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Settlement visa UK - Worried about financial docs

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Been living here for 10 years. Married to Thai wife for 7 years, 2 kids both with British passports.

We've decided to relocate back to the UK for various reasons.

I work online for a Chinese company, though it's not a salaried position, i get paid per hour. From what I've read, non-salaried and living abroad they average the previous 6 months earnings and then times it by 12 to meet the 18,600. Is this true? If so then that's great because i more than meet the annual requirement. The main problem i have though is that my company doesn't issue payslips, when i asked them to provide them they have only sent me a tally of my earnings over over the past 6 months. They have also sent me a letter confirming my employment/commencement/position/salary etc. I'm really worried about the payslip situation, i'll obviously provide 6 months bank statements to match the salary I've earned, but i'm just worried that the application might be rejected based on not providing any 'payslips'. Everything else in the application is spot on and meeting the requirements. Shall i just chance it with what the company have sent me? Will it be okay? Please any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated, I'd hate to lose 1500 quid over something trivial especially when our application will meet all the requirements.





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Have a look at the financial requirements here



Looks like you are correct (see 5.1.4) in that it's an average of the last 6 months multiplied by 12.  The key thing is the supporting evidence.  I've just recently applied and because I get online payslips I had to ask the company for an additional letter to confirm the online slips I'd downloaded and printed out were correct (on top of the letter confirming employment / commencement / salary etc).  It could be in your case that you get a monthly breakdown with and additional letter from the company - What's important is the date you were paid and a matching amount going into your bank account.

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Thanks for the reply mate. Yeah, I'm hoping the accompanying letter should satisfy the decision maker. I'm going to ask the company to send another letter specifically stating that they don't issue payslips and the amounts shown in the tally are genuine.


There was another thing I forgot to mention in the op. All the stuff the company have sent me has been via email, so i've just printed it out. I'm sure I read somewhere in the application appendix that all documents must be original. Would you recommend original, signed letters from the employer? or would the ones I print out suffice?


With regards to the payment date, they 'say' they release my monthly salary on the same date every month (bank wire transfer). However, some months it's arrived on that date and other months it's been a day or two late. Is this likely to hinder the application?


Sorry for so many questions. I feel like i'm staring at a mountain right now with all this paperwork and i'm worried sick i'm gonna send something wrong. I really appreciate your reply mate, thank you.

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36 minutes ago, rorybreaker83 said:

I'm sure I read somewhere in the application appendix that all documents must be original. Would you recommend original, signed letters from the employer? or would the ones I print out suffice?

The Financial Requirement are very clear in respect of the evidence required for earnings:

3.3.7. Payslips must be original formal payslips issued by the employer and showing the employer’s name, or be accompanied by a letter from the employer, on their headed paper and signed by a senior official confirming they are authentic.

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Re. some payments being a day or two off I don't think that would be an issue - the important thing being that it tallies up with the bank statements.  I believe what they are looking for is solid evidence that the amount the company says it's paying is in fact ending up in your account.


As for printed emails, as tog says, it's pretty clear they ask for authentic, headed paper, signed documentation.  For our initial visa a few years back I was lucky that the Thai company I was working for gave me those carbon style printed payslips.  For the latest visa (the FLR) as I mentioned it's all online slips now.   I had to print those off and get a letter from HR saying they are genuine - she even signed my printed slips.  All of that was on top of the standard employers letter.  


I know the feeling though - does feel like a mountain, but it can be done.  Take your time, be sure to do the research and drop by for questions.



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