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Is It Permitted To Recommend A Lawyer On This Forum?

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My friend's lawyer just got his ex-lawyer disbarred for cheating him. Not an easy task in any country. It took several years but the Law Council pulled his license forever.

It seems that the law firm that accomplished this demonstrated not only extensive ability but also huge cojones, and should be at the top of anyone's list when looking for represenation.

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Sorry, folks, it would be against forum rules to badmouth people here. Risk of libel, etc. If you quoted from a news article, it would be another thing.

BronzeRider, feel free to send a PM to Yamantaka.



P.S. I just see that the OP was not about naming the disbarred lawyer, but the new lawyer. That should not be done either but as mentioned, use PM if you must know. As BronzeRider said, Sunbelt – a sponsor of this forum – is generally recommended but they are not everywhere in Thailand.

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