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EU tells PM Johnson to stop playing 'stupid' Brexit blame game

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30 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

And I'm not punting this for a laugh - if we don't teach a proportion of the British electorate the reality of what No Deal actually us then this will never end. 



It has to end.


It has dragged on far too long.


Repeating myself but ‘we’, since May’s departure, have tried to get a deal that would get parliamentary approval. If the EU cannot step up to the plate on that then we are <deleted> for future dealings - 5hat being the case, leave with No Deal and deal with the consequences.

  • Haha 1
Personally I fully support Boris in this. He may be a clown on some issues but he is right on this. He needs to play hardball. His threat to veto the upcoming 7 year budget is great....
The EU have negotiated in bad faith. Our MPs have turned the deal down 3 times. They need to come to the party and understand that their hard line will not stand. 
The clowns in Parliament who have done nothing for 3 years and are now panicking that Brexit might actually happen, also need to wake up and see that voting everything down and offering no solutions is no longer an option. We need unity, not party politics as usual. Labour should come to the party and accept that there is a mandate for Brexit. They will be creamed in an election of they don't accept this.
May was totally in error taking no deal off the table. In any negotiation you never take your most important leverage point off the table at the outset of the negotiations.....it is asinine....and our opposition as asinine for continuing to insist on it. The EU took advantage of May's stupidity and gave us a truly awful deal which is expensive, ties us forever to the EU rules and regulations and gives us no say. If we do a no deal, Britain can do what it likes with the backstop and Leo Varadkar can go pound sand. When push comes to shove he is going to want a deal that gives him some say in the issue. He doesn't want Stormont to have the final say, as they will put a hard border in.
Boris not a clown says Hard Brexiteer [emoji1782]

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Good I'm 100% with you let's bring this to a head once and for effiong all.

If that was posted by anybody else, I might even believe it.
I know you are only trolling, but get your vote in for a 100% No Deal Exit anyway. Tell your mates that you have seen the light too.
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  • Haha 1

No, they will still keep moaning even after we have left and all’s well with the world. Remainers are simply like that - didn’t get their own way and it’s moan moan moan. I dare say that given their constant displays of europhilia some of them will still be trying to rejoin long after the EU has begun its death throes.
Hard Brexit chant to keep up spirits.

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Come to my senses - but wasn't trolling just very very angry . Farage has just said the Head of the European Parliament has had talks with Bercow to pass on the message an extension can be granted if we have an election / referendum. Farage reckons that a 2nd referendum bill could get through the Rump Parliament as a way to stop No Deal - so referendum - then election.  And You Gov says there is a big enough majority to remain. So there is still hope to bury this nonsense once and for all. 





See you all in London on the 19th !


March Together for the Final Say  - For our Country. For our Future

We cannot let this broken Brexit be forced on the British people.

It's now clear that this is a crisis that cannot be settled by our Prime Minister or his Government. It can only be settled by us, the people.

That’s why we’re marching together in London on Saturday, October 19th for the Final Say on Brexit.

Save the date. And let’s save the country.



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1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Best of three ?  :passifier: The irony is the peoples vote already happened while another would be retainers vote.. everyone knows that and not for one moment should anyone expect that result to be honoured no matter the outcome. Why would it. ?


You dont get it yet do you ? that would just make an election about standing on a manefesto of leaving the EU no matter what by way of revoking any result of the second ref or having yet another ref etc. Plus the SNP would have to be allowed another ref etc. It opens more problematic doors than it closes. This will not end with simply another ref, its ridiculously childish to think it would. 


Genie is not going back in the bottle, the only way to stop Brexit is to revoke article 50 but again that would last as long as gap until the next election.Then see paragraph above. No future gov can be bound by the past and one with a majority like Blair can do whatever they so wish.


BTW These stupid demonstrations are getting less and less effective every time there is one, currently the climate change loonys are camped in London and will be on the 19th or its final day party so expect delays, so theres that. All it does is cost the country money...







  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, englishoak said:

Best of three ?  :passifier: The irony is the peoples vote already happened while another would be retainers vote.. everyone knows that and not for one moment should anyone expect that result to be honoured no matter the outcome. Why would it. ?


You dont get it yet do you ? that would just make an election about standing on a manefesto of leaving the EU no matter what by way of revoking any result of the second ref or having yet another ref etc. Plus the SNP would have to be allowed another ref etc. It opens more problematic doors than it closes. This will not end with simply another ref, its ridiculously childish to think it would. 


Genie is not going back in the bottle, the only way to stop Brexit is to revoke article 50 but again that would last as long as gap until the next election.Then see paragraph above. No future gov can be bound by the past and one with a majority like Blair can do whatever they so wish.


BTW These stupid demonstrations are getting less and less effective every time there is one, currently the climate change loonys are camped in London and will be on the 19th or its final day party so expect delays, so theres that. All it does is cost the country money...







As Dominic Cumming's qouting Malcolm X is wont to say - by any means necessary. Referendum - vote to remain and that's that. You get the pound back , investors in the UK come back we get an economic bounce and then you get an election where you can waste your vote on Farage if that's what you want or ranting on the Tommy Robinson fan-boi page if that rocks your boat. 3 and a half years and three PM's on an advisory referendum ago does not a mandate make. I get it all too well I don't want to destroy my country on the advice of a motley crue of lying toads that weaponized working class destruction at the heart of globalization , wrapping themselves in the flag , dog-whistling immigration and indulging in panto-villain politics and seem to think that an alliance of Eton tories/ stock brokers and hedge funds have their best interests at heart. 


And what are you going to do about it-  got your hi-viz ready for an M25 blockage ? Last time white-van man did it plod gave them a word and they all sheepishly got off the motorway at the next exit. And you and your ilk have cost this country dear already and every single TVF member with the rinsed pound - an apology would be a start. 

  • Like 2
25 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

As Dominic Cumming's is wont to say - by any means necessary. Referendum - vote to remain and that's that. You get the pound back , investors in the UK come back we get an economic bounce and then you get an election where you can waste your vote on Farage if that's what you want. 


You dreaming if you think that would be as simple as that. Show me one time Cummings has said  - by any means necessary.... your projecting your own wishes there... at least be honest what you care about is  yourself and an exchange rate you want in the very near future....

I get your desperate to have your 40 bht but frankly thats very unlikely unless the bht has something to do with it.. Brexit or not wont fix that. 

The pound hasnt gone anywhere, nor investors have gone anywhere just holding on committing until certainty nor will investors come back any time soon while things are still in limbo, they would if anything hold off until after the next election... just more uncertainty isnt going to help and the blowback in the next election on these parliamentary parasites who refuse to allow an election now and gerrymandered will be severe.


Never voted for farage in my life, but i might have to or Tory depending  cant vote for Labour or Libs as i would usually as they wont abide by the peoples wishes. And there are a lot like me out there 






9 minutes ago, englishoak said:


You dreaming if you think that would be as simple as that. Show me one time Cummings has said  - by any means necessary.... your projecting your own wishes there... at least be honest what you care about is  yourself and an exchange rate you want in the very near future....

I get your desperate to have your 40 bht but frankly thats very unlikely unless the bht has something to do with it.. Brexit or not wont fix that. 

The pound hasnt gone anywhere, nor investors have gone anywhere just holding on committing until certainty nor will investors come back any time soon while things are still in limbo, they would if anything hold off until after the next election... just more uncertainty isnt going to help and the blowback in the next election on these parliamentary parasites who refuse to allow an election ow and gerrymandered will be severe.








Don't worry a referenda launched by the rump parliament will start two rats in a bag fight between the tories and Brexit party. Johnson isn't getting his election till we have 'cut off his legs' helped by you Farage loving guys who will do the heavy lifting for the 'remain alliance'. If we voted to stay in we would get 40 easily maybe up to 45 as the nightmare lifted. You'll thank us begrudgingly then over a cheap pint at spoonies. Mark my words. I spend a few hours every week on Brexit picket duty down in Whitehall and around Parliament and virtually every copper I have spoken too is against Brexit and like the anti-Brexit folk because we are polite , law-abiding and coherent and treat them with respect and humour.  It's the barely coherent flag waving louts supporting leave and the problems they cause they have the most contempt for. 


“A man is known by the company he keeps”

― Aesop

  • Like 2
20 minutes ago, englishoak said:


You dreaming if you think that would be as simple as that. Show me one time Cummings has said  - by any means necessary.... your projecting your own wishes there... at least be honest what you care about is  yourself and an exchange rate you want in the very near future....

I get your desperate to have your 40 bht but frankly thats very unlikely unless the bht has something to do with it.. Brexit or not wont fix that. 

The pound hasnt gone anywhere, nor investors have gone anywhere just holding on committing until certainty nor will investors come back any time soon while things are still in limbo, they would if anything hold off until after the next election... just more uncertainty isnt going to help and the blowback in the next election on these parliamentary parasites who refuse to allow an election now and gerrymandered will be severe.


Never voted for farage in my life, but i might have to or Tory depending  cant vote for Labour or Libs as i would usually as they wont abide by the peoples wishes. And there are a lot like me out there 






Here's a song for you my friend.....



1 hour ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Here's a song for you my friend.....



You seem rather desperate to find an enemy, thats not me "friend" I couldnt care less about you one way or another.  i dont care about the exchange rate either  which is what I think your probably most upset about and blaming Brexit for. Really thats  more about bad economic management and QE the past decade. I do however care about the little honesty thats left in my country and its electoral political system and why I can and will no longer vote either Labour or Liberal.. and I will use my vote and as said before im not the only disgusted one who will.

  • Like 2
7 hours ago, englishoak said:

The whole thing comes direct from the Spectator, only part thats mine is "Game On" at the end.


Interestingly No 10 have not refuted it and its one heck of a long statement to just "make up" also the media has been VERY quiet about it in the full context, id conclude that its real, as is the leak about Merkles stance on N Ireland must stay in full. 


I dont need to make up or fake anything, the media do plenty of that, I posted it so you can judge for yourself what the spectator is making up or not. 


It looks like to me the answer is right there and given plenty of retainers and i suspect the EU a bucket of cold water in the face...thats why the media is being quiet about the whole reply and your just getting bits, some of the words used are the strongest youll see so far about foreign powers meddling in domestic business of the UK,   couple that with some MPs working with said foreign powers to undermine the country being investigated and if found to be the case thats treason. Under those conditions there is much a gov can do including ripping up agreements. 


Things just got real, the price to leave is N Ireland and break up of the UK, as ive said before.. That wouldnt bother me but it would bother unionists, that is the EUs plan B imo... plan A was to use N Ireland to keep the UK in believing we would not let it go.... Boris along with the DUP agreeing to alignment and 4 year reviews virtually gave that option to unify Ireland but Merkle and the EU want plan A so are poo pooing B for now.... I still think it will be plan B at the last minute.... plan C which is leaving with no deal id prefer but thats not likely atm imo. 

Links to article in Spectator please. I'd love to know which journalist they are employing who hasn't even got a basic command of the English language.


"Things just got real, the price to leave is N Ireland and break up of the UK" Links to this pile of nonsense please.

  • Like 1
You dreaming if you think that would be as simple as that. Show me one time Cummings has said  - by any means necessary.... your projecting your own wishes there... at least be honest what you care about is  yourself and an exchange rate you want in the very near future....
I get your desperate to have your 40 bht but frankly thats very unlikely unless the bht has something to do with it.. Brexit or not wont fix that. 

The pound hasnt gone anywhere, nor investors have gone anywhere just holding on committing until certainty nor will investors come back any time soon while things are still in limbo, they would if anything hold off until after the next election... just more uncertainty isnt going to help and the blowback in the next election on these parliamentary parasites who refuse to allow an election now and gerrymandered will be severe.
Never voted for farage in my life, but i might have to or Tory depending  cant vote for Labour or Libs as i would usually as they wont abide by the peoples wishes. And there are a lot like me out there 
"There are a lot like me out there" [emoji1782]

Sent from my SM-N935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Links to article in Spectator please. I'd love to know which journalist they are employing who hasn't even got a basic command of the English language.


"Things just got real, the price to leave is N Ireland and break up of the UK" Links to this pile of nonsense please.


"sigh" Your now replying to another post and know full well i was referring to the first you pretended wasnt accurate, you can go find the article and pay for subscription yourself if you wish I posted the original article in full,  links wont work if not subbed so i saved you the cost of subbing, wasnt that nice of me ?  I dont care if you want to believe it or not.


I get it, your trying to vent and find an outlet. Your bent on having a troll with someone who dosnt give a stuff about you, your denial or your desperate need to argue about what is going on to make yourself feel better... Nothing personal but you mean nothing to me so give yourself a break and stop wasting your time playing post games with someone who dosnt care about scared argumentative little men getting angry on a forum because they dont like the news . If youve not read the site before the link is here and you might get lucky or a couple of articles but its for subs only usually https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2019/10/how-number-10-view-the-state-of-the-negotiations/ enjoy. 







What a beautiful thing the Eu, for years they have been doing everything to make the UK's release difficult!
Johnson looks more and more like his cousin Trump ...????

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