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The US-China trade war leads to an increase of FDIs in Thailand


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The US-China trade war leads to an increase of FDIs in Thailand



Photo from AFP


The escalation of the US-China trade war has prompted Chinese and Hong Kong investors to move to Thailand.  In the first half of this year, they altogether sought approvals for 112 investment projects worth USD1.038 billion from the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI).


Their applications mark a jump of 170 percent compared to the same period last year and around 22 percent of the total BOI applications submitted by international investors. Most of these projects go to the industries that Thailand has built a strong production base such as automobile and parts, auto tires, electronic and electrical appliances.


Thailand is among countries that Chinese and Hong Kong’s investors are interested in expanding their investments due to its strategic location in Asean, which can connect to countries along the Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay area.


Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/the-us-china-trade-war-leads-to-an-increase-of-fdis-in-thailand/


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And only yesterday, the government told exporters that there will be a downturn in the baht due to foreign investors moving funds out of Thailand.


Does anyone in authority actually talk to others or do they just open their mouths and let whatever BS is there flow out?


Does not require an answer!

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Most of these projects go to the industries that Thailand has built a strong production base such as automobile and parts, auto tires, electronic and electrical appliances.

Thailand has built <deleted>-all.... investors can pull the plug on these any time they please !

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The escalation of the US-China trade war has prompted Chinese and Hong Kong investors to move to Thailand.  In the first half of this year, they altogether sought approvals for 112 investment projects worth USD1.038 billion from the Office of the Board of Investment (BOI).

Just wait till they start to deal with the BS paperwork and petty bureaucracy that Thailand specialises in. The decision not to go to other countries will echo in their minds. Of course PM has promised to reduce the paperwork and red tape ( https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1126360-thailands-businesses-await-prayuths-red-tape-guillotine/ ) but that is along side of his promise to reduce the smog in BKK, get money for the flood victims, money for the farmers and several other things he has ordered to happen this week. The concept of the bureaucrats giving up any of their power ranks up there with the idea Prayut would do something similar or even hold a free and fair election with the rules clearly laid out in advance. 

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3 hours ago, Angry Dragon said:

The Indian economy overshadowing that of the US?  Funniest thing I've heard today.  For a country of over 1 billion people its economy is still smaller than that of Germany (80+ million people).

Your thoughts are no echoed by some commentators in America. But I cannot see India being No.1

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The Chinese have a huge advantage over the USA, they dont have to worry about elections.  So they can carry on a trade war with the USA knowing that the political winds will change and they will have a more compliant administration to work with.  They know that the West does not have the long term interests in mind.  The USA has for decades allowed China to build its economy by selling low cost imports to the USA while they protect their domestic industries with strict import limitations. 

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Donald Trump is a hypocrite. He wants all the American companies to close their China production plants and move them all back to America but it is alright for his daughter Ivanka to have her clothing and shoe range made in China. If he gets companies like Apple for example, to move back to production in America it will not take long for Apple to go out of business and create more unemployment in America because while Apple have their production in China they can make a product that is affordable to the public and can compete with the other companies like Samsung from Korea but if they move back to the production in America their costs will increase so their products will be dearer to buy so more people will buy Samsung instead of Apple because of the price so that will mean that Apple will lose the market that it has and will no longer be able to afford to operate at a loss, so therefore it will close and that will increase the unemployment in America. The only industries that are benefiting from Trump is the arms manufacturers because he is making enemies everywhere with his tearing up the agreements that not only America signed and with his threats of "loaded and ready to fire" statements America has increased it sale of military arms because if he did not do this those military arms manufacturers would go out of business but what he must be careful of is that he does not push the wrong people too much or it could cause a war and no one would benefit from that.

Edited by Russell17au
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2 hours ago, Coremouse said:

U're ok to say that if u're rich folk. For us low income, cheap(sometimes good quality too) Chinese/Taiwanese products allows us a life, and that's it.


Being a scumbag/ignorant country is just like what US/Japanese once was. Standard improves with economy, if us/japan could grown out from a copycat country no reason a faster growing China wouldn't. 


Plus, while US is stirring insurgency and trade war in the globe, China is lending serious infrastructure funds(and their cheap products) for some under-developed coutries really need them. Whether u brand China as just bribing, manipulating, u still can't deny they're doing some good while Trump is all talks & tweets.



And you are who? China? Come on my dreaming friend, think more than that. China is the Devil. US is the secondary devil... Why do all or many Chinese want to live in the USA? Why does Hong Kong People fight? Why do Tibet indigenous people fight China? China is BS is the biggest A Hole devil there is for the world. No freedom with China, so F China and their government. USA is loads better. 

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1 hour ago, Thomas J said:

The Chinese have a huge advantage over the USA, they dont have to worry about elections.  So they can carry on a trade war with the USA knowing that the political winds will change and they will have a more compliant administration to work with.  They know that the West does not have the long term interests in mind.  The USA has for decades allowed China to build its economy by selling low cost imports to the USA while they protect their domestic industries with strict import limitations. 

The current spat in US is indeed benefiting China. There are advantages when you have an entire country completely under your thumb, you can let them suffer for a long time to get what you want, infra projects can be done quickly due to cheap and abundant labor available without any safety considerations, etc. And you can have magnificient hockey teams and a red choir like good old CCCP had. That's about it though.

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12 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

And you are who? China? Come on my dreaming friend, think more than that. China is the Devil. US is the secondary devil... Why do all or many Chinese want to live in the USA? Why does Hong Kong People fight? Why do Tibet indigenous people fight China? China is BS is the biggest A Hole devil there is for the world. No freedom with China, so F China and their government. USA is loads better. 

Dunno you're serious or just being sarcastic buddy, those speech felt like straight out of Himmler????

Why do all or many Chinese want to live in the USA? Very simple... the USA being more rich, much developed, right now. And many easy dudes straight worship USA. 


Myself a Chinese transgender, honestly I was tortued by police & sociaty and hold quite some grudges(though I mostly exacted my revenge, partly thanks to Xi's anti-corruption campaign), that's largely because I'm from a rural area where people were so uneducated, so narrow minded then. But each time I visit back China it's stunning how fast everything improves with the economy, nowaday in any big China city it's quite normal being LGBT, plus there are no such bunch blaming "political correct" for everything from bad movie to scientific study. 


You're welcome to disagree but I think China is doing more good than evil, I also like how they handle trade war, either play dumb or return with equal measure but never escalate. Where current POTUS is a straight liar who only pressures the other party(not only China, but EU, Vietnam too), makes it like a chicken war to see whose bubble pop first. 


Sometime ago I was working with a CCPIT branch here in Bangkok, and met plenty Chinese investor most are honest responsible person. There's also a factor that big-scheming-national-corporate & richkids are more involved with (rich) developed country, thus those settle for Thailand are usually smaller buisness aim for, simple buisness

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22 hours ago, yellowboat said:

True, but the real winner is Vietnam, as China firms were already starting to migrate there.   Thailand is getting sloppy seconds.  Cambodia is seeing more business too, with an added bonus of easy work permits. 


The average Chinese factory owner is a pretty good or great person, and they have lowered world inflation.   Few US politicians understand trade, and Xi's reactions have made things worse for his own people.   Both sides will suffer. 

I have done business with many Chinese factory. Owners on my thoughts are good and bad, but that can be the case anywhere. I was actually taken by a Chinese owner once that I will never forgive or forget. Yes VN is the big winner and I also have done business with many of factory there. Very nice people. Cambodia has a long way to go. Thailand just has to keep what they got as it is becoming a big mess and the rug may be pulled out from underneath them soon. But still, got to love Thailand. 

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1 hour ago, Coremouse said:

You're welcome to disagree but I think China is doing more good than evil

I do disagree but everyone is welcome to their opinion. As it looks if things keep going the way they are, the world in the great future (Besides India) will be called China if it doesn't have brakes put on all the advances.

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1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

I have done business with many Chinese factory. Owners on my thoughts are good and bad, but that can be the case anywhere. I was actually taken by a Chinese owner once that I will never forgive or forget. Yes VN is the big winner and I also have done business with many of factory there. Very nice people. Cambodia has a long way to go. Thailand just has to keep what they got as it is becoming a big mess and the rug may be pulled out from underneath them soon. But still, got to love Thailand. 

Had a two good experiences in Thailand.  The problem with Thailand is they either cannot keep up with China, or their manufacturing base is just so narrow, too few products outside of handicrafts.   They make much of the world's auto parts, but do not have a their own automobile brand.   Their locally made motorcycles seem interesting, but the ones I looked at had a Chinese engine.  Would like to see more from Thailand, but junta mania and the visas takes its toll, vanquishing the desire to do business.  We get a lot done in Thailand now, but will not expand as neighboring countries are more business friendly, including China.   We deal with Thailand from the outside where it is less complicated.     

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On 10/1/2019 at 2:17 PM, grumbleweed said:

The Chinese are outsmarting the USA at every juncture. With tact and diplomacy they're taking over Asia and now have a foothold in Africa. The old US way of bombs and bullets has failed. Their self serving bullying sanctions will become meaningless as they slowly become isolated. Eventually the Indian economy will also overshadow that of the USA. The "Big I am" is slowly but surely becoming the "little me"

This is great! All the rest of you can start paying foreign aid while us "American tax payers" keep our money for our own benefit and not yours!!!

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