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Supreme Court: Suspending Parliament was unlawful, judges rule

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

This is terrible news. I suppose the verdict here essentially takes us back to 1997 when the then PM John Major prorogued parliament for 3 weeks to stop an inquiry into his govts corruption. So by the fruit of the poisoned tree principles anything that took place after this illegal act effectively didn't happen. All jails will be emptied(except for the few lifers convicted before 1997), all buildings made after 1997 will be tore down as planning has been deemed null and void. At least we can smoke inside pubs again, as from 20 minutes ago.

 The ramifications of this will be earth shattering. All to undo the democratic will and referendum result voted by 17.4 million people. Let the madness begin!

Your reasoning sounds like you are a Brexiter and you want no deal and a clean break...

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I assume that either the Solicitor-General or the Attorney-General has to sign off on any royal decree before it goes to HM-in-council for approval?


Perhaps the tumbrils will be setting out for Tyburn in the next few days ...

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35 minutes ago, JAG said:

Well I have to say that I am not particularly surprised. The "Remain Campaign" has from before the referendum, been very much the child of the establishment. The courts are after all the product of the establishment, and I suspect that the government realised that from the start.


Amidst the whole sea of opinions, campaigns, parliamentary and party machinations a couple of fixed points poke out of the foam.  One: the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in the referendum. Two: the subsequent general election returned a parliament, of which the overwhelming majority of members, on both sides of the house, were elected on manifestoes which stated that the result of the referendum was to be honoured, and the UK was to leave the EU. Both results, obtained through the ballot box, have effectively been overturned by this establishment, and a general election, the proper constitutional means to arrive at a solution has been denied. It is tempting if perhaps melodramatic to suggest that the establishment has vigorously and contemptibly put two fingers up to the electorate.


Where do we go from here? I suspect that it will be some time before we have an election - the Labour Party, which has spent the last week in conference busily confirming its reputation as being unelectable will not want one until they are sure that they can win it - a long wait; and the Conservative rebels will not want one unless they can oust Johnson and his team and replace them with their own people, if they don't manage that then they know that come an election they will be toast! We are probably in for quite a long period of a stalled government, and yet more choleric grandstanding from Mr Speaker Bercow - he won't resign now!

Well put. Stuck like 2 dogs having sex. Can't go up, down or sideways. 

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1 hour ago, evadgib said:
1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Congratulations to the people of the U.K. for having a supreme court that hasn't become corrupted by partisan politics. A great day indeed!

In it's ten year existence it's done nothing but! 

Americans don't understand UK politics. Which part of 'majority vote' does JT not understand.

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42 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

wondering what would be the palace reaction to the vote... sure the Queen's advisers must be in hot waters BJ and his gang make them look like fools 

Er - would that not be Rees Mogg  as leader of the Privy council who asked the queen to do the dirty dead ? 

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2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

This is terrible news. I suppose the verdict here essentially takes us back to 1997 when the then PM John Major prorogued parliament for 3 weeks to stop an inquiry into his govts corruption. So by the fruit of the poisoned tree principles anything that took place after this illegal act effectively didn't happen. All jails will be emptied(except for the few lifers convicted before 1997), all buildings made after 1997 will be tore down as planning has been deemed null and void. At least we can smoke inside pubs again, as from 20 minutes ago.

 The ramifications of this will be earth shattering. All to undo the democratic will and referendum result voted by 17.4 million people. Let the madness begin!

Having read that garbage I reckon the madness has well and truly started! 

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17 minutes ago, grollies said:

Americans don't understand UK politics. Which part of 'majority vote' does JT not understand.

Well, at the risk of being flippant, ( and perhaps not directed at Jinghing in particular but America in general, the bit where the party or candidate or proposal which/who wins the most votes also wins power or is enacted?

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