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Maybe A Stupid Question, But Here Goes!

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Last time my Thai wife and I went to the AU Embassy in BKK, we had everything that we carried taken from us at the guard gate. :D

That occassion was to get some info about importing some stuff to AU, but the fact that we were unable to take the documents and examples of what we wanted to import made it very difficult to explain.

Now we have a bigger possible problem. :o

My Thai wife is wanting to proccess immigration papers to go to AU, and I am collecting all the data needed for taking to the Embassy.

I am in AU and she is in TH.

As we need to prove our relationship we have collected mountains of emails, letters, cards, etc since 1997.

We have 2 weddings to show, one in AU and one in TH, but both are on CD and also we have copies on VHS as well.

The question is;

  • Has anyone had problems getting evidence in the form of CDs and VHS into the embassy?
  • Is there anyone we can contact to find out the rules or guidelines about this?
  • Any other comments about evidence to show our relationship is genuine and lasting?

Bronco, maybe you have some info on this? :D

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I have not attempted to take "CD's / VHS into the Australain Embassy in Bangkok (never had a reason to take them in) but I have been in the embassy several times over the past few years the last time being at the end of last year.

I had to leave my briefcase at the gate (security shack) and my mobile telephone at the downstairs desk. (fones have been know to detonate bombs)

I / we conducted our business and left uplifing our possessions on the way out.

Now if you (or in fact your Thai wife) is trying to get a visa and you want to prove your relationship wouldn't the easiest thing be for her to take the marriage certificate (original and a copy) along with letters gauranteeing your financial support (perhaps an Australian bank statement to show you have sufficient funds) whilst she is in Australia and "hey presto" go back the next day or even the same day and uplift her visa (or immigration application)

Are you really serious in expecting that the embassy staff are gonna sit down and watch a CD of video of your nuptials.

Obviously you have access to a computer so why not e-mail the embassy and ask the questions that you want answers to.

Try [email protected] he will give you all the info you require.

If this is not possible your wife could even pick up a telephone and call the embassy (the numbers are even in the telephone book)

I can't help but ask the question are you really for real or have you escaped from reality??

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John B Good,

You are very ill-informed!

The original marriage certificate will not be accepted. They want a certified extract instead.

I am not stupid (or rude for that matter) however you have shown yourself to be lacking in several areas.

This was a qenuine question as I have already emailed the embassy and got no reply as yet.

How else are we to show our weddings, I don't give a stuff if they watch them or not, but after travelling all the way to Thailand and taking time off work to do it, I don't want to end up being without evidence. At least we will have the evidence if they require it.

Also I don't expect them to read the 500 odd emails we have either, but at least we will have suffient evidence. We have nothing to hide in the emails, so we have the full text available, not just headers.

I was using this forum to get feedback from others that may have had the exerience already , because it takes a lot of work to prepare all the data wanted, and I don't want to have to go about it again. I will be staying in BKK for 89 days and hope to get it processed in that time, knowing that it could take longer.

Thanks for the contact, if I get no reply early next week I will use that email address.

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I guess you probably meant well john, but I would suggest you read this book and maybe make some comments after that.

The Oz Embassy staff are not into giving advice or opinions on immigration matters freely, bit like pulling teeth.

As for ringing them good luck, that can be a frustrating experience.

The email experience can be another frustrating experience, you may get a reply and it may be relevant to your question too.

Your post indicates you have no experience in obtaining a Spouse visa, the mere fact that you say

"hey presto" go back the next day or even the same day and uplift her visa (or immigration application)
in the words of a famous Aussie " please explain".

Can you also explain the comment "visa or immigration application"? :D

You see Reggie and his Spouse are really well prepared for this application, and I hope it goes well for them, having been in his situation I know doubts exist and you just want to be sure you've got all bases covered.

Maybe you could do with a reality check my friend! :o

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Answer at last: :D

There should be no problem bringing the material in - it is placed in a

clear plastic bag at the gate.Β  Please note that all mobile phones must be

deposited at the reception without exception and under no circumstances can

a camera of any description be brought on to the premises.

With regard to the format in which the material is presented we prefer hard

copies of photos as frequently CDs refuse to play.Β  Also it is not always

practical for us to view videos.Β  In the event that you have a very large

photographic collection a selection of photos should be sufficient as long

as they are representative of the development of the relationship.Β  Having

said that however it is completely up to the applicant to provide whatever

evidence and in whatever quantities the applicant wants taken into account

in the decision making process.

Can I be of any further help?

Take note John B Good for future reference, and don't mouth off again if you don't really know!


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but isnt this whole process just a bungling bueracratic overhead!

how much work do these guys create just for one mangy three mth visa.

I am sure AU has much bigger immigration probs then a few thai girls.

Would love to meet and have a discussion with some of the bearded sandal and sock wearers in canberra about where the real problem areas are from asia.

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They do Snoop for sure, but play the game their way and provide them with all the evidence you posess in whatever medium it's stored, it's on them to review it.

Just make sure the application has all bases covered.

I still think the best guide is that Partner Migration booklet. :o

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