch over thai-white children to protect them and shepherd them through schooling and career choice.

This is not a white racist, white power blah blah. Nor is it meant to disparage or leave out other groups. It is a recognition of the reality that all groups can be victims of racism and that, at any time in any place, defensive and protective measures can work.


:o:D :D :D

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An even easier and perhaps more obvious solution would be everyone setting up scholarship funds for their own children, backed up by property and income streams

thats asking rather a lot of some of the falangs here who have spent more time working the benefit systems of their homelands than they have done reading the financial press and preparing for the future.

It'll be tougher for some and not so tough for some (especially considering how small the world is now... if Thai children living in Thailand can reap the benefits of family established overeas rental property, interest earning accounts, investments... there's naturally no reason why a luk krung or falang child living in Thailand cannot do so).

Sure, it'll be tough going establishing a foothold (and some would say there is already an established foothold... just look at the handful of communities around the few elite international schools), IMO not quite as tough as arriving by boat from China or overland from India (for Thai Sikhs) with virtually no belongings 50, 100, 150+ years ago. There's no reason why a creature as capable and adaptable as a human being can't adjust, get a foothold, and establish a permanent/prosperous settlement here.


Edited by Heng
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I have my very own defense system in place. Her name is Nuan. She weighs a 100 pounds and has a VERY sharp tongue when needed. Unfortunately for me, she keeps that sharp tongue pretty well honed.

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Here is an idea. It hinges around the concept of forange vs. farang.

GIven that the only thing in common that farangs have is that they are whitish, would it not be easier to perhaps also identify farangs with perhaps a nice star or similar symbol.

The leader of the white people, let's for now call him the Fuhrer could then also put the non-whites in concentration happy camps to create 'living space' for the superior white man. Where the locals would undergo self improvement and would be subjected to daily whitening skin applications, watching channel 7 and also importantly perhaps engaging in physical labour, such as farming. We can give that lot Isaan. They will love it out there.

You see, your average coloured Thai, they are lazy, stupid and disorganised. They cannot organise a booze up in a brewery. They can't shoot fish in a barrel. They can't get Geico insurance. So...Isaan will be perfect for them. They are even trying to be white, with their motorcycles and their breakfast. Breakfast was invented by the white man, and these coloureds, they are stealing the intellectual property of the white man. The forange shall triumph over the yellow man.

We must fight. Even though there are some battles to overcome, not helped by:

- most of the average whiteys here would like nothing better than go live in the segregated community I plan to set up east of Laem Dakong, full of nubile available whitening cream using locals

- many of the whities aren't white enough for my liking, and some are balding, which the fuhrer does not care for

- the locals are revolting, well some of them are fairly revolting, although many have adapted well to the life we have set up for them

More seriously, there are plenty of groups to join if you want to lobby; it depends what you want to acheieve. The foreign chambers of commerce do a fair bit in some cases; the Ambassadors of some countries are quite active. The idea that farangs should gang up just sounds laughable.

Especially some of the foranges living here (I prefer the term forange, because it sounds like orange; farang is like the slave name given to white ancestors forced against their will to come to this land to work for the yellow man; forange is a way of taking back the white man identity).

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Sounds like he is vieing for the spot of the "First Most Illustrious Grand Dragon of the Pattaya White Knights branch of the Ku Klux Klan" screw you sarpesius. If you can't learn to integrate go back to from whence you came. I mean really, there were few things I could not stand more, from being back in the States, was when people came too my country and made no effort to integrate, taking the passport and thus nationality but never adapting to the culture and always sticking to their own. This is their country, house rules, we are guests. That dose not mean we give up our basic rights of humanity no, but that dose lay a certain responsibility upon those of us that choose to live here too at least somewhat adapt to and respect their way of life. Take that white power crap back to what ever trailer park you picked it up from.

Edited by Nebukanezar
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