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There Are Some Good Ones Out There.


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I see many who will knock the Thai ladies, generally saying they are only after a Farang's money, but I would like to paint another side to that picture.

For 3 weeks while I have been back in the UK sorting out legalities, my Thai g/f mother has been in hospital - and was before I came away - yet she has never asked me for a single Baht.

She has had extra expenses along with the rest of the family in paying for medicines and the cost of the clinic to add to the extra gas she has needed to drive the family back and forth to the clinic. She has paid UBC - with the money I left for that purpose s it is me who wanted UBC. She has also gone out and done extra work to help pay the bills.

Added to that she has also found a new hair/nail salon to run. I paid for the equipment for the first salon she got and helped with the first months rent while she got settled in to the business. Now, off her on bat she has found new premises at half the rental price, half the electricity and water costs too. Also this new salon has a kitchen, toilet, front room and a bedroom instead of the single salon room.

As she says, when I get back to LOS in a couple of weeks, I can sleep in the bedroom when I have been to the pub - saves driving back home. I can have Internet there too - a lot cheaper than out in the countryside. And as she has more than just the salon room I can spend more time with her.

She has paid the rent, electric and water bills herself too and from a business that is only just up and running

So it seems to me that not all the Thai girls are as bad as they are sometimes painted here in the forum. Depends where you find your girl, I suppose.

Any of you guys have positive things to say about your Thai g/f b/f wife / husband that will set back those who dearly love to knock these Thais?

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I was married to a Cambodian refugee in LOS before I ever experienced the bar life. She was an angel, she died young with cancer and I left LOS. She wasn't a BG as far as I know; I never asked, it wasn't relevant. That was long ago but I still miss her sometimes. Would I risk it again? Of course I would, having had no bad experience of Thais or Thailand. These girls we lift from the bars and marry are no more immoral than a European girl who has the right to physical relationships without being judged. And the majority of Thai BGs have much more morality than their European counterparts.

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There are many good stories out there, they just don't make as interesting reading on internet forums. :o

No, it's just that there aren't too many good stories. As I see it, this thread will be going after BGs, it'll probably get closed after 5 or 6 more posts.

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Ofcourse there are good women in Thailand.... much the same as anywhere else.

It is the ones who have become "Pattayarised" that can be problematic & little on the greedy side. It is such a shame what working in Pattaya does to innocent & nice girls.

I speak from recent experience. I met a girl working in a small Jomtien bar on her 1st day, but as she spoke English, ofcourse i didn't believe it. Turned out to be right, had worked in an English owned factory. Bumped into her elsewhere few weeks later, she liked me a lot. Lovely girl, very genuine. Not yet corrupted.

I stupidly passed over her to stay with a "bad girl" who's worked Pattaya for 5 years & has caused me many sleepless nights & cost me a lot in time, emotion & financially & who now wants to move on :-(

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Ofcourse there are good women in Thailand.... much the same as anywhere else.

It is the ones who have become "Pattayarised" that can be problematic & little on the greedy side. It is such a shame what working in Pattaya does to innocent & nice girls.

I speak from recent experience. I met a girl working in a small Jomtien bar on her 1st day, but as she spoke English, ofcourse i didn't believe it. Turned out to be right, had worked in an English owned factory. Bumped into her elsewhere few weeks later, she liked me a lot. Lovely girl, very genuine. Not yet corrupted.

I stupidly passed over her to stay with a "bad girl" who's worked Pattaya for 5 years & has caused me many sleepless nights & cost me a lot in time, emotion & financially & who now wants to move on :-(

Some BMs, like me, saw the real LOS before they found the tourist spots. In my case it was botched package holiday that landed me way up north instead of down south. I learned a lot about the people and the land, and especially the women, which I never would have learned on Soi 7 or Bangla. It gives you a totally different view of the whole scene and the ability to accept their way of life. I've never regretted that first trip and would recommend to anybody that they see a bit of the rest of LOS and not to form an opinion just on what they see in the bars.

Edited by qwertz
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I know quite a few Thai women and by and large they're all good people. Yes, the odd one can be a bit snobbish, or gossipy, and one or two I know for sure are gold diggers, but over all they are just normal, decent people like you find in any country in the world.

How and where you choose to interact with women in a country will determine your experiences with, and attitudes toward them.

I have no idea why anyone who thought that Thai women were as bad as some say they are would even bother with them. I'm certain if you looked a bit deeper you would find that in many cases they don't deal well with women (or people in general) regardless of nationality.

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I see many who will knock the Thai ladies, generally saying they are only after a Farang's money, but I would like to paint another side to that picture.

For 3 weeks while I have been back in the UK sorting out legalities, my Thai g/f mother has been in hospital - and was before I came away - yet she has never asked me for a single Baht.

She has had extra expenses along with the rest of the family in paying for medicines and the cost of the clinic to add to the extra gas she has needed to drive the family back and forth to the clinic. She has paid UBC - with the money I left for that purpose s it is me who wanted UBC. She has also gone out and done extra work to help pay the bills.

Added to that she has also found a new hair/nail salon to run. I paid for the equipment for the first salon she got and helped with the first months rent while she got settled in to the business. Now, off her on bat she has found new premises at half the rental price, half the electricity and water costs too. Also this new salon has a kitchen, toilet, front room and a bedroom instead of the single salon room.

As she says, when I get back to LOS in a couple of weeks, I can sleep in the bedroom when I have been to the pub - saves driving back home. I can have Internet there too - a lot cheaper than out in the countryside. And as she has more than just the salon room I can spend more time with her.

She has paid the rent, electric and water bills herself too and from a business that is only just up and running

So it seems to me that not all the Thai girls are as bad as they are sometimes painted here in the forum. Depends where you find your girl, I suppose.

Any of you guys have positive things to say about your Thai g/f b/f wife / husband that will set back those who dearly love to knock these Thais?

My friend, I am guessing that you've spent too much time in the bars, I for one am married to a Thai woman, and for sure you will never hear me talking bad about her or any of her respected friends. As other people have pointed out, it depends where you find these women to the experiences you have. I find your post a little disrespectful........ (implying the bad against the good, open your eyes) IMHO

Edited by solent01
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Firstly congratulations! A good woman is a blessing to find in any country or culture. And YES of course there are plenty of great Thai women out there, just stay out of the bars and you can find them. Decent men don't usually go looking for Miss right in strip joints back in the States or whatever country they hail from, so why do it here?

Anyway I love using mine as proof, she's awesome and means the world too me, check out this simple kindness that I bet many of us with good Thai woman have experienced and it's made us feel like kings....

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Firstly congratulations! A good woman is a blessing to find in any country or culture. And YES of course there are plenty of great Thai women out there, just stay out of the bars and you can find them. Decent men don't usually go looking for Miss right in strip joints back in the States or whatever country they hail from, so why do it here?

Anyway I love using mine as proof, she's awesome and means the world too me, check out this simple kindness that I bet many of us with good Thai woman have experienced and it's made us feel like kings....

A lovely lady there. Congrats :o

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When I first came to Thailand I stupidly fell in love with a girl who worked in a cocktail bar. Long story. It turned out that her mother was a gambler, and the girl was trying to keep the family together by scamming money off me and using it to pay her mother's debts.

I also had numerous bar-girl encounters over about four years......... Every single girl that I had dealings with was honest, up-front, and hard-working, in the nicest possible way for a horny bachelor. Two or three of the girls I got to know pretty well, a couple went on to marry farang.

Finally I was introduced to my wife, who has a degree, from a good middle-class family, and totally dedicated to my happiness.

I am certain that the farang men who get into trouble do so mainly because they project their own needs onto a girl who is mainly interested in making money. That is why she is in the prostitution business. Okay, some of them, maybe all of them, would like to meet a nice man and settle down. But that nice man is probably not the farang who is falling all over her at the moment.

Be realistic. Get to know and understand what the girl's genuine needs and wants are, and don't fool yourself by projecting your fantasies onto her.

There can be no better wife than a Thai wife, IMHO.

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I must say I have read a lot of good posts in this topic.

I think Duratanium is right, before I came to Thailand and met my (now) girlfriend, my impression (formed by reading (mainly bar) forums was a little tainted. :D

My opinions have changed , 1 because I do not read these crappy forums with their sad little (or large) men and read decent forums such as this one (not sycophantic honest). :o

And 2, I am happy to say that I have found a good Thai lady who totally loves me ( and that’s why Nebukanezar’s little video, almost (liar), brought a tear to my eye, I feel as lucky as you my friend) and I would like to relate a few instances that convince me that I have the best girlfriend in Thailand/world. :D

The first time I stayed at her (parents) home before I arrived she had bought (using her own money from making sweeping brushes) a mattress so I would be comfortable.

When I went back to the UK I gave her a few hundred pounds that I had left over, when I came back to Thailand about 6 months later her father (who is a jack of all trades builder) had built an extention (breeze block and plastered) on the side of the house with on suite shower and western toilet, she also bought a thicker mattress (I think mainly due to the fact that when I went home her 3 year old son slept with her and could not wake up to go to the toilet).

She had also bought a TV,DVD and stand, wardrobe and a kettle for my nam char (tea), although she still gets up at 5 am to do my canum bang bing, which she butters with a fork.

Finally, I presume we all know the buffalo dead and father ill stories, when I called her from the UK one time and she told me her father was ill (I think it was an abscess in his mouth) and had to go to hospital, ding aling aling alarm bells went off in my head, my first question to her was, how much would the treatment be (I was thinking how much 1,000,000 baht is in pound notes), well she replied, it is free, and I knew then that I could safely commit to her. :D

I agree, not as exciting as being an old fool who has been taken in by a devil Thai women but what can I do, just lucky I guess). :o

Steve. :bah::D:bah:

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Steve, glad you found a lovely lady, but to be honest, this country is full of great women, it seems that the only guys that complain are the guys that think with the other head :D

I did that for years and never had a single complaint. :o

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I see many who will knock the Thai ladies, generally saying they are only after a Farang's money, but I would like to paint another side to that picture.

For 3 weeks while I have been back in the UK sorting out legalities, my Thai g/f mother has been in hospital - and was before I came away - yet she has never asked me for a single Baht.

She has had extra expenses along with the rest of the family in paying for medicines and the cost of the clinic to add to the extra gas she has needed to drive the family back and forth to the clinic. She has paid UBC - with the money I left for that purpose s it is me who wanted UBC. She has also gone out and done extra work to help pay the bills.

Added to that she has also found a new hair/nail salon to run. I paid for the equipment for the first salon she got and helped with the first months rent while she got settled in to the business. Now, off her on bat she has found new premises at half the rental price, half the electricity and water costs too. Also this new salon has a kitchen, toilet, front room and a bedroom instead of the single salon room.

As she says, when I get back to LOS in a couple of weeks, I can sleep in the bedroom when I have been to the pub - saves driving back home. I can have Internet there too - a lot cheaper than out in the countryside. And as she has more than just the salon room I can spend more time with her.

She has paid the rent, electric and water bills herself too and from a business that is only just up and running

So it seems to me that not all the Thai girls are as bad as they are sometimes painted here in the forum. Depends where you find your girl, I suppose.

Any of you guys have positive things to say about your Thai g/f b/f wife / husband that will set back those who dearly love to knock these Thais?

i got a bad one , and she waited for six years until she worked me over....badly. having said that,i must admit that my next one will definitely be a thai.there are some really good thai women out there, and i think that most of the horror stories(and there are plenty) can be attributed to our misunderstanding of thai culture and human nature itself. if you were to meet a farang woman under the same circumstances as most of us are likely to meet a thai woman, would you be surprised if she worked you over? i was totally disillusioned with the whole scene ,but found kindness,generosity,sympathy, and great service with no reciprocal expectations after i lost almost everything, and to miouw,pim,gop,kim,niet and a good couple of others: i salute you"

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I see many who will knock the Thai ladies, generally saying they are only after a Farang's money, but I would like to paint another side to that picture.

For 3 weeks while I have been back in the UK sorting out legalities, my Thai g/f mother has been in hospital - and was before I came away - yet she has never asked me for a single Baht.

She has had extra expenses along with the rest of the family in paying for medicines and the cost of the clinic to add to the extra gas she has needed to drive the family back and forth to the clinic. She has paid UBC - with the money I left for that purpose s it is me who wanted UBC. She has also gone out and done extra work to help pay the bills.

Added to that she has also found a new hair/nail salon to run. I paid for the equipment for the first salon she got and helped with the first months rent while she got settled in to the business. Now, off her on bat she has found new premises at half the rental price, half the electricity and water costs too. Also this new salon has a kitchen, toilet, front room and a bedroom instead of the single salon room.

As she says, when I get back to LOS in a couple of weeks, I can sleep in the bedroom when I have been to the pub - saves driving back home. I can have Internet there too - a lot cheaper than out in the countryside. And as she has more than just the salon room I can spend more time with her.

She has paid the rent, electric and water bills herself too and from a business that is only just up and running

So it seems to me that not all the Thai girls are as bad as they are sometimes painted here in the forum. Depends where you find your girl, I suppose.

Any of you guys have positive things to say about your Thai g/f b/f wife / husband that will set back those who dearly love to knock these Thais?

Lol, youv'e picked a great one here! :o

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I totally agree with your post! But in LOS many people think the very comman truth!

1: Money.

2: Family.

3: Love.

4: Something whats not alould to be spoken on this forum!

Please no one take offence as theres none intened! But most know the way?

Most of the complainers maybe. More an example of someone who has been connecting with the wrong sort of people and gotten the mistaken assumption that it is the norm.

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I totally agree with your post! But in LOS many people think the very comman truth!

1: Money.

2: Family.

3: Love.

4: Something whats not alould to be spoken on this forum!

Please no one take offence as theres none intened! But most know the way?

Most of the complainers maybe. More an example of someone who has been connecting with the wrong sort of people and gotten the mistaken assumption that it is the norm.


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A gentle reminder that bargirl/barboy discussions aren't permitted on TV...

I've never discussed anything relating to bargirls here (darn, this is a first)but I don't quite see why the ban on the topic.

Just curious.

Also curious about the following from frikkiedeboer:

having said that,i must admit that my next one will definitely be a thai

Why would you limit yourself to a nationality? Isn't that severely limiting your choice?

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“There are some good ones out there” That kind of slant indicates a fairly negative generalization of Thai ladies. I knew that when I moved here from the west as a single guy, that my chances of finding a quality partner would greatly improve. The key word here is quality. That is not why I came, but I knew it would be a boon.

I find western women to be a self important bunch of gold diggers, with a ‘what have you done for me lately’ look on there face every time you just want to relax and be real. I dated more than my share of western ladies and found I was continually disappointed. I wanted someone who was interested in sharing a life not someone who was always listening to their girlfriend to discover how they felt that day.

It’s the whole female empowerment, Oprah Winfrey, Cosmo magazine, mentality that really makes western women about as appetizing as defrosted dinners. They are looking for the man to perform feats of style, romance, and career climbing, for the approval of her peers. This will earn you a pat on the head if you are lucky.

I prefer an Asian lady with plans to build a life, someone who feels they have to work for the relationship too. I prefer a lady who thinks about ways to please her man, someone who is pleased by a man who sticks by her. I prefer dedication to judgment and vague value systems any day. This type can’t be found in the bars either.

I found mine, You can have the rest.

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I was hospitalised for 5 days only a short time into the relationship with my girl and she insisted on sleeping over in the room every night I was there. She slept on a not particularly comfortable vinyl sofa and got up in the morning, showered in the room before going off and working a full day. At the end of the day she went and got food and supplies for me from town and clean undies from home before coming back to join me at the hospital room. I might also add that I was on several I.V. drips that made toiletting fairly difficult and I was forced to wake her 3 or 4 times a night to pass me the bed bottle....she never complained once.

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I find western women to be a self important bunch of gold diggers, with a ‘what have you done for me lately’ look on there face every time you just want to relax and be real. I dated more than my share of western ladies and found I was continually disappointed. I wanted someone who was interested in sharing a life not someone who was always listening to their girlfriend to discover how they felt that day.

It’s the whole female empowerment, Oprah Winfrey, Cosmo magazine, mentality that really makes western women about as appetizing as defrosted dinners. They are looking for the man to perform feats of style, romance, and career climbing, for the approval of her peers. This will earn you a pat on the head if you are lucky.

Oh, here we go again.. generalisations & negativity. No, I've decided I can't be bothered to debate this. Done it too many times, if you cannot praise one group of people without deriding another, I guess that's your look-out. :o

To balance this praise of women out a little, I'd like to tell a story about my Thai BF. Little bit of background: my mum & I run a dog rescue center (non profit org), mum's now in HK working, while I'm still in LoS. At this time (a couple of years ago) we were both living in LoS & my BF (now deceased) was living with me. Right, mum & I had run out of money & she was back in UK releasing some capital. She'd left some money for us, but between us & some unexpected expenses in the dog center (& no donations) I'd used nearly all of it. I desperately needed some money, so I decided to sell a diamond pendant of mine for 10,000 bt. None of the jewellery/pawn shops would touch it, so I tried to sell it privately. No luck, until my BF said one of his friends wanted to buy it. I handed over pendant & guarantee & got money.

BF at this time started another job. He was a musician, but he also started working in a friend's bar. Just to help his friend he said.

5 months later, we held a fundraising auction for dog center & were asking businesses & individuals for donations to auction. BF gave me my diamond pendant. None of his friends had wanted it, so he had taken out a 10,000 bt loan to give me the money & worked 2 jobs to pay off the loan, all without telling me! He donated the pendant, on the proviso that it made the 10,000 bt he had given me (for the dogs, not for him). It didn't, so he gave it back to me. I now wear it a lot & would never part with it, as it is a symbol of what lengths BF would go to for me.

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