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Medication for Asthma or COAD


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Had a lung check up recently because of a persistent, hacking cough. All tests were OK and doctor suggested probably asthma or COAD as I did smoke for 40 years, but quit about 7 years ago. He prescribed both Predisnolone steroids and a Symbicort inhaler to manage the cough. The steroids cleared the cough within a couple of weeks but I couldn't tolerate the Symbicort, it gave me thrush in the mouth and a hoarse throat even though I gargled after use. The Predisnolone will clear the cough after a few days use, but it appears again a few weeks later. My question is, can I just use the Predisnolone as necessary, because I'm aware of the side effects and a worried about long term every day use.

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If you have a cough that keeps coming back then especially with your smoking history, it is essential you get that checked out and get a second opinion too.

My smoking history and cessation time is almost the same as yours and about 6 years ago after a spirometry test, i was diagnosed with mild copd. My lung function was about 85%. My prognosis as far as that goes is almost normal. The big fear however is that the dreaded lung cancer comes to get me some time in the future. A persistent cough needs to be taken seriously.


Hopefully you just have a mild irritation that with the right meds will be got rid of. Best of luck with it.

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6 minutes ago, Kenchamp said:

If you have a cough that keeps coming back then especially with your smoking history, it is essential you get that checked out and get a second opinion too.

My smoking history and cessation time is almost the same as yours and about 6 years ago after a spirometry test, i was diagnosed with mild copd. My lung function was about 85%. My prognosis as far as that goes is almost normal. The big fear however is that the dreaded lung cancer comes to get me some time in the future. A persistent cough needs to be taken seriously.


Hopefully you just have a mild irritation that with the right meds will be got rid of. Best of luck with it.

I have regular chest X Rays and thankfully there are no signs of cancer. If you have COAD or COPD medication won't get rid of that, all you can do is alleviate the symptoms, same with Asthma. I'm pretty sure Thailand's climate and air quality doesn't help the condition either.

Edited by giddyup
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1 minute ago, Longcut said:

I found that since I stopped drinking cold water from the fridge with the suggestion from the doctor. It has helped. I actually drink warm to hot water. I have both Asthma and COPD. Drinking cold water is a trigger for my asthma. 

I never drink cold water, room temp. only. Are you using any kind of medication?

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Just now, giddyup said:

I never drink cold water, room temp. only. Are you using any kind of medication?

Spiriva 18 mcg  2x day.  Plus Seretide Accuhaler, I use during the smoky times.  I also have Symbicort until it runs out. Not available apparently in Thailand.

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Just now, Longcut said:

Spiriva 18 mcg  2x day.  Plus Seretide Accuhaler, I use during the smoky times.  I also have Symbicort until it runs out. Not available apparently in Thailand.

Yes, Symbicort is available here, Fascino stocks it, but as I said, it didn't agree with me, a terrible hoarse throat plus thrush of the mouth.

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When i was initially diagnosed the doctor put me on spiriva and gave me a ventolin for emergencies. I never used the ventolin and binned the spiriva after a couple of months due to it not agreeing with me. Since then i have not used anything. Instead i exercise daily, try to eat sensibly and stay away from smokers and polution as much as i can.


I'm no doctor but if your (giddyup) symptoms are those of only an infection then maybe a course of antibiotics is needed. As you say, these inhalers only ease symptoms but will not cure anything.

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44 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Yes, Symbicort is available here, Fascino stocks it, but as I said, it didn't agree with me, a terrible hoarse throat plus thrush of the mouth.

It works really well for me. I got it in the States. Might be manufactured in a different local here.

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23 minutes ago, Kenchamp said:

When i was initially diagnosed the doctor put me on spiriva and gave me a ventolin for emergencies. I never used the ventolin and binned the spiriva after a couple of months due to it not agreeing with me. Since then i have not used anything. Instead i exercise daily, try to eat sensibly and stay away from smokers and polution as much as i can.


I'm no doctor but if your (giddyup) symptoms are those of only an infection then maybe a course of antibiotics is needed. As you say, these inhalers only ease symptoms but will not cure anything.

There is no cure for COPD. You are right It can only be controlled. I don't smoke, but during the burning season, I suffer immensely. Almost to the point we are thinking of moving on from here.

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As I recall, one problem with Prednisilone is one can't just stop taking it abruptly.  One needs to taper off in a controlled dosage sequence over a period of weeks.  

I took it for a short period after an arm injury.  I was surprised at the "high" it gave me. Really noticeable..

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10 minutes ago, dddave said:

As I recall, one problem with Prednisilone is one can't just stop taking it abruptly.  One needs to taper off in a controlled dosage sequence over a period of weeks.  

I took it for a short period after an arm injury.  I was surprised at the "high" it gave me. Really noticeable..

That hasn't been my case. The doctor prescribed about 30 tablets initially, after I used them I stopped. Never noticed any high.

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You might want to revise your gargling technique with the medical personnal.

Prednisolone is temporarity use only in an acute exacerbation episode.

And, no, you cannot just use prednisolone as necessary. The systemic side effect will build up.

If you cannot tolerate symbicort there are other drug in the same category. You can consult this with some medical personnal.

Most importantly, you need to be follow up in some hospital or clinic. It could be any hospital or clinic but there must be one.

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2 hours ago, PPMMUU said:

You might want to revise your gargling technique with the medical personnal.

Prednisolone is temporarity use only in an acute exacerbation episode.

And, no, you cannot just use prednisolone as necessary. The systemic side effect will build up.

If you cannot tolerate symbicort there are other drug in the same category. You can consult this with some medical personnal.

Most importantly, you need to be follow up in some hospital or clinic. It could be any hospital or clinic but there must be one.

Do you mind explaining how you come by this information, are you medically trained or have used prednisolone? I haven't been able to find that information with some fairly intensive Google searches.

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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

Do you mind explaining how you come by this information, are you medically trained or have used prednisolone? I haven't been able to find that information with some fairly intensive Google searches.

medically trained krab

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"All tests were OK and doctor suggested probably asthma or COAD "


Does not make sense.


If appropriate tests were done and all negative that rules out these things.


And, as other poster said, there are real risks to long term use of prednisolone. 


You need to see a good pulmonologist for better diagnostic work up,  including pulmonary function tests.


Given your history of smoking a low dose CT scan may be advisable even with normal chest Xray. If you were a heavy smoker and quit less than 15 years ago such screening would be recommended even without the cough but all the more so with it.

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10 hours ago, Sheryl said:



Given your history of smoking a low dose CT scan may be advisable even with normal chest Xray. If you were a heavy smoker and quit less than 15 years ago such screening would be recommended even without the cough but all the more so with it.

From a quick google search, it looks like a CT scan will cost in the region of 5-6000baht,. which considering the information it should provide will be money well spent

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I have taken Symbicort for some years and it works really well for me. If it's causing you thrush problems, try drinking a glass of water shortly after inhaling. I imagine that will help. Try not to give up on Symbicort too easily because the few others I know who use it also swear by it, it really is very effective!

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