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I have iPhone10.  My phone region is normally Belgium. I tried to download the app Section38. When did a search on App store a message came on the screen saying: APP NOT AVAILABLE,  this app is currently not available in your country or region.

Then I changed my region to Thailand in my setting, and when do search now in app store it says NO RESULT

Can someone help me out how to download the app, and not blocking my total phone after

Thank you


I want to register my condo I rent instead of my owner, He gave me all documents needed to do it, then after registrationm immigration will sent me login and password and then after whenever I leave country and return I can do my TM30 myself and dont have to disturb my owner every time.


You want to install this application:

    <a http="https://apps.apple.com/th/app/section38/id1451853492?l=th">‎

    Section38 บน App Store</a><br>

on your iPhone and then use it to file the report online (also note the "eTM6" app to do a TM6, and the "IMM eSERVICE" app to do a 90 day report, second line of icons from the bottom of this web page)? Rather than, say, opening Safari on your Mac desktop or cellphone and doing it from this web page?

    <a http="https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/">

    Login For FN Hotel</a><br>




If you go to


and put "section38" in the search box, it told me "0 results found" on the web page


But if I change "/us/" in that URL to "/th/" I get the web page


which has 2 search result icons on it, one for TM30 and the second row for 90 day report. I assume this corresponds to changing the settings on your iPhone from USA to Thailand. But then the web page is in Thai. ???? Google translate renders these as


    Section38 is an application for notification of residence of aliens via mobile application ...
    See more
    IMM eService
    Various service systems Of the immigration office that provides services for foreigners living in Thailand through mobile applications - ...
    See more

Clicking on the blue "ดูเพิ่มเติม" or "see more" text link takes you to


which tells you about the app, but in Thai. Change "l=th" in the URL to "l=en" and you get the English language web page


except the middle of the 3 reviews is still in Thai, probably because that user typed it in that way. If you did this on your cellphone rather than me on my laptop, it should offer installation to you. With the app installed, you could then make your own TM30 after traveling rather than bother your landlord. If your extension of stay requires 90 day reports, install the second app and you should be able to do that hassle online also.

6 minutes ago, dave s said:

Clicking on the blue "ดูเพิ่มเติม" or "see more" text link takes you to


which tells you about the app, but in Thai. Change "l=th" in the URL to "l=en" and you get the English language web page


except the middle of the 3 reviews is still in Thai, probably because that user typed it in that way. If you did this on your cellphone rather than me on my laptop, it should offer installation to you. With the app installed, you could then make your own TM30 after traveling rather than bother your landlord. If your extension of stay requires 90 day reports, install the second app and you should be able to do that hassle online also.

90 day reports have zip to do with tm30.

The op has not clarified why he even needs to do a tm30. I fly out/in Los every 2 weeks. I recently did my first ever tm30 via condo report just prior to annual extension CW. 

IO was not even interested in my tm30. Oct 11/2019


Dear Dave, yes when click on the the app is coming, but then when click on the app the phone opens Itunes app stores and the comes on my screen:


This app is currently not available in your country or region


So, still same what I got before. 


I sent you a "private message" or "PM". At the upper right of your web page is a green bell icon and a green envelope icon. Do not post any personal data here on the discussion item, nor send it to anyone here on TVF.


Removed two off-topic posts.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


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