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The week that was in Thailand news: Thai banks: The "Chang Principle" and "Leo Hypothesis"


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12 hours ago, overherebc said:

Everyone has a choice. That's the point.

Many expats from UK will have plans to return to UK in later years to take advantage of heaith services, free bus passes, education services for their dependants blah blah blah probably without contributing to UK all their working lives.

Your post is wrong in so many ways. Its just innacurate predudiced nonsense. The expats you refer worked in the Uk before they became expats thus contributed as required. During this time as expats they paid taxes on any UK based investments. The obligations the UK state has to individuals is not just based on the individuals contributions but that of their parents and grandparents and even their current family. When an expat is away he is not using,  nor or are is family using services in the UK. When he returns it is unlikely he will have kids who are of an age requiring education.  He paid for theirs when he was abroad. You view of expats is a Daily Mail, over simplistic,  reductive view which bears no resemblance to reality.

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16 hours ago, inactiveposter said:

I’m a newbie here (8 years), and have made a monthly transfer of funds from my US Bank to the New York branch of a Thai bank where I have a local account here. This month the transfer didn’t go through. The US bank executed the transfer but it was refused by the NY Thai branch. Went to my bank here and they said the NY branch changed their routing processes and I would have to contact them to fix it !?!? Still working on it.


I suggest you go to this thread and read it:

Edited by Roy Baht
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Mention of the River Ouse in jest struck a memory cell.  In late 1973 working

Army comms in NE Thailand near Mukdahan I chanced upon an abandoned airfield at Leong Nok Thai.  This is roughly halfway between Mukdahan and Ubon Air Base.  A handmade small sign read "River Ouse" or "Ouse River".  That airfield was built by British Army Engineers as displayed on a concrete marker with a brass plaque.  British Army signals units also did intercept missions in that area too.


Terry W. Colvin

( a few miles south of Hua Hin )




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"This was the story of the arrest in Chiang Mai of two "beg-packers" selling stuff in the street without work permits. One poster - in appalling ignorance of real news - asked if this was "newsworthy". Are you kidding! Stories that divide public opinion like this are the lifeblood of online news."


NICE ! ...


.... And also ...


"Generally their economic theories are worked out on the "Chang Principle" (height of barstool divided by depth of beer remaining in glass) or the "Leo Hypothesis" - that Thais and Thai banks will do everything to shaft you especially if you are a foreigner."


Thanks. ... By the way ? Where is Bernard Trink these days ? .... And I assume that you might get a bit of Local stick these days, if you wrote "Trink the Trink ... Nuf said" on the walls in big black texta, .... in the Loo in Soi Cowboy ! ? .... ??? .... (Nuf said ?) .... Right ?

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