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Bad Guys Out! Immigration chief outlines latest busts of foreigners


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16 hours ago, transam said:

It was tough, she was unfortunate to get a puncture in her cart, went to B-quik to find immigration there getting their tyres pumped up for free....

Drop  kicked her  to the floor before knee in the throat, taser and  cuffs, then divvied up the rice and kratom just in time for the photo pointing.

Later Police general major lieutenant sergeant admiral Somchai gave them all a  gold  star after which they  all posed in their white  shiny bedecked suits for the  second photo op.

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1 hour ago, justaphase said:

Its gonna get worse and worse. My ex wife said that they don't want us here. Only the money..

There were bumper sticks in Oregon that read "Welcome to Oregon - Leave your women and go home"

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17 hours ago, zydeco said:

Next raid will be at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand.

This is funny on the surface, but if those folks have to do a TM30 every time stay away from home, it will be similar (tho not as exact) as having GPS on those who might report stories those in power might not like. May help gov run down who sources of stories might be.

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Case 3: A 50 year old Myanmar woman was using a curry and rice stall in Patong, Phuket as a front to sell Krathom leaf and Krathom tea, a restricted Class 5 drug. She was also found in possession of cough syrup (that is mixed with Krathom tea to heighten its effect).



    What a criminal she is. Did i miss something, where are the foreigners I thought I'd read about? 


     Thailand is getting better by the hour. I wanna open a chicken BBQ with my wife and help her. Will I get a work permit for it?





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10 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Drop  kicked her  to the floor before knee in the throat, taser and  cuffs, then divvied up the rice and kratom just in time for the photo pointing.

Later Police general major lieutenant sergeant admiral Somchai gave them all a  gold  star after which they  all posed in their white  shiny bedecked suits for the  second photo op.

....when a fight broke out between the uniforms as a short guy was placed at the back and he didn't like it...

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2 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

Case 3: A 50 year old Myanmar woman was using a curry and rice stall in Patong, Phuket as a front to sell Krathom leaf and Krathom tea, a restricted Class 5 drug. She was also found in possession of cough syrup (that is mixed with Krathom tea to heighten its effect).



    What a criminal she is. Did i miss something, where are the foreigners I thought I'd read about? 


     Thailand is getting better by the hour. I wanna open a chicken BBQ with my wife and help her. Will I get a work permit for it?





Myanmar people are also foreigners in Thailand. 

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"Case 4: A 33 year old man from the Ivory Coast was arrested for supplying patrons at the bars in Patong, Phuket with cocaine. He was arrested in a sting operation in Soi Anamai, Patong with a one gram packet of cocaine"


100% of the Ivory coast, Nigerian and Senegalese poor young men who say "hello my friend, can I help you" to complete strangers in nightlife areas are drug dealers. They stick out like sore thumbs. It takes simple observation to see what they do. It doesn't really need a complicated sting operation that then gets presented to the media.


My question is not why the police allow this. That's obvious. But why do the Thai mafia allow these West African gangs to step on their turf. Surely they could do the same without attracting as much attention.  Or do the Thai mafia run the Africans.... with the support of the police?

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There are some really heavy busts here!


A 50 year old Myanmar lady posing undercover as a food vendor to sell Krathom leaf, a plant which has been part of Thai culture for hundreds of years. I guess she had a mutli million dollar motor vessel in Phuket and drove there every day in her Lamborghini!


I am glad they got her

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43 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

Case 3: A 50 year old Myanmar woman was using a curry and rice stall in Patong, Phuket as a front to sell Krathom leaf and Krathom tea, a restricted Class 5 drug. She was also found in possession of cough syrup (that is mixed with Krathom tea to heighten its effect).



    What a criminal she is. Did i miss something, where are the foreigners I thought I'd read about? 


     Thailand is getting better by the hour. I wanna open a chicken BBQ with my wife and help her. Will I get a work permit for it?





I have been approached by police for helping my girlfriend set up a market stall

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This recent press release about the latest criminal offenders Thai Immigration has captured, is a good example why international criminals evading law enforcement, and various other dangerous criminals flock to Thailand.  


Thailand's law enforcement community has their hands full with law abiding western retirees making sure they do their 90 day reports and TM forms on time, hunting down romance scam artist, and women selling spiked cough syrup.  You just can't make stuff like this up ????



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18 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

From my reading, I didn't see one farang mentioned here, yeh this 40 year old TM 30 thing is great, as I went to Chiang Mai for the weekend, an 11 hour drive each way, and for the pleasure, I then had to go off to our immigration office today for the wife to provide them with the TM 30 form saying my husband who has been living here for 4 years is back, that was a two and a half hour return trip, talk about being knackered ????


Hopefully the password arrives soon for this TM 30 app because having to do the drive each time I leave the province will do my head in !!!

Immigration are denying entry for farangs every day at the airports and landcrossings. Either to many Visa exempts in a row or not enough money or a combination of both.

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18 hours ago, mok199 said:

Deflection and denial from Thailands real dirty problems..poverty, air pollution ,corruption,plastics and road carnage.....but these guys in the uniforms seem ok with it...

Well, those problems are other departments concerns, not Immigration.

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5 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

Immigration are denying entry for farangs every day at the airports and landcrossings. Either to many Visa exempts in a row or not enough money or a combination of both.

You forgot to add, on the other side of the coin, the news is suggesting that some Thai's in high places of power are trying to get the Chinese and Indians in without paying for a visa, the floodgates will open and they will have a major issue if it gets through the senate. Looks like TM 30 is here to stay, although it would be better if it were amended, e.g. the alien from outer space is to report his/her return to immigration upon his/her return to his/her province within 72 hours, if he/she is out of his/her province for more than a week.

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19 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

From my reading, I didn't see one farang mentioned here, yeh this 40 year old TM 30 thing is great, as I went to Chiang Mai for the weekend, an 11 hour drive each way, and for the pleasure, I then had to go off to our immigration office today for the wife to provide them with the TM 30 form saying my husband who has been living here for 4 years is back, that was a two and a half hour return trip, talk about being knackered ????


Hopefully the password arrives soon for this TM 30 app because having to do the drive each time I leave the province will do my head in !!!

How long would it have taken to drive to the nearest post office to send the TM 30 form by registered mail?

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19 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

From my reading, I didn't see one farang mentioned here, yeh this 40 year old TM 30 thing is great, as I went to Chiang Mai for the weekend, an 11 hour drive each way, and for the pleasure, I then had to go off to our immigration office today for the wife to provide them with the TM 30 form saying my husband who has been living here for 4 years is back, that was a two and a half hour return trip, talk about being knackered ????


Hopefully the password arrives soon for this TM 30 app because having to do the drive each time I leave the province will do my head in !!!


I'm sad for you and people of your kind. Doing the Tm30 when it's actually so easy to checkin at any hotel with your wife name. Foreigners really deserve all the troubles that happen to them. I have never declared my address anywhere and will never !




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4 minutes ago, Puccini said:

How long would it have taken to drive to the nearest post office to send the TM 30 form by registered mail?

Local cop shop is 15 minutes up the road, only problem is, when we ran that scenario by immigration, they said no, either you come here, or do it on the app. Wife is waiting for the password.


Now if they allowed us to do it the way you suggested, that would be just down right too easy, now wouldn't it ????


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13 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

You forgot to add, on the other side of the coin, the news is suggesting that some Thai's in high places of power are trying to get the Chinese and Indians in without paying for a visa, the floodgates will open and they will have a major issue if it gets through the senate. Looks like TM 30 is here to stay, although it would be better if it were amended, e.g. the alien from outer space is to report his/her return to immigration upon his/her return to his/her province within 72 hours, if he/she is out of his/her province for more than a week.

The government isn't that keen about giving free visas to Indians and Chinese people. I don't think it will happen,but who knows?

Friends of mine in Jomtien, they travel regularly in Thailand,and have never done a TM30 when coming back home. You just wait for next 90 days report.

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14 hours ago, Brigand said:

From this report, they are crowing about grabbing a couple of Africans and some Burmese ... not the expat western type grumbling but still doing TM30s. If you could come up with dozens of Europeans, Americans, Ozzies or Russians then OK. But a pretty lame and lamentable catch there ... would have probably been better to keep quiet about this sweep.

They report it to tv and other media to scare of other people doing the same. That's why they show them on tv for example.

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1 hour ago, Isaanbiker said:

Case 3: A 50 year old Myanmar woman was using a curry and rice stall in Patong, Phuket as a front to sell Krathom leaf and Krathom tea, a restricted Class 5 drug. She was also found in possession of cough syrup (that is mixed with Krathom tea to heighten its effect).



    What a criminal she is. Did i miss something, where are the foreigners I thought I'd read about? 


     Thailand is getting better by the hour. I wanna open a chicken BBQ with my wife and help her. Will I get a work permit for it?





No way,Jose.

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