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What would you do with this episode


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2 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

 Somebody who's blaming Thais to watch soap operas in their OWN house, on their OWN TV, must have some mental issues.

Ha Ha  .....    I know what you're saying.   The sad fact is that so many guys get into situations here (and elsewhere)  that they just didn't expect.   Even two very nice longterm friends of mine are living in relationships that I could not.     Guys get stuck and don't know how to get out.  The child factor is often a reason.... but sometimes its just lack of fortitude.   Other times bad financial "arrangements".

I made mistakes, think most of us do.  Its what you do after that which will determine if you can progress to a better life.    Will OP succeed ?    who knows       No woman No kwai     

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12 minutes ago, rumak said:

Ha Ha  .....    I know what you're saying.   The sad fact is that so many guys get into situations here (and elsewhere)  that they just didn't expect.   Even two very nice longterm friends of mine are living in relationships that I could not.     Guys get stuck and don't know how to get out.  The child factor is often a reason.... but sometimes its just lack of fortitude.   Other times bad financial "arrangements".

I made mistakes, think most of us do.  Its what you do after that which will determine if you can progress to a better life.    Will OP succeed ?    who knows       No woman No kwai     

Thanks at least i opened up a topic for others to take a peek at another side of the rolling ball of REALITY here. its been a good post from my perspective and had my bum spanked by a handfull of realists my fave was BM Sheryls take on it all amongst others.

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On 10/16/2019 at 6:42 PM, sirineou said:

Perhaps I am old fashion but.....

  Two years, you have a daughter ,and the mother of your daughter is still your Girlfriend???

and then you complain about their culture?  Don't you think that's a bit of the kettle calling the pot black?

There are so many posts about a house where termites ate the wood which seems to be the reason why the guy moved into the house of people who need their privacy, watch their soap operas when they want and how long they want.


I don't believe the stories that make it look like he's innocent and had no other choice than moving into a house he's got nothing to do with.


    I think we had to read a lot of made up stories and it's time to stop reading them. 


Ex sold an engine? What does that have to do with a man from a totally different culture who doesn't seem to have any financial means?


   If the child really exists, I feel sorry for her and for all the people who have to put up with this guy. 




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1 minute ago, Isaanbiker said:

There are so many posts about a house where termites ate the wood which seems to be the reason why the guy moved into the house of people who need their privacy, watch their soap operas when they want and how long they want.


I don't believe the stories that make it look like he's innocent and had no other choice than moving into a house he's got nothing to do with.


    I think we had to read a lot of made up stories and it's time to stop reading them. 


Ex sold an engine? What does that have to do with a man from a totally different culture who doesn't seem to have any financial means?


   If the child really exists, I feel sorry for her and for all the people who have to put up with this guy. 




Oh poo ! yep the biker dude has hit the nail on the head, can we start a go fund me page for a new hand bag for this poor geezer.

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1 hour ago, Isaanbiker said:

There are so many posts about a house where termites ate the wood which seems to be the reason why the guy moved into the house of people who need their privacy, watch their soap operas when they want and how long they want.


I don't believe the stories that make it look like he's innocent and had no other choice than moving into a house he's got nothing to do with.


    I think we had to read a lot of made up stories and it's time to stop reading them. 


Ex sold an engine? What does that have to do with a man from a totally different culture who doesn't seem to have any financial means?


   If the child really exists, I feel sorry for her and for all the people who have to put up with this guy. 




I try not to be judgemental  because I don't have enough information to do so, but it seems to me that if you have a child with a girl you need to do the right thing.

All ese is BS.

 You either marry the girl and have a life with her and your child, or if you don't want to marry the girl you let her go and have her life , and you go have your own life, but do the right thing provide for your child, and for the mom so she can provide for your child. You play you pay!!

I can see perhaps staying with the inlaws for a litle, while you get on your feet, save some money and get your own place with your family , and then you can make decisions what happens in your house.

While you are staying with the inlaws you need to be appreciative, respectful and thankful,you need to put up with some things as they are putting up with you. 

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5 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

Ex sold an engine? What does that have to do with a man from a totally different culture who doesn't seem to have any financial means?


   If the child really exists, I feel sorry for her and for all the people who have to put up with this guy. 

I've met the mother and child. I've heard the story of the pickup several times and live round the corner from the ex, who I know well. I can assure you that everything is true.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

They say money can't buy happiness, but it sure can buy options, such as never being in this guy's situation.

Well i get your drift but i "do have options" and it doesnt need a lot to book a ticket out, but i am working on avoiding that at least for now, was it John lennon who was quoted as saying ... theres no such thing as problems only sollutions ?? ironicly i was born in the same district and carry the same initials my name is John lloyd, i am not a target to have a go at i am a bloke with issues to solve .. Cheers!

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On 10/15/2019 at 7:11 PM, Liverpudlian said:

Theres no way i can take on an entire familly on in there own home and no way would i be able to move out and take her with me ... they have the power over me as i am n alien.

But seriously, if you are savvy enough ask the question (should I pack my bags?), then you should also be savvy enough to know the answer.

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