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Thai female scams Thai men: They were looking for a pick-up but paid for pick-ups instead!


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1 hour ago, Rocket Hawks said:

Yes, the guy is responsible 100%. Not only is this woman not attractive at all ( far better talent locally in the clubs, just visit Illuzion in Phuket and you can take home women 10x as beautiful for free ) but if you're going to pay to dip your wick, you might as well catch a flight to Amsterdam for the weekend and sample their talent ( way better looking women than Thai girls, rates are far cheaper, and no scams to worry about as Amsterdam is the safest city in the world ). See for yourself. We don't have women like this in Thailand: https://www.beautyescortsamsterdam.com/ ( all girls here are legit. It's Amsterdam folks. Amsterdam is a very honest city ). Amsterdam for the weekend for 30,000 baht and the time of your life or 2.5 million baht on some countryside low-life and nothing to show for your money? Stupid is as stupid does. I've never seen so many absolute morons as I've seen in Thailand. It's like men here are just born to be losers and throw their money down the drain.


a) anyone that has to pay for sex in Thailand has to be utterly incompetent as a male because it's way too easy to get laid the old-fashioned way in this country ) yes, even if you're 60+ ) and b ) anyone that pays for sex in Thailand is an absolute moron as there are far better looking women in both Europe and the USA at drastically discounted rates relative to what high-priced Thai escorts are charging ( the good ones in Phuket charge 60,000 baht / hr ). VS Amsterdam, you can get smoking hot talent for 10,000 baht/ hr and in the US, you can score top Beverly Hills talent for around 30,000 baht / hr.


Methinks you're 'shopping' in the wrong places and getting scammed nomatter how much money you have! LOL

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

It is still a scam but I feel guys are also responsible. I mean if a girl so much younger and so pretty looking shows attention to someone who is a lot older and probably not that attractive then warning lights should turn on.

Hahah. Advice every bitter fok here took never. 

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1 hour ago, Rocket Hawks said:

Yes, the guy is responsible 100%. Not only is this woman not attractive at all ( far better talent locally in the clubs, just visit Illuzion in Phuket and you can take home women 10x as beautiful for free ) but if you're going to pay to dip your wick, you might as well catch a flight to Amsterdam for the weekend and sample their talent ( way better looking women than Thai girls, rates are far cheaper, and no scams to worry about as Amsterdam is the safest city in the world ). See for yourself. We don't have women like this in Thailand: https://www.beautyescortsamsterdam.com/ ( all girls here are legit. It's Amsterdam folks. Amsterdam is a very honest city ). Amsterdam for the weekend for 30,000 baht and the time of your life or 2.5 million baht on some countryside low-life and nothing to show for your money? Stupid is as stupid does. I've never seen so many absolute morons as I've seen in Thailand. It's like men here are just born to be losers and throw their money down the drain.


a) anyone that has to pay for sex in Thailand has to be utterly incompetent as a male because it's way too easy to get laid the old-fashioned way in this country ) yes, even if you're 60+ ) and b ) anyone that pays for sex in Thailand is an absolute moron as there are far better looking women in both Europe and the USA at drastically discounted rates relative to what high-priced Thai escorts are charging ( the good ones in Phuket charge 60,000 baht / hr ). VS Amsterdam, you can get smoking hot talent for 10,000 baht/ hr and in the US, you can score top Beverly Hills talent for around 30,000 baht / hr.

The master sex tourist has spoken. 

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1 hour ago, Rocket Hawks said:

Yes, the guy is responsible 100%. Not only is this woman not attractive at all ( far better talent locally in the clubs, just visit Illuzion in Phuket and you can take home women 10x as beautiful for free ) but if you're going to pay to dip your wick, you might as well catch a flight to Amsterdam for the weekend and sample their talent ( way better looking women than Thai girls, rates are far cheaper, and no scams to worry about as Amsterdam is the safest city in the world ). See for yourself. We don't have women like this in Thailand: https://www.beautyescortsamsterdam.com/ ( all girls here are legit. It's Amsterdam folks. Amsterdam is a very honest city ). Amsterdam for the weekend for 30,000 baht and the time of your life or 2.5 million baht on some countryside low-life and nothing to show for your money? Stupid is as stupid does. I've never seen so many absolute morons as I've seen in Thailand. It's like men here are just born to be losers and throw their money down the drain.


a) anyone that has to pay for sex in Thailand has to be utterly incompetent as a male because it's way too easy to get laid the old-fashioned way in this country ) yes, even if you're 60+ ) and b ) anyone that pays for sex in Thailand is an absolute moron as there are far better looking women in both Europe and the USA at drastically discounted rates relative to what high-priced Thai escorts are charging ( the good ones in Phuket charge 60,000 baht / hr ). VS Amsterdam, you can get smoking hot talent for 10,000 baht/ hr and in the US, you can score top Beverly Hills talent for around 30,000 baht / hr.

Could you please codify this to a wallet size “quick reference chart” ?


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Hi nice to meet you... My name's Dick maybe we can meet & have coffee sometime,

hello Dick nice to meet you too, coffee sounds good, Ohhh can you pay an installment on a new pick-up for me and act as guarantor?.. I'm on a blacklist and can't do it!

Dick: yeah I don't see a problem with that, I'll drop by the showroom tomorrow, nice outfit by the way !!!!!


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Met her on a dating site. Obviously her pick up lines were attractive.


A Thai secretary in our office once perfectly copied the company President’s rather complex signature and wrote cheques to buy a pick up truck. You would think they would get smart and buy a Benz instead.

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The farangs and their gooses that were laying the golden eggs were eaten by the Thai for some time. Now the scams are Thai to Thai.


But beware, there is still a buffalo with a broken leg in a village far, far away that you never heard of.

Edited by Tops
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It never ceases to amaze me that so many older men are so desperate they get parted from their funds for a bit of "company", but these fools seem to be younger age group.

Good on her for using her talents, stupid as she must have known she would get caught. 

Hope the courts see fit to put an "end" to her schemes

I am wondering how she managed to collect the vehicles in the first place, has to more involved than just her, surely the dealers were aware of her scheme.



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On 12/11/2019 at 10:43 AM, Matzzon said:

Of course the men where stupid, but she was also stupid enough to think that this wouldn´t catch up with her.

It hasn't caught up with her.  A women rented my S-i-L's car, sold it in Cambodia; she was never prosecuted; Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed.  S-i-L was a nurse and had to pay four years of bank loan for a car she did not have.

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I don't think she did anything illegal.... I think she is smart and crafty and knew how she could find the help she needed (from those who were only poised to USE HER)...... and then she was also smart enough to know she was on to a good thing....... SHE was aware of the old addage... ....................'DO UNTO OTHERS, BEFORE THEY DO UNTO YOU".......................

I have an 'Farang' aquaintance, from Oregon in the USA, a 'stingy bloke' 'Handsome man' who uses those dating sites to meet college girls in Thailand and 'Plays' them for sex but spends 'minimal' on them.... Usually college girls who have families with money....

I'm pleased to know this girl did well.... at least better than that 'Friend of mine who USES those girls' ........

I think people in her village in Surin can Use her help and make the best of the good luck for them...... I will bet that the monthly payments on most of those trucks will be made 'on time'.....

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1 minute ago, mikebell said:

It hasn't caught up with her.  A women rented my S-i-L's car, sold it in Cambodia; she was never prosecuted; Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed.  S-i-L was a nurse and had to pay four years of bank loan for a car she did not have.

Do you see how bad this sounds? Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed? She did not report that or made a dispute on a higher level? If not, you did not help her with it either?

Totally crazy and unrealistic.

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7 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Do you see how bad this sounds? Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed? She did not report that or made a dispute on a higher level? If not, you did not help her with it either?

Totally crazy and unrealistic.

I agree and say 'Thanks'..... I read it a bit different than Colinneil read it............

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13 minutes ago, mikebell said:

It hasn't caught up with her.  A women rented my S-i-L's car, sold it in Cambodia; she was never prosecuted; Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed.  S-i-L was a nurse and had to pay four years of bank loan for a car she did not have.

Your S-i-L should have had Thai Insurance on the car..... as MOST of us have......

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21 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Do you see how bad this sounds? Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed? She did not report that or made a dispute on a higher level? If not, you did not help her with it either?

Totally crazy and unrealistic.

Very few Thais report corruption as the 'higher levels' are as corrupt as the lower levels.  They are also vindictive.


I could not 'help her with it either?'.  Did you want me to pay the 10K?  At another police station, my wife was told her husband's (mine) next visa would be 'difficult' if I pursued a particular course of action.


I'd dearly love to gun down corrupt police but I am being very realistic. 

I agree with your one word 'Crazy' and ' how bad this sounds'.

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