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Pattaya - My Experiences.....


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great post howard,ive been tp pattaya twice.first in 2006,i stayed for 10 weeks and then i spent new years eve 06/07 on jomtien beach with my thai friends.i stayed for 4 weeks.

just been reading a thread on another forum titled'pattayas a hole' what a load of carp.

if he wants to know what a hole is,he should come to england.i lost my job here in feb and cant find one because of the overcrowding here in good old awjustletthemallcomeliveherland. chock dee.

Hello Traveller,

I hope something turns up for you, I agree with what you say, and who would have thought it when we were kids,

anyway mate, all the best, Lou.

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Sometimes you need a kick up the jacksy to make you see the truth ! :o

I have lived in Patts for four years and was beginning to get in the mind set that moving would be a good idea.

Your post made me realise something .

I have never personally had any problems here apart from some kids snatching a gold chain some time back and I have never seen fights , aggression to fallangs or had problems living here .

Any apprehension I have is born from reading the work of reporters which for such a large place , show little interest in reporting anything other than 'shock, Horror' type of copy !

Three times a year I go and stay with my elderly mother in Manchester ( UK ) and the sense of danger is much more apparent there . I happen to have to hand a local newspaper ,the Salford Reporter, and it is filled with reports of violent crimes against the person and thefts ! Literally , page after page and little else of substance.

The media here does promote a sense of unease amongst residents of what is , on the whole , a very nice place to live with the infrastructure most people who retire here want.

To be completely forthright , If Chiang Mei was on sea then I would probably choose to live there .I do like the surrounding countryside there better than here . Unfortunately it is not so Pattaya is my second choice in this way .

I do admire the posters who have really integrated into Thai rural society and 'gone native' as it were !

It's just not for me .

I like the infrastructure of shops , hospitals , entertainment venues and cheep transport Patts has to offer and I really do thank the original poster for opening my eyes to a few truths ! :D

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I'm a lover as well.

Journalists the problem as they all went to those crappy Uni courses where they were given their views on Thailand, etc.

All you guys were supposed to be at home now in England etc. living in your tiny one room flats, working flat out 7 days a week so you can give all your money to your ex wife!!

It cannot be said by a journo that a happy existance is possible anywhere in the world as they are just angst ridden muppets with no life of their own, wringing their hands over African problems, Global warming and Equal Rights.

World goes on and guys just want to have fun as well don't they! Remember that? and all those Shirley Valentines, shagging Greek waiters! Sauce for the Gander time now me thinks :o

Edited by Dupont
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I suppose the reason I wanted to post this is because I am getting increasingly frustrated by all the bad news that is coming out of the town I live in, when it really is not my experience at all. I have just seen the post from The Hedonist and he seems to have had the same experiences. With the internet and fast access to news, combined with the human need to “slow down to see an accident” all we seem to get is bad news.


Yes...tend tio agree with you there....don't think much of your diet though :o

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Both the Pattaya Haters and the Pattaya Lovers cannot be absolutely right so surely there's a better explanation that is more gray in color? Is it journalistic slant, probably in part. Is it reality based on individual experiences, absolutely and in every case. The reality I'm afraid is that there are probably more farang visitors to Pattaya than other single spot in Thailand and that draws the opportunistic elements of Thai society and generates the higher crime figures on a percentage basis.

There's no denying it I'm afraid, Pattaya is both a great place and a dangerous crap place based on how you handle your visit.

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Both the Pattaya Haters and the Pattaya Lovers cannot be absolutely right so surely there's a better explanation that is more gray in color? Is it journalistic slant, probably in part. Is it reality based on individual experiences, absolutely and in every case. The reality I'm afraid is that there are probably more farang visitors to Pattaya than other single spot in Thailand and that draws the opportunistic elements of Thai society and generates the higher crime figures on a percentage basis.

There's no denying it I'm afraid, Pattaya is both a great place and a dangerous crap place based on how you handle your visit.

Its all perception, I have never really felt in danger in Pattaya. but I have to say, though its one of my favourite places in the world to let loose, I can only take Pattaya in small doses. I really have a lot of admiration for people that can live in Pattaya, party on & keep their marbles correctly aligned.



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There's no denying it I'm afraid, Pattaya is both a great place and a dangerous crap place based on how you handle your visit.

Like most places in Thailand. :D

just like in any other country where there are people who have a steady comfortable life and people who dont!! my ex home town in uk Warrington, muggings ,robbery, murder common everyday occurences, drugs and guns openly on sale in pubs, I now live 6 months of the year in what used to be a sleepy little village north of Brisbane, but we have muggings ,robbery and the occasional murder here too, just 2 weeks ago there was a running gun battle here in the village between 2 rival bikiegangs, just the thing to disturb thsiesta , the sound of automatic fire in the afternoon!! Patters has not changed in the last 35 years as far as its reputation goes, but you get what you look for, My family in one form or another have been visiting for over 40 years and will continue to do so, we look on pattaya the same as any other resort we visit, we know it aint perfect , but who gives a SXXt :o Nignoy
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been once for 3 days, saw 2 fights including someone getting stabbed in broad daylight - not my cup of tea, maybe I was just unlucky with my experience, but 5 years in Phuket and I've seen the same amount of violence as 3 days in Pattaya. Theres no smoke without fire, I'm sure some people never se eany trouble at all and live a fine existance there, but to me it just seemed like the Blackpool of Thailand.

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Both the Pattaya Haters and the Pattaya Lovers cannot be absolutely right so surely there's a better explanation that is more gray in color? Is it journalistic slant, probably in part. Is it reality based on individual experiences, absolutely and in every case. The reality I'm afraid is that there are probably more farang visitors to Pattaya than other single spot in Thailand and that draws the opportunistic elements of Thai society and generates the higher crime figures on a percentage basis.

There's no denying it I'm afraid, Pattaya is both a great place and a dangerous crap place based on how you handle your visit.

Its all perception, I have never really felt in danger in Pattaya. but I have to say, though its one of my favourite places in the world to let loose, I can only take Pattaya in small doses. I really have a lot of admiration for people that can live in Pattaya, party on & keep their marbles correctly aligned.



Totally agree. :o

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name='Ben@H3-Digital' date='2007-04-07 01:45:26' post='1239272']been once for 3 days, saw 2 fights including someone getting stabbed in broad daylight - not my cup of tea, maybe I was just unlucky with my experience, but 5 years in Phuket and I've seen the same amount of violence as 3 days in Pattaya. Theres no smoke without fire, I'm sure some people never se eany trouble at all and live a fine existance there, but to me it just seemed like the Blackpool of Thailand.


]to me it just seemed like the Blackpool of Thailand.[/[/color]quote]


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Been all over Thailand, and Pattaya rock's.

Bangkok ... Stinky, dirty and rat infested.

Phuket ... Super expensive, and aggressive people.

Chiang Mai ... Ok but a bit boring. Nice girls though.

Chiang Rai ... Even more boring.

Hua Hin ... Ok if you're into collecting seashells.

Issan Cities ... Why would you go there ? Yeah we know ...

Your wife talked you into building a house on the family land . :o

The far south ... Cos you've got a death wish.

Central ... Well nobody ever goes there ... Do they ?

Nuff said.


Totally agreed. I feel the same as you...

But my favorite is gotta be Chiang Mai. :D

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Sometimes you need a kick up the jacksy to make you see the truth ! :o

I have lived in Patts for four years and was beginning to get in the mind set that moving would be a good idea.

Your post made me realise something .

I have never personally had any problems here apart from some kids snatching a gold chain some time back and I have never seen fights , aggression to fallangs or had problems living here .Any apprehension I have is born from reading the work of reporters which for such a large place , show little interest in reporting anything other than 'shock, Horror' type of copy !

Three times a year I go and stay with my elderly mother in Manchester ( UK ) and the sense of danger is much more apparent there . I happen to have to hand a local newspaper ,the Salford Reporter, and it is filled with reports of violent crimes against the person and thefts ! Literally , page after page and little else of substance.

The media here does promote a sense of unease amongst residents of what is , on the whole , a very nice place to live with the infrastructure most people who retire here want.

To be completely forthright , If Chiang Mei was on sea then I would probably choose to live there .I do like the surrounding countryside there better than here . Unfortunately it is not so Pattaya is my second choice in this way .

I do admire the posters who have really integrated into Thai rural society and 'gone native' as it were !

It's just not for me .

I like the infrastructure of shops , hospitals , entertainment venues and cheep transport Patts has to offer and I really do thank the original poster for opening my eyes to a few truths ! :D

There's a lot about Pattaya and Jomthien that I don't like and would like to see sent to the boonies. Now that the new city around the airport is not gong to happen perhaps the developers should think about building a new Sin City, walled and gated, with good transport services.

But, I have to agree with you, I personally have never had any problems (touch wood) outside of the condo I live in. Never a wrong look or word from a Thai in all the years I have been here.

I agree that our local press is dreadful. Yesterday, I bought the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya Today. What a waste of 50 baht - could've had a nice cold beer with the pretty girls. Not one word in either paper about Jomthien Complex's case in the Admin Court and View Talay being told to stop work on VT7 until the court decides if VT7 is illegal or not.

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Outstanding postscript to the original post. I believe these are the sentiments of the "silent majority" of the expat community in Pattaya.

I've responded to Pattaya-bashers on this Forum before......and I'll include my contribution again, just for good measure.

Foreign TV channels and tabloid newspapers, have vilified the resort of Pattaya. Pattaya, very much like London, Amsterdam or New York, is a multi-ethnic, cosmopolitan and vibrant city, with its own distinct and individual character. Like people, there is good and bad in every city and it is naïve to place judgment on a city, or a person, based on the negative aspects of this character, especially as portrayed by some of the aforementioned media. Pattaya deserves a comment on its character from the people who have chosen to reside here, to work here and who have no financial or other Brownie points to win.

I live in Jomtien, Pattaya. I chose Pattaya after considering carefully the alternatives. That was my choice after living and working elsewhere in Thailand. I live here because I like it here. I have no misconceptions about Pattaya and, once again, I exercise choice on what I do and where I go. I would do this no matter where I lived, Pattaya, London, New York or Sydney. The important point is that I have so much to choose from. Maybe that is why “visitors” (families, couples, senior citizens and singles of course) from all corners of the globe come back year after year, in the face of the often heard comment “Can’t imagine why anyone would want to visit Pattaya”.

There is a decent and established infrastructure here. Hospitals, hotels, communications, shopping are probably second only to Bangkok, which itself can be reached in a couple of hours on motorway standard roads. International schools are arguably the best in Thailand. Cinemas would satisfy the most ardent of movie fans. The area is a golfer’s paradise with 19 superb golf courses nearby. The gourmets amongst us are spoiled for choice; we could eat well and cheaply in a different restaurant every day of the year. There are the endless white pristine beaches of Rayong, within an hours’ drive, even surpassing those of Phuket. I accept that Pattaya beach has some way to go before it can be called anything near pristine but it is getting better. Jomtien beach, on the other hand, provides 14 kilometres of clean windsurfing and sailing waters. For those who want the security and comfort of expat societies, they are here in abundance. Pattaya makes an all-out attempt to provide the best of everything.

Last, but by no means least, there is the night life….clubs, discos, girlie bars and go-go bars. Choice is the by-word here. You partake or you don’t, there is no obligation. For those of you who haven’t seen the sleazy equivalents in Soho, Amsterdam, Hamburg or Lisbon, in comparison, Pattaya is Disney Land when it comes to the sex scene. If the night life centres of Pattaya are somewhat brash and noisy for some, there are alternative, quieter places for evening fun and relaxation.

Pattaya is NOT a “hel_l on Earth”. Simply, it’s a case of If you have never tried it then don’t knock it. Maybe, if you do try it, you might find it a “Heaven on Earth”, as the majority of visitors and residents do.


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Outstanding postscript to the original post. I believe these are the sentiments of the "silent majority" of the expat community in Pattaya.

true! we just sit back, smile and pity the Pattaya bashers.

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I have been and lived in many places in the world, Southamerica, Europe, USA, Africa, Australia and others in Asia, and Pattaya is the only place I know that offers anything you may want and need, from the lonely gay to family with kids.

There is no place in the world without downsides, but in Pattaya the balance is on its favour. It is a great place to visit and to live.

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I have been and lived in many places in the world, Southamerica, Europe, USA, Africa, Australia and others in Asia, and Pattaya is the only place I know that offers anything you may want and need, from the lonely gay to family with kids.

There is no place in the world without downsides, but in Pattaya the balance is on its favour. It is a great place to visit and to live.

I like the cut of this man's jib. Well said sir !!

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