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42 minutes ago, Denim said:

Yala is pretty cheap. Off the tourist trail so no sex tourists or backpackers. As it is in the restive south they don't get many visitors but those that do go are very welcome.

You cant have travelled much in the south, and at least not lately to the new border city Betong? 

know what you talking about at least, sex tourists from Malaysia flourish down south, as other nationalities now from India to Chinese. Always been like that as long I have travelled Thailand all over many times. Beg and backpackers everywhere, and the muslim areas no exception.

7 hours ago, sakoo said:

I would argue it was the advent of the Vietnam war and horny American pigs looking to conquer the flesh of another man's woman that started the Thai sex industry and it was the US dollar that got it going. Don't blame the Thais for Western debauchery culture.

You should read about Thai history then, I can recommend "A History Of Thailand" from Cambridge University Press.

About 19th century Bangkok...
This combination [trade and Chinese in Bangkok, mentions in previous paragraphs] of elite male dominance and a culture of female labour was the setting for a thriving sex industry. The port and the Sampheng market area, home for many single immigrant males, housed many tea houses and brothels. The government included them among the services subject to tax-farms. In the late nineteenth century, women were imported from Japan to supplement the local supply. Aristocratic men, who once acquired women through the system of personal slavery, turned to commercial sources. The expansion in higher education, bureaucracy, and professions in Bangkok created another concentration of males and new techniques of trading sex. In the early twentieth century, street prostitution flourished. "No matter where you go in Bangkok", wrote a newspaper correspondent, "you cannot avoid coming across these women". In 1908 the government passed an Act to regulate brothels as part of its growing interest in public health, but the illegal trade far outweighed the regulated segment. The new cinemas served a secondary function as pick-up sites. By the 1920s Bankok had both exclusive clubs and street shows with erotic entertainment...

Page 103


About the US-soldiers R&R...

Bangkok was chosen for the GI's R&R ("rest and recreation") tours, with 45,000 visiting by 1967. New Phetchaburi Road became an "American strip" lined with bars, nightclubs, brothels, and massage parlours. Similar clusters mushroomed around the US air bases. The sex industry was not new, the public garishness was...

Page 149


  • Thanks 2
2 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

And just fyi, as far as I'm aware the vast majority of Thai sex workers (I think I've read 90% or something?) cater for Thai men. What you see in the tourist areas is just the tip of the iceberg - allegedly. So I'm not sure you can blame Johhny foreigner for the Thai sex industry. 

@sakoo, CGI Blue is almost quoting correct, it's 95 percent, so the "something" is the right number. I'm quoting from the study "Love In The Land Of Smiles, Prostitution In Thailand", from about 2010.


Since the 1970s, a part of the Thai sex industry has specialized in overseas clients, in response to growing tourist demand. This sector, although it represents a mere 5% per cent or so of the market is nonetheless very lucrative. Concentrated along the axis of main tourist trail, Phuket-Pattaya-Bangkok-Chiang Mai, it has opened up for access for prostitution in a variety of different recreational outlets, specialized according to the needs and habits of different nationalities, such as enclosed karaoke bars catering exclusively to Japanese or Chinese customers on the one hand and open-fronted beer bars and trendy discotheques for Westerners.

Page 19 – note that the 5 percent is not only Westerners.


Contrary to the situation in Western countries, Thai prostitution is discreet, in the sense that it is rarely conducted in the street. The trade centers on a wide range of establishments (60,000, according to a study in Thai Sciety): karaoke bars, brothels, massage parlours, bars, hotels, tea houses, night clubs, coffee shops and cocktail lounges. Some or all of these establishments are to be found in almost every city and town throughout the country, including those which have no tourist trade.


These red-light districts are principally targeted at a Thai male clientele, which represents 95 % of the market.

Page 18.


Now I have the book with the study to quote precise, in reply to your statements about "Vietnam war and horny American pigs" started the sex industry:


About 14th to 17th century Siam...

Unlike Chinese, Indian or Muslim societies, Thai culture has always been based on relative straight forward, non-conflictual relation between the sexes. The comparative ease with which an individual could marry, divorce or re-marry, and the ready availability of concubines to men rich enough to afford them, ensured a freedom of personal sexual behavior with long acted as a curb on the spread of prostitution, even though a sex industry undoubtedly existed in the various Thai kingdoms of the 14th to 17th centuries.

Page 10.


About 17th century Siam...

...prostitution was institutionalized in the mid-17th century...


Throughout this period Thai society seems to have had a particular tolerant attitude to prostitutes, who were not marked out in any way from women pursuing other professions.


In the reign of Rama I (1782-1809) prostitues and brothels, which were then steadily on the increase, became subject to a government tax known as "road tax".

Page 11.


  • Like 1
7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

I agree.


It's informative, confrontational and positive all at the same time.


I've just came back from shopping in Nong Khai, and this thread has caused me to seek out the more reasonable places.


There is a fishing resort in east Nong Khai that is very resonably priced. Seeing as you only pay for what you catch; don't catch any fish. Their food is OK though, and it's worth a visit. Put your feet up for a couple of days and enjoy. Not you, of couse Odi, but anyone who wants cheap living. Toilets not great, but on the upside, the lake water is clean enough for a bathe.


Pringles are on a special in Big C. Three big tubes for 55 baht.

Well...yes,the OP wants to embark on his own odyssey but has (not so subtly) has transformed it into a "narrenschiff" form of narrative.


I certainly think that English is his native language.

  • Like 2
8 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:



to stay focus on your topic

i read that you want do your trip during the low season in Thailand, so somes tips


1\ the low season is also the raining one, so particularly if you want to camp

try to avoid the southand all the usual flooded area.


2\ during the low season a lot of guesthouse are close

particularly the chepear one, because the lack of customers, and some

sites like Agoda do not remove their offer even if it's close (I have experimented it 

in Kao lak and Surat thani in last september)


good luck

Thank you for the tips. How come you said Amen? It means so be it. I take it you agree with my point of view? Why do you think the others don't agree? And why do you agree? 


1 minute ago, sakoo said:

History is an opinion. If you only read what White people have to say about the world you will remain forever ignorant about the world. The best example is how little Western people know about the Soviet assistance provided in WW2 for example to topple Nazi Germany. If you depend on Cambridge or Oxford to learn about the world, you might as well check the CIA World Factbook, these are all tainted sources designed to make the West look superior. I suggest you quote me some Thai or Vietnamese sources as well as Chinese and Russian alongside your Cambridge, of course you won't. But it's what it takes to explain. history properly. History is just a version of events. It is not fact based. And it gets changed all the time. 

"The best example is how little Western people know about the Soviet assistance provided in WW2 for example to topple Nazi Germany."


I don't think I've met anyone that doesn't know that. You might be surprised to learn that there are many people on this forum know far more than you about WW2, they've lived it.


As you are a native English speaker, US? you are now outed as a troll, back under your bridge, your mummy will be looking for you.


Bloody millenials...what are they like? 555

  • Like 2
8 hours ago, Denim said:

Yala is pretty cheap. Off the tourist trail so no sex tourists or backpackers. As it is in the restive south they don't get many visitors but those that do go are very welcome. Basic accommodation easily found for 100 a night and if you don't mind small portions then a bowl of noodles can be had for 15 baht. 


Possible to sleep at temples and accompany the monks on their alms giving rounds. The food the monks dont eat is given to the poor but weary travelers are welcome. No need to use a tent since there is usually an empty novice monk place available. Basic but better than a tent.


By moving around and only eating one good meal a day it is possible not to spend any money at all. But moving from one temple to the next is done on foot unless someone is going your way. You can even make a very little bit of money on the way by giving English practice lessons, necessarily cheap because you are living amongst the poor and seeing the country as a tourist never can.


Sometimes , you can get lucky and attend a wedding with the monks who are paid to be in attendance. You can expect a cut if you ate assisting the monks.


If you get bored seeing the real Thailand and want to go to Bangkok you can go free by bus if you are not in a hurry.


Just jump on any bus and go to the back if the bus. When the conductor comes you can pretend you have been robbed but only just found out the fact. Spin this charade out as long as possible since while the bus is moving it is ticking off the mileage.


Two things can happen. You get kicked off the bus so you have to get the next one and repeat, or someone will feel sorry for you and pay your fare.


Oh yes, it is still possible to travel the length and breadth of Thailand not only for free but if you are careful and not fussy to turn a modest profit.


This way , the OP can be truly proud of himself that he has not been taken advantage of and has made many Thai friends along the way.

If you're serious about that behaviour, you're a terrible person. 

  • Haha 1
9 hours ago, tabarin said:

Add on the difficulty to wanting only vegetarian curry at a low price + camping remotely + insane expected budget. 

The absolute bottom would be 600B a day and that is not that fun, a realistic minimalist budget. Less as a moving tourist is like being a homeless.
(3x50B food = 150B, 50B others, 200B avg. dorm, 120B transport, 80B entertainment avg. = survival, not a holiday)

You don't understand economics at all! 600b a day?  That'll be the day! And your figure is relative and certainly not absolute. And you don't get to decide what fun is for other people. And you also don't understand minimalism or appreciate the reality of different people. And looking down on people because they don't make the same mistakes with money as yourself. Typical Western behaviour. 

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, sakoo said:

You don't understand economics at all! 600b a day?  That'll be the day! And your figure is relative and certainly not absolute. And you don't get to decide what fun is for other people. And you also don't understand minimalism or appreciate the reality of different people. And looking down on people because they don't make the same mistakes with money as yourself. Typical Western behaviour. 

OK, I revise my opinion, you're a Brit. Sorry Americans, the shame is all ours!

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
9 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

You came across as a reasonable person in your original post, but the subsequent scatter-gun insults and vitriol aimed at just about every race is concerning. Maybe travelling alone on a tight budget is a bit of a risk for someone with this much pent up anger? 


And just fyi, as far as I'm aware the vast majority of Thai sex workers (I think I've read 90% or something?) cater for Thai men. What you see in the tourist areas is just the tip of the iceberg - allegedly. So I'm not sure you can blame Johhny foreigner for the Thai sex industry. 


It is only because it hit a nerve so I suggest you focus on what you didn't like to read vs what you did like, only then can you grow as a Thai Visa member. That is why you're here, aren't you? To grow as a person? And what is it exactly that I said, in quotes, that isn't reasonable? And which races have I gone after? There is only one race I mentioned in a negative way and they deserve it 100% because they are a guilty people with a disgusting culture and history. And what makes you think I am traveling alone? Where did you conclude that from? You see this is what I mean. When you don't have information, you fill in the holes with your lack of knowledge about me. That is what's disconcerting. And don't you worry, I don't get drunk, so the chances of getting into a murderous fight in Thailand is the domain the white man. I am in bed by 9pm. And everyone has anger, it is just some of us express it different ways. Trying to signal me out here will always fail. I suggest you take a more proactive approach if you wish to continue with me. 

10 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

Wrong on one point. They weren't "another man's woman", they were all virgins before the yanks got here. Greedy though, didn't leave any virgins for the rest of Western civilisation to sample.

They're pigs, that was the point. Talking about virgins, etc.. is just more evidence of how sexually immoral America has always been. They really should repent to their Lord and Saviour while they still can. Three is no justification for sex outside of marriage and certainly none in visiting brothels. For a people who value women's rights, they really do a number by exploiting women's bodies for entertainment. The West has always been the most hypocritical place on Earth. They complain about other countries being violent but they themselves manufacture and arm the rest of the world, even UK, France and Germany are arms exporters. They are guilty and have their hands drenched in the blood of innocents. The US for example has gone to war 52 times since 1776. What a disgusting country. Only a demonic people would yearn to fight so much. They have their judgement coming. 

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, Ventenio said:

absolutely WRONG.  study your history and do a little research on the chinese in and around Bangkok.


mods need to stop this negativity.  

How about you post that research (especially if it's not from a Western source). I bet you don't even know how to research if it's not from a washed down version that's been filtered to make your own people seem like the saviours of the world. It is true everyone exploits women, but for a people who claim to be uphold women's rights, why do you go to Thailand to sleep with their women on such a grand scale. Why not help Thai women come out of their sexual debauchery. Could it be because you really don't care about women at all? And that you are hypocrites with your emancipation of women as equals to men. How would you feel like it if a foreign army came to America and slept with your women. I bet you'd be angry because you are an angry, aggressive people. War history proves that. UK and US. 

10 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

has used a few phrases that only a native English speaker would use. Just a wind up merchant who doesn't like his own medicine.

Interesting approach, however it would have been more useful if you would put the quotes next to those languages so I can see what you're on about. I am not from any of those places by the way. And I change my approach depending on the person. I can also change my accent at will. It is a signature from all the countries I've visited. So don't get too confident about figuring me out. Even in person, you will fail to understand me. Mostly because people are usually too into themselves to actually understand others point of view. Everything said is just a waiting moment for their chance to respond, all the while learning nothing about the other person in the moment. 

11 minutes ago, sakoo said:

For a people who value women's rights, they really do a number by exploiting women's bodies for entertainment.

Over my lifetime, women have exploited my body for entertainment more than I have theirs.


11 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Three is no justification for sex outside of marriage and certainly none in visiting brothels.

Good example. You can't have three in a bed if you don't have sex outside marriage...unless you're a Moslem. Also, I have had 3 in a bed but not in a brothel. I can remember one occasion when 18 year old identical twins got me drunk, took me to their bed and defiled me. Oh, the shame!



10 hours ago, RedPill said:

Yes, ok, I agree with that.


But overall, don't take this as the norm to measure and budget for a trip, if that makes sense ...

Why wouldn't 30b/meal be the norm? All you have to do is go to a street market and do the rounds. Roti is even cheaper. And cooking cheapest of all. It is the pinnacle of consumption culture to think you need to spend all the time, every time. You don't. The whole philosophy of "splurging" is just that - a philosophy, it isn't necessary or rewarding. It's just a way of squeezing the easily squeezed. I think it's more a case of personality differences than economics. 

3 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Why wouldn't 30b/meal be the norm? All you have to do is go to a street market and do the rounds.

5x moo ping sticks from a roadside stall plus 5bht of sticky rice, 30bht.

More than I could eat at one sitting.



I just read through this thread and I can't understand why it is still running. The OP has been disgustingly racist in almost every post. If I wrote these posts referring to "Black Men" or "Yellow Men" I can guess what would happen to me. Instead this arrogant, penniless idiot has gotten away with it for pages and pages.

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11 hours ago, IraqRon said:

Jeez, you are rich you really are, asking for folks to do all your research for you as you are too cheap to do it yourself, and all the factors you mentioned, christ, do you really think someone should spend the time to do all this for you?????

Talk about a cheap charlie, you are the winner,,, and oh yes, you will really be helping out Thais with you projected budget won't you.  Alos will you have travel insurance???? Doubt it.

It's alright Charlie I know you are vexed by all this, but try to understand. IT is a deception to let money and finances be a lens for you. It's not what matters. It's material and only the non-physical will remain once this whole show comes to an end. Now, as for your remarks. I have already done the research. Asking questions doesn't mean I myself am not doing anything simultaneously? It is called a multi faceted approach, you guys do some work, and I will do it as well, and combine the results. Have you ever heard of efficiency? And yes there will always be people who want to help others no matter what. Many such as yourself will only want to help other conditionally, for example, does this person make ME feel good? If not, fudge him. That's the Western attitude. As for the Thais, of course I will be supporting their businesses. I may not help the hotel, but the family run guesthouse will make a thousand Baht from me for sure, if I stay there a week. But unlike Charlie, and your other buddies, I will see the smile on their face when I speak Thai to them and show interest in their language, while you will be struggling with the non-English menu, eventually giving up and going to the overpriced place just because of its English menu. There's the real winner for you, Charles. 

11 hours ago, Tagged said:

On order to do some really wild and adventorous like this, you have to be kind of maniac when planning, and great desire to accomplish anything like this. Also the speed of thinking, and brilliant understanding as clever writings when answering replies. 


I can get the idea, but not willing to try myself. 

Are you complimenting me? 

12 hours ago, RedPill said:

That's the thing you haven't understood ... there are no more 20b Pad Thai's on the market.


You can't live on 100b per day, it's 2019.


I've been to a gas station last week, where they have all those Black Canyon style of franchises.

What was it called, 'Yen taa foo', or something like that.


A Thai dish costs 240 Baht ... a Thai dish! 

A Noodle soup 150 Baht ... 


I was pretty shocked about it, but this is the direction where it goes.


On the markets in a village, you get your noodle soups for 40-50 Baht ... but how far do you get with your 100b per day and what are you going to eat all day long, day after day? Only Mama noodles?


It's time for you to be realistic and set your correct expectations. 


Something starting upwards from 500b per day for food would be more correct and what you can expect in Thailand anno 2019, and that's still pushing it, when you are traveling.

I think you've been had with those prices. Of course you can eat for 20b, have you herd of roti canai? Or vegetable fried rice? Pad thai hold the egg still costs under 30b, especially if you ask in Thai, with a smile, and gentle voice. It helps if you're handsome (and the vendor is a lady). They will give it you, because it is also how much they would give themselves). The key is to connect with the locals so they stop looking at you like they do the white man/ Then it's an open door to local's prices. It's like that in every developing nation. You guys too readily accept what you'r told about economics and money. I see it as a deception to overcome. 

9 minutes ago, sakoo said:

Are you complimenting me? 

No, I just asking to take your meds, before you go over the top in your cleverness, brilliance and superfast hypermode thinking. It can be to much for most, even you. 


50 post in a morning even before breakfest, is quite remarkable

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