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were has internet shop today ,english language but local thai shops `?

i has orden lot raspi and arduino parts at lazada but no have all what need, etc. were i found atxraspi board ? need build raspi safe shutdown whit time realy close power after shutdown. board have lot easy add than solden all board many little component diy at home, can solden but no have all little component many need orden, easy has if can orden cheapen than diy made atxraspi board. and many other need future too, cheap display to raspi about 17"-22" under 2000 B i hope. aluminium sheet 10mm ticht and 20mm no has found anywere 7 last city what i has go looking and asking many million shop, why not have aluminium anywere ? need made my diy CNC ready but no have 2 year found aluminium anywere. no need big, only 2 pcs, 190x310mm pieces 10 or 20mm sheet. Z axis need build, then can start make more, raspi project need ATXRASPI board, arduino need code help little how input decimal can change 4 to 4,5 etc. or 4,51 decimal. then i can write relay code out id ph have 5,7 run pump x ,read analog input if ph biggest than read sensor ph do pump x.


I ordered lots of Arduino modules and other parts from China at https://sea.banggood.com/

And electronic parts in Thailand from https://www.es.co.th/index.asp

Recently I also discovered this PCB service with very prices, but I didn't use it until now: https://jlcpcb.com/


If you need Arduino help I recommend https://forum.arduino.cc/ and https://arduino.stackexchange.com/



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