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Govt to spend Bt120 million to stimulate tourism


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1 hour ago, natway09 said:

It may be of help to clean the place up first with some decent basic infrastructure before more masses of Chinese & Indians come to google at the dirty place not even spending anything.

Forget about numbers & look after the good ones you have,,,,, had ? 

Exactly this. Focus on the "product". Make tourists feel welcome and show that you care and are trying your best. 

None of this applies to Thailand at the moment.

Edited by Bassosa
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The only reasonably priced thing in Thailand for tourists:  hotel rooms.  That's because they overbuilt years ago when the Baht was normalized.  So tourism will die a slow death.  But as soon as other SE Asian countries (with normal currencies) overbuild hotels--you will see an near-complete drop off here.

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2 hours ago, BestB said:

If i am reading correctly , they plan to

waste 120 million on domestic tourism in hope to increase the target numbers.?

Yes I think 40 million on domestic tourism is the target this year with not TM30, TM30 this is reserved for criminals.

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I would like to tell foreign tourists that Thailand has returned to full democracy, so they can come back to visit the country again,” Phiphat said,


Amazing views Mr Phiphat. 

Hitler,s election 33 was far more democratic than the stunt from this "government". Just saying.

Sad enough that most western governments did fall for it, wonder what's all about, no more rice for the world?


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2 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

Does it  include  free life insurance?

I was thinking the same thing, a over crowed bus racing to the next 100 bath stop, on the 100 baht tour. Bet that will be a fun tour..

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“I would like to tell foreign tourists that Thailand has returned to full democracy, so they can come back to visit the country again,” Phiphat said, adding that quality tourists from western nations had stopped visiting the kingdom for more than five years."


So to make up for the short fall in tourism you rip the expats with the TM 30, force them to put 800K in a Thai bank...  Haha.  Glad you clarified that Phiphat, I am on the first plane back! 

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1 hour ago, jethro69 said:

I would like to tell foreign tourists that Thailand has returned to full democracy, so they can come back to visit the country again,” Phiphat said,


Amazing views Mr Phiphat. 

Hitler,s election 33 was far more democratic than the stunt from this "government". Just saying.

Sad enough that most western governments did fall for it, wonder what's all about, no more rice for the world?


That's ok the US also grows rice

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19 minutes ago, DLock said:

Thai tourism has peaked. Trying to keep growth alive with dumb@ass ideas is stupid. 


Let is slow. Build a 5 year and 10 year plan that fixes all the negative issues and builds on the positives.


I am in Singapore at the moment and what an amazing city of clean, orderly streets, great restaurants, vibrant street life and night venues, clean safe taxi's and no crime. The government really executed the casino strategy so well (with International help).


Captain Knee jerk isn't going to solve tourism with this ridiculous plan. He is just wasting money hoping for a miracle that will not come.

All very good points. 

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I have seen people say they have the wife check in to a hotel, so no TM30 is filed on the foreign husband, requiring another TM30 on return. So no report is filed when a Thai person stays in a hotel in another province. And there are no immigration stations on the roads at provincial borders, nor do people 0n domestic flights go through immigration at airports. So, how do they measure the number of internal, Thai tourists right now, and how much money they spend? And how will they reliably, accurately, honestly measure the increase in internal tourism produced by this stimulus package?

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11 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

A quick note to those who responded above.


The B120 million ($4 mil USD) is aimed at local tourism not international tourism. They want Somchai and Noi to visit other parts of the country rather than going home to visit the relatives.


Given that an international campaign will cost at least several times this outlay with results not seen in the current year, this offers the best bang for the baht.


Another way to promote internal tourism is to hold or promote local festivals and concerts. These events will attract folk from neighbouring provinces to come along and spend money, which is the object of this exersize. It will make TAT happy with better numbers and will inject money into some local communities, but on a bigger picture it is still the same large pot being shared out differently.

I see thousands of Thais at the big Thai festivals. Hundreds of thousands during the rockets. Thousands at the King Narai and similar festivals and cultural events. The surin elephant round up and the Lopburi monkey feast are well attended. And the Vegetarian festival in Phuket is very busy for 9 days. But there are other internal tourists such as myself, living on a retirement extension and travelling around the country frequently. I spend well in excess of 65k per monthd but it does not come in on a regular basis. Due to frequent travel and where I stay the TM30 is not an option for me. So by the authorities are just robbing peter to pay paul.

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You can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear.


It takes more than money. How about changing  the rules plus Thai mind-set toward foreigners, but It won't happen because Thai can do no wrong, they are untouchable and so perfect, but so reliant on foreigners, Thai tend to forget that fact,  and constantly bite the hands that feeds them...


What goes around comes around, untouchable or not...

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11 hours ago, Chang_paarp said:

A quick note to those who responded above.


The B120 million ($4 mil USD) is aimed at local tourism not international tourism. They want Somchai and Noi to visit other parts of the country rather than going home to visit the relatives.


Given that an international campaign will cost at least several times this outlay with results not seen in the current year, this offers the best bang for the baht.


Another way to promote internal tourism is to hold or promote local festivals and concerts. These events will attract folk from neighbouring provinces to come along and spend money, which is the object of this exersize. It will make TAT happy with better numbers and will inject money into some local communities, but on a bigger picture it is still the same large pot being shared out differently.

Pattaya has festivals, parades and comp3 all the time and attracts thousands of locals as well as foreigners. Food, music, fireworks,  marching bands,  guitar competitions , culture shows, art shows, about one every fortnight.  Brilliant and very popular. But continuous growth in tourism is not sustainable. Too many destinations get spoilt by mass tourism and pollution and ecological danage. Eventually there are just too many people. In North East Thailand the money lost by driving the foreigners out could be damaging. How much is a 120 million in terms of lost 400k and 800k expenditure or 65k monthlies? 

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They might promote internal tourism but most Thais seem to work 7 days a week to make ends meet so its not something on their radar and if it were I don't see, have never seen any evidence of internal promotions. The locally Johnnie with a bus might do something but coming from Central no. With the real inflation rising people might like to go but cannot afford the money or time off work. The only internal tourism these folks might do is going to the local McDonalds or KFC.

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6 hours ago, nong38 said:

They might promote internal tourism but most Thais seem to work 7 days a week to make ends meet so its not something on their radar and if it were I don't see, have never seen any evidence of internal promotions. The locally Johnnie with a bus might do something but coming from Central no. With the real inflation rising people might like to go but cannot afford the money or time off work. The only internal tourism these folks might do is going to the local McDonalds or KFC.

Yes you are right, the stupidity not have limit.

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13 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

And for those of us who a resident retirees, do away with requiring us to report a TM30 upon return to our homes already recorded. No cost to Royal Thai Tourism ...

Agreed expat retirees who have money to travel internally are discouraged by the crazy TM 30. And of course you have a high ranking Immigration officer telling foreign journalists if they have a problem with TM 30 "DON'T TRAVEL SO MUCH" . Now that's  great advice from a government trying to increase internal tourism ! The level of stupidity is astounding !

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

Phiphat said the Bt120 million will be spent on stimulus projects and is in addition to the plan to hand out Bt1,000 cash to Thais to spend on tourism, which is a measure of the Finance Ministry.

Money down the drain.... just like all the plastic bags.

Why not spend money turning the resorts into family friendly, clean areas? 

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