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Has the novelty finally worn off for the average tourist?


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2 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

I can confirm this. I came yesterday to Bangkok. Nothing going on at all. All the pubs I visited empty. Daytime in the streets Chinese, Indians and Arabs. I really miss the good old times.

Gesendet von meinem SM-N950F mit Tapatalk

Where were you? The streets were packed (for low season) in my opinion.

What good old times you talking about? 1970s?

I saw tons of singlet wearing yobs on Soi Nana last night. I was sleeping during the day from the night before ????

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36 minutes ago, kellersphuket said:

if you dont like what I post then don't comment dude.

it's an observation, try opening your curtains in the morning and you may also have something to post about!

Well dude I dont like what you post either, its kind of boring in a repetitive, infantile sort of way. But to answer your silly question: yes there are less tourists in September. So thats why its less crowded in your tourist trap.


50 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

I’ll be watching with interest at how the authorities in Thailand react, but in the meantime they won’t be seeing any of my money.

I picture the Toursim Authority of Thailand reading that outloud at a meeting at which point, they univesally scream noooooooooooooooooooo and offer you a free trip to make sure they recognize how wonderful you are and how needed your dollars/euros are.


But hey, dont worry, Ill make up for your shortage and spend the money you would have spent.....

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1 hour ago, Denim said:

I'm in my back garden right now and confirm it is very quiet. No tourists at all.

Did you look under the upside down kiddie pool? Sometimes tourists can be shy and they hide....

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13 minutes ago, kellersphuket said:

when those tourist dollars are multiplied by millions they are for sure needed.

Hundreds of thousands of Thais would be out of a job without the tourist dollars coming in. Everyone from taxi drivers to hoteliers to tour operators will be bringing less food to the table for their families come Friday evening.

What goes around comes around!

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4 hours ago, The Cobra said:

And here we go again, another veiled attempt at negative Thailand bashing. 

Didnt think you would get a phone signal on that fantasy island of yours.


Out with the guys?, phoned mates,? yeah right !


4 hours ago, giddyup said:

You're really scratching now. Perhaps you

can find out where these better places are and head there?

the topic the OP has started and is fairly stale now????

' I went out and it was quiet'

ok, and.....

'has the novelty worn off'

maybe you have 'worn off' for Thailand ?

maybe the topic of ' wowee its not busy in the bars !!' will come up soon

I'll have a wee wager with anyone, how long before the next new topic is opened regarding bars/ lack of customers. hours ? days?, 

then.... come xmas, lots of topics come along the lines of....

'busy, can't get into bars, can't get a drink, prices gone up , blah de blah.'

please though, enough topics re quiet bars, goverments fault, Thailand fault, thai people fault, exchange rate fault, weather fault, ENOUGH, ARGHHHHH....

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8 minutes ago, Stocky said:

I was out an about in Hat Yai last night and it was heaving. Standing room only down here. I saw no more than a handful of farang, just plenty of Malaysians as it's yet another long weekend in Malaysia.

Malaysia Day, to celebrate the agglomeration of West and East Malaysia; next holiday will be Depavali, I think

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3 hours ago, jastheace said:


the topic the OP has started and is fairly stale now????

' I went out and it was quiet'

ok, and.....

'has the novelty worn off'

maybe you have 'worn off' for Thailand ?

maybe the topic of ' wowee its not busy in the bars !!' will come up soon

I'll have a wee wager with anyone, how long before the next new topic is opened regarding bars/ lack of customers. hours ? days?, 

then.... come xmas, lots of topics come along the lines of....

'busy, can't get into bars, can't get a drink, prices gone up , blah de blah.'

please though, enough topics re quiet bars, goverments fault, Thailand fault, thai people fault, exchange rate fault, weather fault, ENOUGH, ARGHHHHH....

Why not start a topic about how wonderful everything is in the LOS.


Good luck with that. Bad news sells while good news is hard to come by and usually boring.

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8 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Well dude I dont like what you post either, its kind of boring in a repetitive, infantile sort of way. But to answer your silly question: yes there are less tourists in September. So thats why its less crowded in your tourist trap.


I picture the Toursim Authority of Thailand reading that outloud at a meeting at which point, they univesally scream noooooooooooooooooooo and offer you a free trip to make sure they recognize how wonderful you are and how needed your dollars/euros are.


But hey, dont worry, Ill make up for your shortage and spend the money you would have spent.....

A fool and their money ...

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10 hours ago, rjwill01 said:

Why are so many negative replies to those that say tourist or many expats have left Thailand.

Human nature... it would shatter the world of those sticking it out if they agreed. Don't blame em though, I wish I were still there to see the demise (it's still a great place). By the by, thousands of Chinese bumbling about in groups and Malays in Hat Yai (always been there) don't cut it.

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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:

Why not start a topic about how wonderful everything is in the LOS.


Good luck with that. Bad news sells while good news is hard to come by and usually boring.

go on then, do it. why hasn't any one done that?

because you'll get the comments along the line 'I been here 30 years and I don't like it now' or ' I been here 20 years and I don't like it now' or ' I been here 10 years and I don't like it now' or I been here..... ad infinitum..personally, I like it here, circumstances change, I change , I deal with it, I not going. sorry, I am staying, whingers , I know where the exit door is, and if you pm me I will tell you where it is, because it must be such a secret that you can not find it, but just complain how life here is a bitch. it ain't . life here is cool, no matter how **** you think it is. it's still sweet here. adapt to the changes, good times are around the corner...… (I hope)...

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Ok. I'll bite. Low season. Rainy season. High Baht currency. Immigration lineups at Swampy. Anything else?

Afternoon yall,
out again last night with the guys and we noticed something..
how dang quiet it was!!
I mean, it's normal for low season to be less than busy but this was unreal.
There was literally nobody around, all the bars/restaurants/shops were empty.
So I called two of my buddies and put them on loud speaker, one in Pattaya, one in Chiang Mai.
Turns out its the same there too, nobody around, dead as dead can be.
What's going on????
Where are all the tourists?
Have they had enough of Thailand? Is the visa situation becoming too much of a pain in the behind?
We came up with that the novelty must have finally worn off and that the average tourist has 
discovered that there are better, more affordable places to spend their dough.
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8 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Ok. I'll bite. Low season. Rainy season. High Baht currency. Immigration lineups at Swampy. Anything else?

bite bite please bite, I for one am ticked off with the complainants. this topic is ( like many others along the same lines) is total B S

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51 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

... a sadness that will accumulate over time, as one traveller after another goes elsewhere.

Yes, diversity is great. Instead of all dumbnuts in Thailand, they will also get their fair share in nearby countries to deal with. I wiould say, Thailand will be a little bit happy for that.

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2 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Yes, diversity is great. Instead of all dumbnuts in Thailand, they will also get their fair share in nearby countries to deal with. I wiould say, Thailand will be a little bit happy for that.

yep, but.... the complainants are still here, 5 years, 10 years, THEY are still here, threatening to go, but THEY are still here, go figure eh ?


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7 minutes ago, jastheace said:

go on then, do it. why hasn't any one done that?

because you'll get the comments along the line 'I been here 30 years and I don't like it now' or ' I been here 20 years and I don't like it now' or ' I been here 10 years and I don't like it now' or I been here..... ad infinitum..personally, I like it here, circumstances change, I change , I deal with it, I not going. sorry, I am staying, whingers , I know where the exit door is, and if you pm me I will tell you where it is, because it must be such a secret that you can not find it, but just complain how life here is a bitch. it ain't . life here is cool, no matter how **** you think it is. it's still sweet here. adapt to the changes, good times are around the corner...… (I hope)...

 So to cut a long story short you won't, can't or refuse to start a positive topic about life or holidays in Thailand. You've already made four posts knocking this negative one.



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10 hours ago, SteveK said:

I would say that the average tourist is likely to be quite well informed these days. With worldwide media reporting on the sinking boats, nightclub fires, bombings, rapes and murders, combined with the fear (unfounded or not) of a developing country under military rule, now that the Baht is so outrageously high, it's little wonder that people are going elsewhere.


Even the small hardcore of repeat sex tourists are likely to have figured out that you can get much better value for money elsewhere!


You can forgive a country's foibles when the exchange rate is so good, but when things cost more that in your home country, it's just going to put people off altogether. And of course, the most important thing to most tourists is how much the trip will cost!


And that's before you've considered how ruthless the immigration has become (I read a story in the UK press about a first time visitor coming in on VE being refused for not having enough cash). They really have shot themselves in the foot with both barrels.


Demographics of tourists have changed a lot too. A good while ago Thailand moved away from being nightlife friendly and cut opening hours along with discouraging backpackers and no problem attitude to sorry cannot attitude, time has moved on those youngsters are grown and going elsewhere and of course the costs and exchange rates are very different too. Huge in fact.  Then there is as you point out bad press which can build up with time and added to high costs and treading that already worn road people find new places and tastes change and demand a lot more standards for the same costs too. Theres a lot of competition as places to go for fun and sex is not the attraction it once was nor is getting a date being everyone online should ind it no problem. Catering just for one and ageing demographic has a finite lifetime.


There are other factors too, girls are travelling  a lot more and they do not frequent bars or need barfine girls or massage parlors, they also prefer more luxury as opposed to cheap and cheerful. They like to shop and Thailand is NOT cheap for products as it used to be Its also not full of copies going cheap as it used to be either. 


Where families are concerned there has never been a great number visiting Thailand plenty of couples sure but as families go its not at the top of the list or is Thailand  family activities focused, for kids its pretty boring and the hotel complexes arnt like say the US or Europe or family focused, at least not for westerners. 


We have been on a number of vacations and as much as we love to spend time in Thailand one holiday there is 3 elsewhere all in and the standards are im sorry to say for Thailand much higher. We also like to backpack still and once again Thailand comes up short no longer being a hub of anything but more an obstacle to navigate around, its not good and id dearly like it to change for the better. 


Many and most of our Thai friends and family who had worked in relation to western Tourism or catering for those Tourists have slowly but surely shifted towards either catering for the Asian market or just found other areas to make a living in and some have moved abroad catering for the richer Thaiwho are now tourists and plenty of them. The ones doing better t seems have gotten out of Tourism entirely. Lastly the vast majority of expats and retirees we know from here on TV or in Thailand in the past decade have slowly but surely for many reasons most health related or cash related moved on or gone home.  


Id say for modern younger western tourists Thailand is no longer something special, for retirees especially the classic single male reasons its moved on and does not want them, for those married and retired its become very expensive whilst remaining in many ways sub standard re quality and choice.  Most of all no one can deny the currency exchange rates are crippling for most who are budgeting Thailand for a holiday if they are comparing or remembering better days.  Anyone with a Thai family will know the pressure to spoil the family and bring presents when visiting, the last time it cost the wife wayyy more than she had bargained or planned for, in exchange rates, tomboon expectations, helping on outstanding family bills, presents, going out, spoiling mae  etc, many here know the routine ????   Her words, Thailand now pang maak baa, pay too much for everything now. Talk with friends family on skype better go different country for holiday.  


Demographics and times change and although a decade passes slowly year by year one day, once we sit up and look around, then things become a little clearer and change they have indeed.  


im just glad we didnt decide to stay a decade ago and cut ties with home back then, Common sense said Thailand will always be there return when retired. Thailand might be but thats not a forgone conclusion anymore we will. last evaluation was 5 years ago and it was 75/25 for it... I'll give it 50/50 now we end up back in Thailand and its with serious regrets the odds are going in the wrong direction. 


Its obvious to me for westerners certainly its getting less popular every year, the reasons are many but do compound, i dont see the point in pretending otherwise but hey ho whatever floats peoples boat. 


 Just my 2 cents

Edited by englishoak
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23 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

 So to cut a long story short you won't, can't or refuse to start a positive topic about life or holidays in Thailand. You've already made four posts knocking this negative one.



I thought I was positively quoting on a negative topic. pls read my quotes. thank you


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25 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

 So to cut a long story short you won't, can't or refuse to start a positive topic about life or holidays in Thailand. You've already made four posts knocking this negative one.



I am not kellersphuket. thank you and thank <deleted>


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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

 So to cut a long story short you won't, can't or refuse to start a positive topic about life or holidays in Thailand. You've already made four posts knocking this negative one.



i started one. Thailand- still sweet ?

chances of positive comments ?

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12 hours ago, Swedenlars said:

OK, I send you tomorrow a pic. Let's say Gulliver's. Then you will see what the reality is. Small advise, open your eyes next time you go out. Or was that 5 years ago you did ?

Gesendet von meinem SM-N950F mit Tapatalk

But I would never go to gulliver's..its [email protected] what if its empty...good! who cares? its just a corporate chain of identi same bars...i preferred the Thai caberet that was there on the KSR before gulliver's and the one on suk is just a western bar with mo atmosphere with a few rangy blacks outside..nothing you cant get in Europe 

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1 hour ago, englishoak said:


Demographics of tourists have changed a lot too. A good while ago Thailand moved away from being nightlife friendly and cut opening hours along with discouraging backpackers and no problem attitude to sorry cannot attitude, time has moved on those youngsters are grown and going elsewhere and of course the costs and exchange rates are very different too. Huge in fact.  Then there is as you point out bad press which can build up with time and added to high costs and treading that already worn road people find new places and tastes change and demand a lot more standards for the same costs too. Theres a lot of competition as places to go for fun and sex is not the attraction it once was nor is getting a date being everyone online should ind it no problem. Catering just for one and ageing demographic has a finite lifetime.


There are other factors too, girls are travelling  a lot more and they do not frequent bars or need barfine girls or massage parlors, they also prefer more luxury as opposed to cheap and cheerful. They like to shop and Thailand is NOT cheap for products as it used to be Its also not full of copies going cheap as it used to be either. 


Where families are concerned there has never been a great number visiting Thailand plenty of couples sure but as families go its not at the top of the list or is Thailand  family activities focused, for kids its pretty boring and the hotel complexes arnt like say the US or Europe or family focused, at least not for westerners. 


We have been on a number of vacations and as much as we love to spend time in Thailand one holiday there is 3 elsewhere all in and the standards are im sorry to say for Thailand much higher. We also like to backpack still and once again Thailand comes up short no longer being a hub of anything but more an obstacle to navigate around, its not good and id dearly like it to change for the better. 


Many and most of our Thai friends and family who had worked in relation to western Tourism or catering for those Tourists have slowly but surely shifted towards either catering for the Asian market or just found other areas to make a living in and some have moved abroad catering for the richer Thaiwho are now tourists and plenty of them. The ones doing better t seems have gotten out of Tourism entirely. Lastly the vast majority of expats and retirees we know from here on TV or in Thailand in the past decade have slowly but surely for many reasons most health related or cash related moved on or gone home.  


Id say for modern younger western tourists Thailand is no longer something special, for retirees especially the classic single male reasons its moved on and does not want them, for those married and retired its become very expensive whilst remaining in many ways sub standard re quality and choice.  Most of all no one can deny the currency exchange rates are crippling for most who are budgeting Thailand for a holiday if they are comparing or remembering better days.  Anyone with a Thai family will know the pressure to spoil the family and bring presents when visiting, the last time it cost the wife wayyy more than she had bargained or planned for, in exchange rates, tomboon expectations, helping on outstanding family bills, presents, going out, spoiling mae  etc, many here know the routine ????   Her words, Thailand now pang maak baa, pay too much for everything now. Talk with friends family on skype better go different country for holiday.  


Demographics and times change and although a decade passes slowly year by year one day, once we sit up and look around, then things become a little clearer and change they have indeed.  


im just glad we didnt decide to stay a decade ago and cut ties with home back then, Common sense said Thailand will always be there return when retired. Thailand might be but thats not a forgone conclusion anymore we will. last evaluation was 5 years ago and it was 75/25 for it... I'll give it 50/50 now we end up back in Thailand and its with serious regrets the odds are going in the wrong direction. 


Its obvious to me for westerners certainly its getting less popular every year, the reasons are many but do compound, i dont see the point in pretending otherwise but hey ho whatever floats peoples boat. 


 Just my 2 cents

2 cents? Its a long post of regurgitated cliches and subjective views which say nothing which has not been said before. I have no idea why people bother posting such stuff. What is your objective? 

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15 minutes ago, englishoak said:


Umm how about taking part in a forum topic like members are invited to do ?  ???? whats your problem not so sunnyboy, is it raining there or something ? 

Again I repeat what is the objective of your very very long observation? To me its just a gush of indulgent nonsense. Basically:whats your point? If your contention is summarized in the post title/ headline then what follows after it is superflous. I am unclear what reaction you want: disagreement or agreement?

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34 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

Again I repeat what is the objective of your very very long observation? To me its just a gush of indulgent nonsense. Basically:whats your point? If your contention is summarized in the post title/ headline then what follows after it is superflous. I am unclear what reaction you want: disagreement or agreement?

I dont know why you would think making a post on a forum topic must have a personal objective.. or any objective for that matter other than being on topic and simply engaging. I certainly dont become upset because others make posts of more than a sentence, perhaps some engaging in this forum have shorter attention spans or patience these days. I hadnt considered that as a factor but now I come to think of it its possible there is a correlation between those who have options and are thus more reflective and those whos options are more limited or less considered and manifest that in irritation or demands but ill indulge you as you seem a nice chap if a little rude. 


I thought it was pretty clear I agree overall with the OP, rather than post a boring mundane one word answer as you seem overly focused on. I decided to include various contributing factors in my post that might be relevant to the OP topic. 


Sorry your having a bad forum day. Im sure a little mediation and self reflection will make the day much better. Hari Om :wai:



Edited by englishoak
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